Chu Jiang has long been used to the prison trouble of the jungle law. He just slowly twisted his neck and looked back. A guy with a board inch and a height of half a head higher than himself was standing there, holding his hands proudly in front of his chest, and looking at Chu Jiang with a grim smile: "newcomer, what's your name?"

"Chu Jiang! Brother, I'm new here. Please take care of me." Chu Jiang answered honestly, then smiled and said:“

"Chu River?" The tall man hehe smiled and noncommittally bared his teeth. In his eyes, Chu Jiang was a rookie and was about to make them happy. So he took a step forward and stepped on Chu Jiang's bed. Then he pointed his hand directly at Chu Jiang's chest and shouted, "Why are you so ignorant of the rules? Whose stool is it? Do you know, can you put things around? Has our boss agreed?"

"Ah, oh, who is your boss?" Chu Jiang seemed very frightened.

"This is our boss here." The tall man raised his fingers back, pointed to the scar man just now and shouted.

Chu Jiang looked down his fingers and sat lazily on the bed with a pair of triangular eyes staring at himself after talking with the escort policeman.

Looking at the cell boss, Chu Jiang seemed to want to say something.

The scar man said coldly, "this guy doesn't know the rules at all. Once he comes in, he doesn't know how to be filial. We must teach him some rules. Come on, bring that basin of foot washing water."


At the command of the scar man, the two people quickly brought a basin of muddy foot washing water, which seemed to be the foot washing water that had been washed by many people.

The tall man took a step forward, sneered, and the corners of his mouth were full of mockery: "boy, our boss spoke. He didn't like you, and decided to teach you a lesson. Tonight, you can drink this basin of foot washing water as soon as you feel happy, and everyone will have a good sleep."

"If you don't drink, I'll feed you myself. Maybe I'll do something else for you when I'm interested. My boss may be interested in your figure." He opened his mouth with a grim smile.

"Cough, boss, I'm a rookie, and I still have... Disease. Yes, it's lung disease, and I can't drink so much water. In case I die on the way to drink water, isn't it a trouble for boss?" Chu Jiang smiled bitterly.

He coughed heavily, his body trembled slightly, and a touch of red came out of his mouth, a rhythm that was hanging at any time.

Seeing him like this, the prisoner who leaned over immediately subconsciously dodged, covering his mouth and dared not speak. Nima's, lung disease can be contagious!

The tall man jumped away, looked panicked and asked, "do you have lung disease?"

"Yes, tuberculosis, in its middle and late stages, was treated until there was no money. I went to rob some money tonight and came in as a result."

Does tuberculosis also have advanced stage?

Chu Jiang sighed, "well, come in. Here, you can eat, live and cure."

"You, you roll to that corner, don't sleep on the bed." Tall people look even worse.

"Er Zi, are you stupid? Even if the police are stupid, they won't throw tuberculosis patients in. This boy plays with you and touches him." Scar man's vision was also unique, and he shouted.

The tall men were a little stunned, and immediately understood that they had been fooled, so they were all angry, rioted, and rolled up their sleeves to clean up Chu Jiang.


Chu Jiang picked up the basin of foot washing water and splashed it out against the overhead light.

With the sound of "Z -", the light bulb was short circuited and directly burst, startling everyone to dodge, and the scene was in a panic

Then the house went dark, and the tall men had blurred their vision. Only the corridor light outside the cell came in.

"Asshole! Asshole! Get him out and kill him." The tall man roared, because all the foot washing water poured out by Chu Jiang just now splashed on his face. He shouted to his companion while wiping off the foot washing water on his face.

"Where are people? Where are people?"

A dozen people wandered around looking for Chu Jiang's figure, but there was no shadow of him in the surrounding circle, only plastic pots and lampshade fragments.

Nima's, can this boy be invisible?

"Are you blind? I'm here." As the tall men turned around, a lazy voice sounded from the most comfortable corner.

The tall men turned their heads and saw Chu Jiang sitting behind the scar man, holding a piece of glass in his hand.

This piece of debris was placed on the scar man's neck, trembling, as if it would go in at any time. If the windpipe was cut, it would be dead.

I don't know when the scar man's second-hand feet were dislocated, and his tears were about to come out of the pain.

Brother Jiang has been wandering in the Jianghu for many years. Of course, he knows the truth of catching thieves and kings first. This is the most effective and labor-saving way to solve the problem.

"Asshole, let go of our big brother!"

"Asshole, let people go immediately, otherwise I will kill first and then commit rape, and then kill and then commit rape!"

"If you dare to touch our eldest brother, we will destroy you together!"

When they were tall and angry, they came up with all kinds of words.

The scar man's forehead was in a cold sweat, and he struggled to squeeze out a sentence: "bastard boy, don't mess around, otherwise, you will really die."

"Disorderly will die, I will not disorderly, but whether the glass will disorderly, my hand sometimes can't control." Chu Jiang scratched a scar on the scar man's neck with fragments, and the blood flowed out in an instant, "let them step back and be calm."

The scar man screamed in pain and hurriedly asked the tall men to step back: "step back, step back, you all step back."

The tall men withdrew a few meters angrily, and their brother glared angrily, but did not dare to move.

"Let them do 300 push ups. One less, I'll scratch you." Chu Jiang smiled cheaply.

"Come on, do what he says." Scar's face felt oppressed, but the glass fragments deterred him.

The tall men were filled with indignation, but there was nothing they could do. They had to do push ups on the spot according to Chu Jiang's requirements. For a moment, prison figures rose and fell one after another

"Especially, the action should be standard. The legs should be straight and the chest should be lower. Whoever steals work and materials will be fined 300 more."

Chu Jiang shouted at them impolitely, like scolding a dog, which made the scar men feel very uncomfortable. They had always bullied people. Unexpectedly, today, the sun came out from the west, was humiliated by others, and this person was still a rookie.


In the eyes of the tall man, the two prisoners beside him suddenly burst into a rage and went to catch Chu Jiang with ferocity, hoping to make a sneak attack.

At this time, Chu Jiang raised his eyebrows, didn't retreat but entered, stretched out his hand, grabbed the prisoner rushing from the left, threw it in the right prisoner's belly.


Two people instantly spewed a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground unable to struggle to get up.

"Two guys who are so weak and explosive also want to sneak attack. Hum, you are dishonest, push ups, 300." At the same time, the glass fragments of Chu River fell back to the scar man's neck.


He also directly scratched a blood mark on the scar man's neck, and the blood immediately flowed out: "Hey, you see, your boss, is bleeding now. When you finish push ups, I'll stop bleeding for him."

The tall man's eyes are bursting with fire.

Chu Jiang continued to speak seriously, "to be honest, I don't know how long he can last. You should take care of yourself."

"Asshole, what an asshole!" Tall men, they were angry: "we'll kill you sooner or later."

Chu Jiang didn't speak, just mended the wound, and the blood flow on scar's face and neck was even happier.

"Ouch!" The scar man screamed, "do it quickly, do what he says."

A group of people started push ups again.

Three hundred push ups took about half an hour, and it took more than a dozen people to finish. After that, they collapsed on the ground one by one, gasping for breath, and were almost exhausted.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jiang smiled again and added a request: "continue, let's have fifty frogs jump."

Tall men almost vomited blood.

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