At noon, Yang Xian returned to the Tang's Group, and casually brought Tang Feifei food.

"Wife, I'm back! Come quickly and eat!" Yang Xian said as he entered the door.

Tang Feifei had finished the work at hand and was thinking about how to finish the lunch. She was a little happy to see Yang Xian return with the lunchbox.

Although he was a little unhappy with her sneaking out of the house without saying a word for the whole morning, seeing that he still knew he had to come back and was still thinking about buying food for him, he decided not to pursue the matter. After all, this guy was much better than when he had not seen anyone for the past few days.

They sat down to eat.

Yang Xian casually asked: "My wife, what are you busy with today?"

Tang Feifei said: Aren't you still busy buying these companies? Although Zhang Dinghui and the rest were all caught, but because they did many things that violated laws, if our Tang's Group s are to take over, then we still have to deal with a lot of mess. Even though I don't have to personally step in, there are many things that I need to decide on. "

"So it's like that! "You've worked hard. Here, I'll give you a roast goose!"

"Go!" So much oil and fat, I won't eat it. " Tang Feifei rolled her eyes at him, blocking the roasted goose.

"I'm not eating, then I'll help you eat!" Yang Xian said as he picked up his chopsticks to pick up the meat from Tang Feifei's lunchbox.

Tang Feifei stomped her feet. This guy, she actually dared to give me meat, it's the real deal if she wants to steal my meat. She's too shameless!

After eating lunch, Yang Xian laid on the sofa and took a nap. Tang Feifei also rested for a while inside her room.

After sleeping for a while, Yang Xian stretched his body and sat up, telling Tang Feifei to go to the toilet and then left the office.

Once he was in the bathroom, Yang Xian immediately took out his phone and picked it up, "Bin, what are you looking for me for?"

"Brother Xian, I heard ShengNan say that you have officially become the instructor of her female martial arts team? Congratulations! "

"Hur hur, what's there to congratulate about that?"

"You don't know. After this news was announced, those girls in the female martial arts team were very curious about you. They kept asking us about you even though they knew we knew you. "Well, do you want to come to school and see them?"

"So it's like that. It sounds very exciting. Alright, I'll go over right now!"

Yang Xian couldn't help but feel an itch when he thought about the group of girls waiting for him at the school. He agreed to it, then went downstairs and drove towards the school.

Soon enough, they arrived at school. Yang Xian walked to the gym familiarly and saw a girl sitting with her back facing him. She had a book on her lap, as if she was immersed in reading, and the girl's back was obviously a beauty.

Yang Xian walked over and leisurely said: "Student, are you waiting for me?"

The girl turned her head to look at Yang Xian, and her face instantly revealed a look of pleasant surprise: "Yang Xian, you're here!? "How did you know I was waiting for you?"

"Hey, Dong'er, why are you here as well?" Yang Xian was surprised, he did not expect the girl to be Lin Dong.

Lin Dong said: "I heard from Senior Brother Bin that you wanted to come to school to find them. Since we don't have any classes in the afternoon, I wanted to meet you. Right, they didn't tell you right? I've already joined the female martial arts team, and am now a member of it, but I don't know anything.

"Don't worry, I'm here. I guarantee that you will become a first-rate expert very soon, a heroine in the midst of women!"

"Great!" Then I can protect myself from now on! " Lin Dong laughed happily.

The reason why Lin Dong signed up to join the female martial arts team was mostly because she felt that she was too weak and couldn't constantly trouble Yang Xian to protect her, so she wanted to learn how to defend herself. However, by staying here, it was true that she knew Yang Xian was going to come, so she waited for him.

"Oh, right. I heard that we have a new instructor coming this afternoon. It looks very mysterious. All the members are asking who that person is!" As Lin Dong spoke, she looked at Yang Xian in the blink of an eye, as if she suddenly thought of something, and pointed at Yang Xian.

"Could it be that you're that instructor?"

Yang Xian grinned and said: "Guess?"

"I guess you must be! Other than you, there doesn't seem to be anyone else suitable to be our instructor! " Lin Dong was extremely clear about Yang Xian's strength, and in her heart, she couldn't think of anyone else who was more skilled than Yang Xian.

Hehe, in the future, I will not only be an instructor of your female martial arts team, but also your personal instructor. Student, since you have just joined the team, in order to help you catch up with the others as soon as possible, I will have to give you a personal lesson every time you attend a class!

"Alright!" Lin Dong agreed crisply.

"How about I teach you a few moves while no one is around?" Yang Xian said.

"That's great!" Lin Dong clapped her hands and became very interested, thus she put down the book. She was looking forward to what Yang Xian wanted to teach him.

Yang Xian leisurely said: "Dong'er, you're really too beautiful. For your safety, I must first teach you a few moves of the Wolf Defensive Art. In the future, if anyone dares to mess with you, you can teach them a lesson!"

"En!" Lin Dong nodded seriously.

"Watch carefully. Learn from me."

Yang Xian said, and gestured a few moves, but Lin Dong was at a loss watching all this.

"I'm too stupid, I don't understand!" Lin Dong stuck out her tongue, and said embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't understand, I'll teach you!"

Yang Xian said as he moved in front of Lin Dong and pressed his chest against her back. At the same time, he grabbed her wrist and started to draw.

"First this, then this, and finally this …"

Yang Xian explained as he carried her.

It was much clearer than when Yang Xian was playing, but Lin Dong's brain felt as if it had short circuited and could no longer think.

At the same time, with Yang Xian's movement, Lin Dong could feel her back and Yang Xian's chest rubbing together. She could even feel the aura of a man coming from Yang Xian's body, as well as the strong and powerful muscles.

Moreover, Yang Xian was talking as he moved, his breath on her ears making her itch, blushing red from embarrassment.

Lin Dong's heart started to thump loudly. She was very shy and embarrassed, she could not resist wanting to pull away from Yang Xian, but she did not know what was wrong. She did not feel any revulsion towards Yang Xian's actions, and could not bear for him to leave.

"Eh, what are they doing over there?"

"Isn't that Dong'er? "Who's the guy next to her?"

"He looks unfamiliar, not like someone from our school."

"Who cares if he's from our school, don't you see that Dong'er is being held by her?" It's obviously a pervert forcing Dong'er! "

"Damn it! You actually dared to come here and molest our martial arts team. Do you think that you can bully Dong'er just because she's weak!? "

"Sisters, what are we waiting for? Beating perverts! "

The group of girls shared a common enemy and rushed towards Yang Xian in anger. One of the girls who was at the forefront said nothing as she raised her leg and kicked towards Yang Xian.

Yang Xian tilted his body and dodged. The other girl clenched her fist and punched over, but he dodged with a tilt of his head.

"Ah, you!" Seeing Yang Xian and himself being surrounded by the girls from the martial arts team, Lin Dong could not help but be shocked.

"Dong'er, don't be afraid. Let's save you!"

"Down with the pervert!"

The girls all shouted out, and then, they began to attack Yang Xian one by one.

"No, you guys …" When Dong'er heard them, she knew it was a misunderstanding. She wanted to quickly stop them, but it was already too late.

In a split-second, Yang Xian took Lin Dong into his embrace, and then, raised his hands and legs to block the attacks of the female students.

When the girls saw this, they became even angrier. This big pervert actually still refused to let Lin Dong go even when she was about to die.

Therefore, everyone tried their best to attack Yang Xian, but soon they realised, although Yang Xian did not retaliate, it was as if he had eyes on the back of his head and a few more limbs on his body, blocking all of their attacks. After fighting for a long while, Yang Xian did not look like he was going to be defeated at all, but rather, he exhausted them quite a bit.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Just then, a girl's shout came from outside the door. It was Liu Shengnan.

Many of the girls immediately found their leader Liu Shengnan, and stopped, but they still surrounded him and did not give him the chance to escape.

"Senior Sister, there's a pervert here!"

"Captain, this guy ran over here to bully Dong'er. We're here for justice!"

"Captain, this guy is very resistant. Hurry up and teach him a lesson!"

Everyone said in succession.

Yang Xian let out a long breath, he had finally endured it. Although these girls in the martial arts team did not have much strength, they had all kinds of moves when they fought. The punches and kicks were only a part of it, but in the end, they were all used for scratching!

"Everyone, you've misunderstood, it's not like that!"

Lin Dong anxiously struggled out of Yang Xian's embrace and said anxiously.

"He was only teaching me the Wolf Defensive Spell. He didn't molest me!" Lin Dong explained.

Liu Shengnan walked over, glanced at Yang Xian, and then said to Lin Dong: "You guys recognized him before?"

Lin Dong said: "Yes! His name is Yang Xian, we are good friends. "

Hearing that, Liu Shengnan did not say anymore, and turned to look at his teammates: "This is your new instructor, call for him."

"What!? He's an instructor? "

"Is he the rumored expert that made Senior Bin and the others admit defeat?"

"Is that for real? I thought he was a pervert, so he looks quite similar …"

Yang Xian, "..."

He coughed dryly, put his hands behind his back, and said in a loud and clear voice, "Alright, let me formally introduce you, I am a pervert, ah! I am Yang Xian, the new instructor for your martial arts team! "

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