Yang Xian was brought to the police station, Tang Feifei and Soong Ting followed behind.

After arriving at the police station, Soong Ting revealed her identity, and Tang Feifei immediately informed the lawyer to come over. Although Yang Xian was imprisoned, no one dared to make things difficult for him, since the person who came with him was the vice-captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, and the other was the dignified CEO of the Tang's Group.

"Director Wang, this is basically the situation. Breaking someone's glass was indeed impulsive, but it was not malicious either. I can give him a guarantee and pay him back. " Soong Ting said.

"I can pay for it." Tang Feifei immediately said.

Director Wang said, "Captain Soong leader, President Tang, you don't have to worry, this is just a small matter. Rest assured, when the other party's lawyer comes, I will negotiate with them and help you all mediate. It should be possible to settle the matter privately. "

"That's good!" Both Soong Ting and Tang Feifei heaved a sigh of relief.

Although Tang Feifei provoked them first, Yang Xian had still destroyed their things. Although this was understandable, but in terms of law, it was unjustifiable, so they could not use Tang Feifei's provocation as a reason to argue with him. They decided to protect Yang Xian first before deciding anything else.

"Damn it, Tang Feifei must have ordered people to do this, she's taking revenge on me! It must be! "

In the mall, the more Tian Ruoxi thought about it, the more she felt that something was amiss. In the end, she decided that this was Tang Feifei's revenge against her. She grinded her teeth as she coldly snorted. Then, she took out her cell phone and called the lawyer.

"Hello, Lawyer Zhao. Have you arrived at the police station?" Tian Ruoxi asked.

"Miss Tian, I'm almost there. What orders do you have? "

"I want you to do whatever it takes. You must bite that Yang Xian guy to death, and that Tang Feifei as well. She's an accomplice, you absolutely must not let this go!"

"Understood. Don't worry, I won't let them get away that easily." Lawyer Zhao agreed.

"Very good!"

Just as Tian Ruoxi hung up, another call came in. She took a look and saw that it was from her home, and immediately picked it up.

"Hello, Dad!"

"Go home immediately, I have something to ask you." Tian Guohuai said.

"Got it, I'm going back now." Tian Ruoxi didn't dare to disobey her father's words, and immediately replied as she went out of the market to return home.

On the other side, the lawyer that Tian Ruoxi had sent all the way to the police station, entered Director's office and sat opposite of Tang Feifei.

"I'm the representative for the mall and I'm in charge of dealing with this incident of sabotage. "We are of the opinion that we must definitely investigate your legal responsibilities!" Lawyer Zhao said with an expressionless face.

Director Wang said, "Lawyer Zhao, breaking the glass is just a small matter. There's no need to be so aggressive. From what I see, you two should just settle it privately, right? They're willing to lose money. "

Lawyer Zhao sneered, "It looks like you are still not aware of the situation. Just ten minutes ago, a group of criminals charged into the mall and smashed it to pieces, causing great economic losses and causing great mental damage to my client. This isn't something that can be done privately."

Pausing for a moment, Lawyer Zhao continued: "I know this is President Tang of Tang's Group, rich, then, why don't you calculate for yourself, how much is a shopping mall worth, your Tang's Group, can you really take out this money to compensate?"

"What?" Who destroyed the shopping mall has nothing to do with us. We don't even know! " Tang Feifei frowned.

"We have every reason to suspect that you are retaliating against us." Lawyer Zhao said.

Soong Ting said: "You are a lawyer, just like us police officers. You need to give evidence to speak and conduct yourself! The three of us left the mall a long time ago. What does the destruction of your mall have to do with us? "

"I won't argue with you. "In short, we request that you all not leave the police station until this matter has been thoroughly investigated!"

"Whether you can leave or not is not up to you to decide!"

Tang Feifei was also angry, and displayed her domineering side. She stood up and coldly snorted, "If you want to fight, then go ahead and fight. Our Tang Clan will definitely not be afraid of you! But now, I want to bail Yang Xian out! "

Soong Ting said calmly: "I can go with President Tang and vouch for Yang Xian. As for who smashed the mall and who ordered it, that's another matter. You have no right to leave us here. "

Director Wang also opened his mouth, "Lawyer Zhao, you know the rules, I have no reason not to release him. However, if this matter is truly related to them, you can rest assured that we, the police, will not let a single criminal off the hook. "

Hearing this, Lawyer Zhao gritted his teeth and wanted to argue, but he knew that there was no reason for him to stop him.

At the same time, at the Tian Clan.

When Tian Ruoxi returned home, she saw her father sitting in the living room with a gloomy expression.

"Dad, I'm back." Tian Ruoxi walked over and sat down.

Tian Guohuai squinted his eyes and asked directly: "Ruoxi, have you offended someone?"

"I didn't! Dad, what do you mean by that? " Tian Ruoxi was at a loss.

Tian Guohuai said: "According to my investigation, the reason why the market was smashed was because someone wanted to teach you a lesson. Moreover, the other party is a person from the underworld, isn't it because you had some grudge with them?"

"Daddy! How could I have dealt with people like that! "

"Then tell me, what happened today?" Tian Guohuai asked.

Tian Ruoxi thought for a while, then muttered: "I don't even know any gangsters! If you were to talk about what happened today, wouldn't that be the case with Tang Feifei and that pretty boy? "

"Hmm? What did you say? Tang Feifei, what kind of pretty boy is this? " Tian Guohuai's expression changed as he immediately asked.

Tian Ruoxi said, "Father, the matter is as it stands. Today, Tang Feifei brought her annoying little white face to our shopping mall to buy something, and I coincidentally bumped into her, so I went to greet them. I didn't expect them to not appreciate my kindness at all, and even said a bunch of nasty words to me, which annoyed me greatly as I replied, saying that the little white face beside Tang Feifei had smashed our counter! I called the security guards to take them to the police station and hold them accountable. But just as they left, a group of hoodlums barged into the shopping mall and started beating them up. I suspect that those people were all Tang Feifei's petty people who had come to take revenge on us! Father, you said that there was someone who wanted to warn me, then that must be Tang Feifei's idea! "

After hearing these words, Tian Guohuai's face immediately changed, and he remained silent for a good long while.

After a while, Tian Guohuai suddenly stood up and said: "Come with me to the police station immediately!"

"Dad, why are you going to the police station?"

"Nonsense!" Of course it's to go and fetch Tang Feifei! "


Ten minutes later, the Tian father and daughter duo arrived at the police station.

"Dad, I won't go in. I didn't want you to come and reconcile with them, and they were caught by me. If they saw that I came to negotiate with them, I would lose all my face. " Tian Ruoxi sat in the car, not wanting to move.

Tian Guohuai said angrily: "Are you still playing with your princess temper at this time? Is it up to you to mess around now? "

These words caused Tian Ruoxi to explode, and she roared: "I don't understand, why did you get so nervous after hearing that I got Tang Feifei into the police station? Could it be that with our family's strength, we do not need to be afraid of her!?"


Tian Guohuai scolded Tian Ruoxi irritably, and without the patience to continue arguing with her, he opened the car door and got off, walking with his assistant into the police station.

"President Tian!" Lawyer Zhao knew that Tian Guohuai was coming and was already waiting at the entrance of the police station.

"Where are they?" Tian Guohuai asked.

"They are all in the detention cell with that Yang Xian causing trouble."

"Take me to see them."


When the two of them arrived outside the detention center and saw Director Wang, they walked into the detention center.

"President Tang, I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble!" The moment Tian Guohuai walked in, his face revealed a very experienced smile as he spoke to Tang Feifei.

Tang Feifei looked at him coldly, and said: "President Tian is being too courteous, you don't seem to need to apologize to me."

"Hehe, I already know about the disagreement that happened between you two and my Ruoxi at the mall. The main reason for this was that Ruoxi was young and insensible, and she was too willful. It was all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! After I understood the situation, the first thing I did was to look for you guys to resolve it. "

This Tian Guohuai was a very powerful businessman. Although Tang Feifei was still angry, she had to give him face. Furthermore, Tian Guohuai's position was already low enough, this was not an easy matter for a person with a reputation.

"So, we can leave now?" Tang Feifei asked.

"Of course, I'm here to take you out."

"Then, the matter of your mall being destroyed has nothing to do with us, right?" Tang Feifei asked again.

"Hehe, I will ask the police to investigate that matter thoroughly. But I believe that President Tang definitely has nothing to do with this. Tian Guohuai said with a fake smile.

Since the words had come to this point, there was nothing more to argue about. Tang Feifei looked at Yang Xian and said: "Yang Xian, let's go."

When Tang Feifei was talking with Tian Guohuai, Yang Xian had been picking at his nails. This time, she raised her head, swept Tian Guohuai with her gaze and said lightly: "I finally made a difficult trip here, why are you leaving? Weren't there people who wanted to sue me? "

Tian Guohuai laughed dryly, and said: "Young man, this is all a misunderstanding, my daughter said that she won't hold you accountable, it's just a broken piece of glass, a small matter, forget it!"

"Hehe, a small matter. You don't want to pursue this matter with me? "Capture me in, she asked me to go out. Fine, let her come to me herself, and invite me out." Yang Xian crossed his legs and said.

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