At the airport, Luo Shuai and others have been waiting in place.

Only he and Mulan.

The other brothers of Ares took different flights last night and this morning.

The headquarters of the Yinghao Association of "South Yinghao, North Tianjiao" is on an island near the sea in the south.

It is a private island with a private airport built on it.

Even if Chu Jiang and others drove a helicopter, it was impossible to land at that airport, and even it was solved in mid air. Therefore, they can only gather in Danan city on the coast now, and then take a boat to Yinghao island.

On Yinghao island.

"Lord, no, Lord!"

When the master was drinking tea in the hall of the central villa on the island, a subordinate suddenly stumbled in.

"What's the matter?" Make the main eyebrow a pick, cold voice.

"Just received the news, the Gu family in Changshi has collapsed, Gu Qingfeng has gone in, and the current Jiangnan rich family alliance has been in vain. Several rich families have applied to join the God of war chamber of Commerce..." his subordinates quickly said the news.

"Pa!" The tea cup in the Lord's hand was forcibly crushed by him and even turned into powder, which may be the depth of its internal force. His face was gloomy and his eyes seemed to burst out with fire. After taking a deep breath, he barely recovered his composure. "I know, go down!"

He said coldly. Obviously, he had already expected this outcome in his heart. The devouring moon sect was destroyed, the alliance of the top ten aristocratic families was broken, and the Fengyun gang was suppressed... All this was because a small driver named Chu Jiang came to Haishi,

You know, the moon devouring sect, the Fengyun gang and the Jiangnan aristocratic family alliance all belong to the Yinghao Association. In other words, the reason why Yinghao club has such a position in Jiangnan is inseparable from the first three in addition to its own strength.

"Lord, there is one more thing..." the subordinate hesitated for a moment and said yes.

"Say anything and fart!" Make the Lord slightly raise his eyebrows.

"Just got the latest news, Chu Jiang left Haishi by plane an hour ago, aiming at Danan city!" There was a flash of panic in his eyes, and he said quickly.

"What?" The Lord stood up from the sand.

Danan city?

Chu Jiang is coming to his Yinghao island!

"Is the news true?" He stared at his men and asked loudly.

"Absolutely not wrong. Someone saw him board the plane with their own eyes, and we also found through our investigation that his name was indeed on the flight to Danan this morning!" His men nodded hard.

"Haha, this guy who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth is ready to kill me!" Make the main tooth bite rattle.

I think Chu Jiang is too arrogant. After the three forces were suppressed by Chu Jiang, the bodyguard team of the three factions went out like a stone sinking into the sea. He originally wanted to go to Haishi in person, but unexpectedly, this bastard dared to go wild in Danan city!

"Lord, what shall we do now?"

His voice trembled a little. During this period, they also heard a lot about the confrontation between the subordinate forces of Yinghao Association and Qingcheng group.

"What's the panic? What should we do? Since he tried too hard to die, the LORD would have let him have no return!" The Lord's face became more and more gloomy. "Immediately convey my order, all the kings of Yinghao club, all return to the island immediately! The peripheral members gathered in Danan City, and tried every means to kill him for me! In addition, inform all the core members of Yinghao Club nearby to come to the meeting immediately!"

He thought for a moment and quickly began to give orders.

"Yes!" His subordinates dare not neglect, keep all his words in mind, and then run out quickly to arrange.

"Well, you little driver, if you don't go there is a way to heaven, there is no way to enter hell! I Yinghao club, with eighteen kings and six high-level bodyguards!"

"There are only less than ten of your God of war! I really don't believe it. You can really destroy my hero club! This is SZ, not abroad! The current God of war is not the former God of war!"

"I don't believe it. My heroes will gather the top people in Jiangnan, and I can't deal with you? Since I'm going to die, I'll help you!"

"Yes, it seems that you have to contact Xie Jun immediately and ask him to send senior warriors. At this moment, it is a good time to intercept and kill this bastard Chu Jiang!"

In the empty hall, the voice of the Lord seemed particularly cruel and indifferent.

Around 4 p.m.

Chu Jiang and others arrived in Danan city.

The sun was shining, and the whole city of Danan was like a steamer. People took a few breaths and felt that their internal organs were like taking a sauna.

"Boss, are we going to Yinghao Island right away?" The black prison and he Changgong, who arrived before, joined Chu Jiang in the hotel booked in advance, and the army also came. The current security team is powerful, and the Yinghao club has been unable to protect itself. Chu Jiang took them to the army to exercise.

As for the masters, Chu Jiang let Feng Han stay in Haishi with his left knife to ensure Ye Qingcheng's safety.

Li Qiushui didn't come either, in case of the last counterattack of the Fengyun gang.

They opened several luxurious presidential suites in a hotel, and now a group of people are discussing the next action in a living room of a certain suite.

"What's the hurry!" Chu Jiang waved his hand, "it's tiring. We'd better have a rest first. Besides, I heard that this big south city is famous for romance. If you have nothing to do, you can also go out and have a look."

"Romantic what romantic, like a steamer, kill Yinghao Island directly, destroy the order Lord, and it's over." The black prison didn't care.

"Do you think Yinghao will make the Lord pass so easily?" Chu Jiang smiled faintly, "he has many kings on hand. It is said that kings are dissimilated soldiers above the middle level, and several have even been promoted to the high level. There are six bodyguards, each with 20 people. Besides, this is his base camp..."

The crowd was stunned at first, and then understood it. Luo Shuai quickly got up and went directly to the window.

I opened the curtain and looked downstairs. I saw more than a dozen off-road vehicles without license plates in the parking lot, and then a group of guys ran towards the door of the hotel.

"Boss, boss, what's the matter today? You have to come out in person?" At the door of the hotel, a man with a gold chain around his neck walked towards the hall with a murderous face. Behind him were fifty or sixty strong men, one of whom said with a flattering face.

"Mom, I don't know anything. Anyway, the eighth master sent a letter and asked me to bring someone to clean up more than a dozen people!" The guy with the gold chain cursed.

"Eighth master? Eighth master of Yinghao club?" His subordinates are full of excitement.

His boss, Jin Lianzi, is very tough. He is absolutely a tough character in the whole city of Danan. But compared with the eighth master of other people's Yinghao club, that's far from enough. But following Yinghao will make the Lord mix up, and the power is overwhelming.

"What bastard are we going to deal with today? How can we even alarm the eighth master?" The man asked cautiously.

"You his mother asked me, I his mother asked who to go? Nonsense less, later you all give me a quick move, give me a hard point, if anyone doesn't work out, I'll tie him to a rock and throw it into the sea to feed the fish!" The guy with the gold chain turned his head and shouted angrily.

A group of men nodded hurriedly.

As soon as they entered the hotel, they rushed into several elevators.

The receptionist didn't dare to stop at all. The clever waitress quickly called the boss.

Then he hurried to the gate and hung a sign that the interior decoration was closed.

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