"Sixth Brother, this time we have tied up this little girl, how about we let us have a taste?" Hehe, of course, Sixth Brother will go first! "

"Cut the crap!" This time, we can't touch it. After we take the photo, we'll send it back to her! "

In a remote building on the outskirts of the city.

The Sixth Brother swallowed his saliva as he looked at Tang Feifei who was lying on the bed with her hands and legs tied up and had her eyes covered. Although he said this to his subordinates, Ol 'Six's heart was itching.

But there was nothing he could do, it was not that he didn't want to take Tang Feifei's idea, but he had been instructed not to touch her. At most, he could take a few indecent pictures of her. Six did not dare to ignore the man's warning.

Seeing that it was almost dark, Ol 'Six looked at the time and said to his subordinates, "Alright, get ready. Let's get started!"

"Yes sir!" The underling agreed, then scolded the other brothers to prepare to take pictures of Tang Feifei.

At that moment, the sound of a car could be heard outside.

"To see what's going on?" The sixth brother frowned. Normally, no one would pass through this crappy place. What was going on with those groups of cars outside?

"Sixth Brother, so many cars are coming our way!" When his subordinates saw this from the window, they couldn't help but be astonished.

Hearing this, Ol 'Six hurried over and took a closer look. His expression immediately changed, "Why are they here!?"

Looking down from the window, Ol 'Six saw a large group of people jumping down from the carriage, and he recognised the people in the lead. They were actually Baldy Lee from the Dragon Gang, as well as the veteran gangsters from the underworld, Lei the Third and Dwarf Tiger!

I heard that these three people have recently become sworn brothers and merged their power and influence together. They are very famous. What do you mean by appearing here at the same time?

"Come down with me and have a look. Hide that woman first!

The sixth brother instructed his men and called for a few men to go downstairs immediately.

"Isn't this the famous bald old man, Lord Third, and Brother Hu?" "Are you guys here to rest?" The Sixth Brother walked out of the building and asked Baldy Lee and the other two with a fake smile.

"Big brother, this is the sixth brother." Dwarf Tiger reminded Yang Xian, who was standing beside him. However, Ol 'Six didn't know who Yang Xian was, and thought that Yang Xian was one of their lackeys.

Lei the Third was the first to speak: "Old Sixth, I heard that you made a big deal today?"

"Hehe, where did you get this news? Right now, the entire Su City belongs to you guys, and people like us who have no organization or backing, are starving. Right now, I am worrying with my brothers, should I go somewhere else to eat? " Old Six said.

Lei the Third said: Ol 'Six, let's not beat around the bush. Honestly speaking, did you tie up a woman called Tang Feifei?

"Tang Feifei? Who is it? I don't know him! "Master San, it's not like you don't know, the rumors have been going strong recently, how would I dare to accept this kind of work?" A light flashed in the sixth brother's eyes, then it disappeared, replaced by a look of confusion and innocence.

Dwarf Tiger had a violent temper, he stood out and said angrily: "Old Sixth, don't fail to appreciate favors! Hurry up and hand over that woman, or else you'll be in deep trouble today! "

"Brother Hu, I really don't know what you guys are talking about. What kind of woman did you ask me to date? "You have a nightclub. If you want women, you don't have more than me. I even want to ask you for more!" The Sixth Brother hesitated for a moment, but upon thinking that this business was given to him by some big shot and that the reward was not little, although he guessed that Lei the Third and the rest were here to get the woman he kidnapped, he still harbored some hope, and did not give up.

"Baldy, Xiao San, Ah Hu, you talk too much nonsense." Yang Xian said leisurely.

"Yes, Big Brother!"

"Humph!" Sixth Brother, I respect you for being a man, but now it seems like you are refusing a toast and refusing a forfeit! "

"Ol 'Six, since you're clearly not giving us face, then don't blame us."

When the Baldy Lee heard Yang Xian, he knew that Yang Xian was getting impatient, and did not want to speak any further with Ol 'Six, so all of his expression became gloomy.

"Brothers, search!" Even if I have to travel three feet, I have to find the person! " Lei the Third waved his hand, and the hundred people behind him immediately rushed towards the building.

"All of you, stop!"

The sixth brother roared and pulled out a gun, pointing it at the group, "Third master, you have the numbers advantage, but that doesn't mean my sixth brother is afraid of you!" Everyone knows that I, Ol 'Six, have always valued my face more than my life! You want to embarrass me in front of my brothers with your numbers, I won't do that! Don't move, whoever dares to take a step closer, I will shoot and kill that person!

With the appearance of Ol 'Six, no one dared to move.

The Lei the Third lowered his voice, and said to Yang Xian: "Big brother, this fellow does not care about his life, if we force him to do so, he might really be able to shoot, what should we do?"

"What should we do? "Serve it cold."

Yang Xian curled his lips and lightly replied Lei the Third. Right after he finished speaking, something flew out from his hands and coincidentally smashed onto Ol 'Six's wrist, knocking his gun out of his hands and causing it to fall onto the ground.

"Hey, big brother, that's my phone …" Dwarf Tiger's mouth twitched.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'll pay you one later. "Go on!" Yang Xian said.

Only then did the three Baldy Lee s react, and took the lead to rush towards Old Sixth. Seeing this, the lackeys behind them also rushed forward.

"Damn it!" Hold on! Fight them to the death! " The sixth brother was infuriated as he saw a large group of people rushing towards him. It was too late for him to pick up his gun. He took out a watermelon knife and urged his brothers to attack.

"F * ck!" You still dare to be so fierce with us? This Su City, you better not think about continuing to play around with it! " Lei the Third stepped forward and kicked away the gun on the ground. Then, he swung his fist forward before the blade in Ol 'Six's hand landed, causing Ol' Six to stagger a few times before he fell to the ground.

Soon after, the hundred over people also approached him and copied out their sticks and wrenches, and made their move.

The sixth brother only had around ten men under his command, unable to handle the hundred men that Lei the Third and the others brought over. Soon enough, he was subdued and dragged inside the building.

"Search!" Yang Xian ordered.

Dozens of people were guarding Old Sixth and the rest, while the rest of the people rushed in and searched up and down. After a while, a lackey ran downstairs and said to Yang Xian and the rest: "Big bro, we found a woman in the water tank on the roof!"

Hearing that, Yang Xian immediately rushed up to the roof, and saw that Tang Feifei was left in the empty water tank, curled up her body, tied up with a rope.

Yang Xian personally carried Tang Feifei out, and returned downstairs. When Lei the Third and the others saw him, they were all enraged.

"Damn it!" Sixth Brother, didn't you just say that you don't have any!? "

"F * ck!" Do you know who you're tying up? It's our eldest sister-in-law! "

"Old Sixth, I'll kill you!"

The Sixth Brother was beaten up as he squatted at the corner with his face covered. When he saw Yang Xian holding Tang Feifei, he gritted his teeth and was left speechless. At the same time, he was extremely shocked. 'Sister-in-law!? ' Wasn't this woman the CEO of a large company? How could she be the sister-in-law of these hooligans!?

"Big brother, tell me, how do you want to deal with him?" Lei the Third asked Yang Xian.

Yang Xian just looked at it, Tang Feifei had just fainted and did not receive any other injuries, it could be considered as a blessing in distress.

He stared at Ol 'Six and asked indifferently, "Speak, why did you kidnap her?"

"Hehe, San Ye, did I hear wrongly? You guys actually recognize a little kid as your big brother?" Looks like he's going back more and more alive, haha! " Sixth Brother gave Yang Xian a deep look before laughing loudly.

"F * ck, our big brother is asking you a question, yet you still f * cking dare to not clean your mouth!?" Dwarf Tiger went forward and slapped him.

"Kill me if you dare!" This old man will let this go on for the rest of his life, and in eighteen years, this old man will be a good man, but this old man will not do something like betraying someone! " The sixth brother's face turned ugly as blood hung from his mouth.

Yang Xian laughed and said: "You are indeed a man! Not bad, it would be a pity to kill him. You guys, don't kill him just yet. Just break his arms and legs. I'll go first, then come back to the clinic and find me. "

"Big brother, don't worry. We know what to do." Lei the Third and the other two immediately replied.

Yang Xian did not bother anymore, carried Tang Feifei and walked out, and then put her in his own car, and drove away.

"Someone come!" Break their hands and feet! " When Yang Xian left, the Lei the Third immediately spoke out.

Don't forget, Lei the Third and the rest of them are all underhanded people, it's the same for them to be amiable towards their own people, but towards their opponents, they are not lenient at all. It was just breaking their hands and feet. To them, there was nothing worth hesitating over.

A few minutes later, Lei the Third and the rest left the place, while Ol 'Six and the rest were beaten to the point that they could only breathe, it was too horrible to look at.

Ol 'Six took out his cell phone with much difficulty and made a call. After a short moment, a young man's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"What is it?" the man asked.

"Boss, we're screwed, we're almost killed. Please, help us brothers."

"Where are you? I'll get someone to pick you up. " The man said in a low voice.

On the other side, Yang Xian brought Tang Feifei to a private clinic named Dragon Gang. After a short period of treatment, he sat down on the side of the bed and waited for Tang Feifei to wake up.

"Go away! Don't touch me, go away! "

Tang Feifei woke up from her nightmare and suddenly sat up. When she opened her eyes, she discovered that she was lying in a sickroom and beside him, Yang Xian was looking at him while smiling.

"My wife, you're finally awake?"

Tang Feifei was startled, she stared at Yang Xian for a long while, and only then did she gradually realize that she was safe. She suddenly cried, and threw her head into Yang Xian's embrace.

"You bastard, where did you die? Why did you leave me alone? You scared me to death!" "Woo woo!"

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