A long was called by Lei Hui, and muttered in his heart that he would do it half an hour after the broadcast, as if it was not time yet.

But the boss can't seem to wait that long, or at the moment, boss Lei will be angry if he waits another minute. It seems that she can only do it in advance.

After a long mumbled, he couldn't stop calling the cloud.

"Cloud, according to the agreement, start quickly. When it's done, Lei will not treat you badly!" As soon as the phone was connected, Aaron couldn't wait to say.

But there was only silence on the other end of the phone.

"What's the matter with you on the cloud? Come back." Seeing that the clouds were silent, Aaron thought she shrank and shouted nervously.

If the cloud retreats at the moment, Lei Hui will surely scold ah long to death.

"Aaron, did you find cloud? She has been fired, but she just forgot to bring her cell phone." A man's voice rang out at the other end of the computer.

Hearing this, a long shivered slightly. A long was originally the deputy director of the star entertainment live broadcast platform. Of course, he was particularly familiar with the voice of the former director, a Zhi.

"Zhi... Director?" Aaron was stunned.

"Yes, I'm a Zhi, and I'm still the director, but I'm no longer the director of star entertainment platform, but the director of Ares entertainment platform. Please tell Mr. Lei that if you want to compete, just compete openly and don't do anything." After saying that, Zhi hung up the phone directly.

A long was stunned. A Zhi was his former immediate boss. A long cocked his ass, and a Zhi knew what he was going to pull. How can a long hide this means from a Zhi.

"A long, what's the matter, a long..." Lei Hui saw a long dull, what's his name? Director a Zhi, and shouted angrily again.

"Cloud... Pulled out by director a Zhi!"

"A Zhi has been fired by me. What is his director now? Are you stupid? Now the director of star entertainment platform is you, a long!"

"No, the director I'm talking about is not from star entertainment platform, but from Ares entertainment platform."

"Ah, you... You mean ah Zhi betrayed me and took refuge in God of war entertainment?"

Lei Hui's eyes stared at the big boss, looking incredible.



A Zhi seems to be traitorous.

From this word, we can see that Lei Hui's IQ is really not high enough.

He was originally one of your employees, working with wages. Now a Zhi resigned and went to Ares entertainment. He was just living with wages as usual.

From the perspective of working, where is there any betrayal and refuge?

However, director a Zhi just didn't call Lei Hui to say it. In fact, at this moment, his identity really began to change. He is not only a wage earner, but also a shareholder of Ares entertainment platform.

Hearing Lei Hui's words, a long didn't nod or shake his head, but stood there silently.

"Bastard, you are all bastards!" Lei Hui was furious. "Especially you, you can't do anything at all. What director do you want to be!"

"...." Aaron was speechless.

"Hum, thanks to myself." Lei Hui scolded a long for being bloody, then lit a cigar and took a strong puff.

Left a hand?

When Aaron was stunned, Lei Hui dialed a phone: "now you can start, as long as you can hack the client of Ares entertainment platform, so that fans can't see anything, 100000 a day, onemillion ten days."

"Thank you, Mr. Lei! Just wait for a good play. My black client has not been broken for ten days and a half months!" A gloomy laugh came over the phone, and then hung up.

"Mr. Lei, have you hired... Hackers?" Aaron asked cautiously again.

In fact, there are agreements between various entertainment platforms in China, which can compete with each other, but hackers must not be involved.

So when a long saw that Lei Hui saw that hackers were invited out, he couldn't help but be frightened. It seemed that the boss was crazy and didn't care about anything.

At this moment, a long finally understood the hardship that a Zhi wanted to leave.

There must be no good end to cooperating with such a boss, let alone making money. If you don't pay attention, you have to go in.

At this time, Lei Hui has been staring at the Ares entertainment platform, hoping to see the black screen soon.

But he waited and waited, and the Ares client was still good, and the fans were still on the business.

So Lei Hui continued to wait and wait. When a deputy director, including, came, he was a little out of breath and said, "President Lei, President Lei, the police are here, and a female anchor is suspected of playing scenes unsuitable for children..."

"Boom -"

Lei Hui's first feeling is that his brain booms, which is a little silly.

This... Isn't it your trick to build ares entertainment platform? How... Miraculously happened on your platform?

Next second.

Another vice president also rushed over and shouted, "President Lei, President Lei, our client was... Hacked. All clients can't log in, the whole software is paralyzed, and all live broadcasts can't go on!!!"

"Boom -"

Lei Hui's brain boomed again and almost fainted.

"Oh, come on, send someone to fix it!" Lei Hui's face was black and extremely angry.

"Mr. Lei, we have sent someone to repair it. The maintenance personnel said that this attack on our client is not an ordinary hacker. They can't crack it without 20 days or a month!" The deputy general manager reported.

"Ah -"

Lei Hui covered his chest and screamed.

God, earth, it will take at least a month if you are seized by the police for a few days, then crack the client virus, and then re install it.

Without a base salary, who would be silly to wait for a month in Star Entertainment?!

Especially one month later, if the platform client is hacked again

Lei Hui didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"They are all fools, a group of fools..." Lei Hui can only scold Aaron and the two deputy directors.

"Mr. Lei, we are really stupid. Then... Please hire another wiser!" Clay figurines are also three points angry. In fact, they are all talents trained by ah Zhi. Now I see that ah Zhi has gone to God of war entertainment. Here, he has been scolded by Lei Hui all day, which is worse than a dog.

Aaron broke out first.

"You want to... Resign?! you also want to... Betray me and join the enemy at this time?" Lei Hui stared at a long with wide eyes.

"Betray your sister, I just want to change jobs, just change jobs, how can there be any betrayal and refuge in this world, stupid!" A long glanced at Lei Hui and couldn't help scolding. Then he turned around in a beautiful arc and resolutely left.

"Long, long, wait for me!" A deputy director said.

"A long, a long, wait for me, too. You have a good relationship with director a Zhi, and we'll mix with you!" Another deputy director hurried out with Aaron.

"How can I say it's mixing with me? It's mixing with director a Zhi!" Aaron smiled and emphasized.

"No, strictly speaking, it's mixing with that I'm the Shenhao of the Yangtze River!" Another deputy director, SHENBU Yidao.

"What is the name of Shenhao's move?"

"It should be called, give back the other way."

"Tianlong Babu" Gusu Murong's unique skill? "

"Yes, it seems that Shenhao is not only Shenhao, but also a top master in the Wulin!"

"Hahaha -"

The three directors talked and left with a smile.

Lei Hui finally fainted.

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