Yang Xian got up from bed, washed and dressed himself. Just as he yawned and went downstairs, Soong Ting had arrived.

Thus, Yang Xian went to the garage to open his Lamborghini's Poison, while Soong Ting and Tang Feifei waited at the entrance.

"This guy hasn't stirred up any trouble for you these two days right?" Soong Ting quietly asked Tang Feifei.

Tang Feifei replied: Not yet! Eating and sleeping all day to play games, you sure are well-behaved! "

Very quickly, Yang Xian drove the carriage over, and the two of them got on the carriage, and after telling them where they were going, Yang Xian brought them along. In a short while, they reached the business street, where Yang Xian found a place to stop the car. Tang Feifei and Soong Ting walked in front with her hands together, Yang Xian followed behind like a small follower.

Women were all the same when they went shopping. They chatted as they searched for all kinds of things they wanted to buy. Furthermore, they bought them without holding back. But Yang Xian was depressed, because in less than half an hour, before even walking past a few shops on the business street, he had already brought out a pile of shopping bags. But what made him depressed was not this, but the things that Tang Feifei and Soong Ting bought, they were all bought with his money.

Tang Feifei had plenty of money, but she was too lazy to spend it. Although Soong Ting was not as rich as her, but in the name of a good sister, Tang Feifei told her to buy whatever she wanted. Furthermore, Tang Feifei had also told Soong Ting that she had just given Yang Xian a bank card with millions in it. Soong Ting was extremely rich, so she would not be polite with him anymore.

Yang Xian had no concept of spending money, as long as he was happy. Thus, other than feeling depressed that he had been ordered around by the two women as a slave, he didn't mind the two of them spending his money. If he didn't have this mentality, he wouldn't have attacked without any hesitation.

After strolling for a while longer, as the three of them were walking, a person suddenly walked over, bumped into Yang Xian once, and walked away with his head lowered.

Yang Xian blinked his eyes, and then shouted out: "Catch the thief! Stealing your wallet! "

When Soong Ting and Tang Feifei heard this, they were immediately shocked. Tang Feifei said anxiously: "Why aren't you chasing after the thief?"

Yang Xian curled his lips, and said: "If it wasn't for the fact that you all made me work as a laborer, I wouldn't have been so weak that I wouldn't even be able to protect my own wallet!"

"I'll go!"

The moment Soong Ting finished her sentence, she had already gone out to chase her and fully displayed the abilities of a policewoman. Therefore, Yang Xian and Tang Feifei also anxiously followed. Not long after, she turned into an alley and saw that Soong Ting was standing there in a daze. Tang Feifei ran over to Soong Ting and asked: "Ting, where's the thief?"

Soong Ting was confused: "I didn't catch the thief, but the purse is here."

"Ting, you are so powerful. The thieves were so scared of you that they didn't dare take their wallet." Tang Feifei laughed.

"It's not like that. When I got here, the thief was gone and his wallet was on the floor. Yang Xian, take a look, is there anything missing? " Soong Ting shook her head at a loss, and turned to give the purse to Yang Xian.

Yang Xian opened his wallet to take a look, and stuffed it back into his pockets, and said: "Not bad."

"This is strange!" That thief must have noticed that Yang Xian was paying the bill, so why did he run away without taking anything else? " Tang Feifei also felt that it was strange.

"Alright, alright, as long as it's fine. "I said, I've been wandering around for more than half a day now. Since you guys aren't tired, I'll help you guys carry the bag since your hands are about to break, could you find a place to rest?" Yang Xian said.

Hearing this, the two of them did not have any objections. They walked out of the alley and found a nearby teahouse to rest in.

At the same time.

In an alley not far from the two of them.

A few men surrounded one of them and beat him up before saying to him, "Brat, if you still don't know what's good for you, we'll cripple you!"

The men warned the man and retreated. Outside the alley, one of them took out his phone and made a call.

"Master San, according to what you said, we were watching over him for the Senior Yang, and we even taught the thief who stole his wallet a lesson."

"Very good, take note, even if you have to protect them, do not let Senior Yang and the others find out, so as to not disturb their interest in shopping."


On the other side, the thief who was beaten up in the alley crawled back up, spat, and said to himself in an incredibly unlucky manner: "Damn, it's been a bad new year! These days, there are actually people who are brave enough to stand up to others and do good deeds without leaving a name, and the ducks that they have obtained have flown away! "

The thief gritted his teeth and angrily took out his mobile phone. He continued muttering, "No. "That kid is a fat sheep, I can't let him go that easily. Besides, I can't take this beating for nothing. I have to get the medical fees back!"

After saying that, he dialed a number and muttered a few words to himself before walking out of the alley.

Yang Xian was called out to work before he even ate breakfast. He was really hungry now, so he ordered and started to wolf down his food. Tang Feifei and Soong Ting did not pay attention to him as they sat together and chatted about the cosmetics they bought earlier.

Just as they were talking, a group of people walked in. When they saw Yang Xian and the other two, they looked at each other and immediately approached them.

"Ting!" Tang Feifei saw that all of their expressions were not good, and quickly reminded Soong Ting.

At this moment, those people had already arrived in front of them and surrounded the three of them with arrogant and sinister smiles on their faces.

"What are you guys doing?" Soong Ting, who was still a police officer, asked calmly.

One of them let out a strange laugh and said, "Beautiful girl, our brothers haven't even had breakfast yet. Let's have a hearty meal together!"

"On what basis?" Soong Ting squinted her eyes and asked coldly.

"Just based on our numbers!" Hehe, we don't need much, just give us as much money as you have on you. Seeing that you bought so many good things, you must be rich people, you can't be stingy! "

"From what you're saying, you want to rob us in broad daylight?"

Tang Feifei could not help but interrupt: "Don't be too arrogant! She was a Chief Captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade! Do you believe that she will capture all of you and bring you back? "

"Criminal Investigation Brigade?" Hearing that, the faces of the group of people all changed, as they sized up Soong Ting one after another, and were all a little surprised and uncertain.

"Hehe, beautiful lady, you must have some skill in scaring people! Your sister is the Chief Captain, then captain comrade, let us see your ID, if you can get your ID, we admit defeat, at most we can just go in and eat in jail for two days, and that would be even more comfortable, haha! "

When Soong Ting came out of Tang Feifei's villa, she was careless and threw his police ID onto his car. She really couldn't take it out now. She gritted her teeth and coldly snorted, "I didn't bring my ID. However, if you don't know how to appreciate favors, I won't let you off."

"Then there's nothing? Cut the crap, hurry up and take out the money as soon as possible to get rid of the money. Seeing that Soong Ting was unable to take out her ID, the group of people all heaved a sigh of relief. They were certain that she was not a cop, and started to act arrogantly again.

"Yang Xian, you still want to eat?!" Tang Feifei stomped her feet and glared at Yang Xian as she spoke.

This fellow was being surrounded, yet he was still eating and drinking like nothing had happened!

Yang Xian wiped his mouth, glanced at the people around him, then said to one of them: "You were the one who stole my purse just now, right?"

The thief sneered: "Boy, it's me, what about it? You were lucky just now. A few nosy people helped you get your wallet back. Now, do you see if anyone else helped you? This daddy wants the money in your wallet anyways, you decide! "

"A just and courageous person, does anyone have a just and courageous person to act on their behalf!?" Yang Xian cupped his hands and shouted.

"Haha!" Do your daydreams! You're the lucky one. Now, with so many of us, who would dare to come looking for trouble with us!? Do you think that the whole street is filled with Lei Feng?! Didn't you notice that we were surrounding you all for a long time without a single person daring to make a sound!? " The group of people began to laugh maniacally.

It was true, there were a lot of customers and waiters in the teahouse, but no one dared to interfere with the group of people surrounding Yang Xian and the other two. Some of them even ran away when they noticed something was wrong.

"Who said that no one dared to make a sound? We are all Lei Feng! "

However, just as the thief finished speaking, a loud shout came from the entrance, followed by a large group of people rushing in. In the blink of an eye, 30 to 40 people had filled up the entire canteen.

Seeing this, the group of thieves were all dumbfounded.

"Humph!" He actually dared to rob in broad daylight? This is simply preposterous, this is tarnishing our Su City! "

"Today, your father will be Lei Feng and fight against the evil forces!"

"That's right, we don't know each other, but today, we are all Lei Feng!"

"Brothers, attack!" Beat them! "

"Pull them out in case we hurt these three innocent friends!"

A group of people shouted, and immediately rushed towards the group of thieves. Three or four of them took on one thief, and soon they were all caught and dragged out of the teahouse. After a while, there was no sound at all from outside!

Everything happened too fast. Soong Ting was startled for a moment before reacting, she anxiously rushed to the door to take a look, but noticed that the two groups of people had all disappeared!

"What, what's going on?" Tang Feifei was completely at a loss as well.

Yang Xian laughed and sighed, "These days, there are so many good people!"

Soong Ting returned to her seat in doubt. After thinking about it, she seemed to have thought of something, stared at Yang Xian and asked, "Tell me honestly, were those people called by you?"

"No!" Didn't they already say that they are all just passing by Lei Feng?! " Yang Xian said innocently.

"That's more like it. There must be something strange about it!" Soong Ting scoffed, she could not believe Yang Xian's words.

Let's not talk about the people nowadays who were so enthusiastic and brave. Even if they were, it would be impossible for dozens of people to come in groups all of a sudden. It was as if they had discussed it beforehand! Moreover, those people were all robust and strong, giving off a strong aura. Only ghosts would believe that they were ordinary passers-by!

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