"The opportunity to behave like this is left to you." Chu Jiang smiled.

"If I let you go, you can go, because you are my assistant. If you don't go, your bonus of this month will be deducted." Ye Qingcheng didn't like to appear. Besides, she was suddenly interested and wanted to see Chu Jiang's performance.

"All right." Chu Jiang Mian, for its sake, for the sake of the bonus, let it go.

"Mr. Ye, can you make a statement?"

"President ye..."

In fact, section chief Li on the stage hasn't had a good time yet, and the reporter can't wait. He can only come to a hasty summary, and then reluctantly came down.

After talking for so long, there should be my glorious image on the front page of tomorrow!

Chu Jiang took the podium in bursts of flash, still looking careless, Said: "I am an assistant of Qingcheng group, and I am here to state two points on behalf of the president. First, Yu Xiang, deputy director of the materials department, for personal purposes, shoddy. Although the funds are small, his behavior is abominable, and he is dismissed immediately. Second, the company's latest main 'Qingcheng Season 6 Garden' series of commercial housing, officially opened a week later. At that time, please come and buy, slow!"

Then, the audience applauded and the press conference came to a perfect end.

Chu Jiang shook his hair in ecstasy and walked off the podium under the bright eyes of all the beauties.

Ye Qingcheng not only secretly praised, the boy looked careless and heartless, and his brain was quite smart at the critical moment. Under his reminder, this series of behaviors is simply taking the trick. It is simply turning defeat into victory and turning corruption into magic!

What is called turning corruption into magic?

Is to convert all negative energy into positive energy.

Internet celebrity uncle uneven's video is negative energy.

As soon as he started talking casually, the click through rate immediately exceeded one million. Especially with the help of Zhang Lin, ten minutes later, the number of clicks exceeded 10 million, breaking his previous highest click through rate.

Uncle Ping looked at it and smiled. Maybe it will exceed 20million in another hour... 20million words will surpass any of her rivals and become the first celebrity on the Internet.

Under the chain reaction of Uncle Ping's video, Chinese consumers are waiting eagerly for Qingcheng group to explain.

Generally speaking, the press conference can be held as soon as the next day. However, Qingcheng group held a press conference less than an hour after uncle Ping released the video.

People who don't know even doubt that how can Qingcheng group react so quickly? Is it their own operation?

Then the tens of millions of brain disabled fans of Uncle Ping will naturally click on the video of the Qingcheng group press conference, including the words of consumers. I believe that in a short time, the video click through rate of this conference will exceed 100 million.

What is the concept of one hundred million clicks?

If you rely on advertising, it may take no less than tens of millions of yuan to achieve the effect.

And Qingcheng group did it without spending a penny!

It's negative energy for section chief Li to enter Qingcheng group with a shoddy purchase order in his hand.

However, he didn't spend more than a minute in the conference room. He actually came out to testify for Qingcheng group, and he said a lot of good things for Qingcheng group in order to show more for a while.

People who don't know even have a little doubt about whether section chief Li of Haishi quality supervision department charged any benefit fee to Qingcheng group. He reversed the spearhead in less than a minute, and the speed is astonishing.

However, section chief Li testified openly for Qingcheng group, and he was full of confidence and chattered endlessly... If he really collected the benefit fee, would he dare to sing such a high profile?

Chu Jiang's speech, although very short, is amazing!

First, the personnel notice of the dismissal of Yu Xiang from Qingcheng group was issued, which severely hit Yu Xiang and told her the strength of her back. We Qingcheng group are not vegetarian!

Second, he took this opportunity to launch a new round of the main product of Qingcheng group, "Qingcheng six Season Garden" commercial housing.

What is preemptive?

This is the real preemptive, "Qingcheng Season 6 garden" has not really opened, but it has become a familiar name.

Chu Jiang's head turned slightly, saving tens of millions of yuan of advertising expenses for Qingcheng group.

Yu Xiang had already made several phone calls to Zhang Lin while Qingcheng senior management were celebrating each other.

The first call was OK. Zhang Lin got through, but he said "meeting", and then he didn't answer it.

Yu Xiang herself hid in the dark rental room and cried silently.

In order to facilitate the "Godfather" to visit at any time, she rented a house with one bedroom and one living room by herself, so at the moment she has no friends around her.

In Qingcheng group, Yu Xiang actually has a few colleagues who have good relations, but at the moment, Yu Xiang has revealed her true face. Who else will come to see her!

Is it true that he is nothing in his heart when he has lost his use value?

Doesn't he like himself at all?


When men want to alienate women, the most common thing they say when they call is "meeting".

When I used to like women, no matter how many meetings I had, I would surprise women at any time; I don't like it now. Men always seem to have meetings, including in the evening.

Zhang Lin doesn't really like Yu Xiang, and Yu Xiang doesn't like Zhang Lin either.

Since I can't say I like it, there is only the use value left. The value is gone. Even if Zhang Lin isn't in a meeting, will he still talk to her?

When Yu Xiang was completely disappointed, the phone rang.

"Fuck... Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that Li Yazhi had such a skill..." the phone was connected, and Yu Xiang first apologized chokingly.

"It's meaningless to say this now... Everything is meaningless." Zhang Lin said coldly at the other end of the phone.

"I'll go to see you right away. You promised me to join the magic group. I don't want any director of the material department, and the deputy director will become..." Yu Xiang said in a begging tone.

"Do you think you can still be a deputy director at the moment? Your name has been completely blackened by the sea market at the time of the press conference of Qingcheng group." Zhang Lin said word by word, "your life has been completely destroyed by Ye Qingcheng!"

"No, godfather!" Yu Xiang shouted crazily, but it was useless for her to be crazily anymore. Zhang Lin had blackened her name.

Yu Xiang can only curse madly in the rental house: "I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled, I want to look good, I want to be able, why did I make a mistake, and I'll always be blackened by the sea market? Zhang Lin, you liar, ye Qingcheng, you hateful woman, I want you to die hard, and I want you to die hard..."

But after calming down, Yu Xiang knew very well that even if she had more hatred in her heart, she could pose any threat to these two high-ranking bosses!

Leaving Haishi is her only destiny.

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