Once Hee Xiu got off work, she first went to the market to carefully choose a lot of ingredients before hurrying home. She also couldn't explain what had happened. Regarding tonight, she had been treating Yang Xian to a meal excitedly and eagerly, especially when she thought that Yang Xian might be waiting for her at home. She couldn't wait to get home.

When she reached home, it was already dark. Hee Xiu realized that there were no lights in the house, and couldn't help but to be a little puzzled. It was normal for her unreliable little brother to not be home, but could it be that Yang Xian was not here yet?

When Hee Xiu opened the door and turned on the lights, she almost couldn't hold back her laughter. It was because she saw Yang Xian sprawled out on the sofa, obviously sleeping soundly.

Seeing that Yang Xian was sleeping soundly, Hee Xiu could not bear to wake him up, so she went into the kitchen and quietly prepared the dishes. In less than half an hour, she had prepared four dishes and a soup.

"It smells so good!" Yang Xian stretched his body and sat up.

"You're finally awake!" Hee Xiu walked out of the kitchen with her apron still on, and said to Yang Xian with a smile.

Seeing Hee Xiu like that, the expression in Yang Xian's eyes became a little stiff. At this time, Hee Xiu had already taken off her work attire, replacing it was her work clothes. With her long hair hanging down, she had a very small jade-like feeling, especially with the apron on, she looked like a young lady.

"What are you looking at?" Hee Xiu was a little embarrassed when she saw this.

"Look at you!" Yang Xian blurted out.

"What do I have to look at? Come and eat!" Hee Xiu's heart jumped, wasn't this guy too direct?

"You look good everywhere!"

Yang Xian said, he then sat down at the table, looked at the four dishes and one soup, and immediately started to praise: "Good wife and good mother, you are definitely a good wife and good mother!"

"Go!" I don't even have a boyfriend, how could I become a good wife and mother! " Hee Xiu blushed once again as she faced Yang Xian and sat down.

"Hehe, no boyfriend, just create the conditions!" Yang Xian said with a mischievous smile.

"Then let me borrow your words of blessings. I hope I can find the perfect husband as soon as possible!" "Alright, let's eat and try out my cooking skills." Hee Xiu forced herself to calm down and eat with Yang Xian, but she didn't eat at all. She couldn't help but look at Yang Xian with a sweet feeling in his heart.

"En, it's delicious!"

But when Yang Xian just took a bite, the phone suddenly rang, he took it out and saw that it was actually Soong Ting calling. Why would that wicked woman call me at this time?

Yang Xian was a little puzzled. He did not want to care about it at first, but after thinking about it, he did not call him to fulfill his promise of a kiss.


Half an hour ago.

Soong Ting angrily came out of the Criminal Investigation Brigade and drove away. The reason for her outburst at the office earlier was that the people she caught, the hoodlums he caught, had all been released!

This made her very angry, but also very helpless, because she knew that there were definitely powerful people protecting those people behind their backs. As a public and private cop, she couldn't rub the sand in her eyes, but she couldn't change the situation either.

"Boss, that bitch finally came out."

"Only her?"


"Good. Follow her and find a place to take her down!"

Not far from the Criminal Investigation Brigade, a few van followed Soong Ting's cars immediately. They were the ones who caught Soong Ting before Yang Xian and Soong Ting had joined hands to capture him!

These people were protected by some people and escaped from death, but they immediately planned to take revenge on Soong Ting, and had been waiting for her to appear.

Soong Ting drove absent-mindedly. Halfway there, she discovered that she was being followed, but it was already too late as the enemy cars surrounded her, forcing her to stop.

"Hehe, beautiful lady police comrade, we meet again. If you don't want to be disfigured here, obediently come with us!" The head hoodlum and all the other hoodlums got off the car, surrounding Soong Ting so tightly that not even a drop of water could leak out.

Soong Ting clenched her teeth. Even though she could fight, there were twenty to thirty people around her, and she knew that she didn't have the ability to fight against dozens of people like Yang Xian. She had no choice but to obey, and was tied up by the lackeys, and brought to the suburbs.

"Hey, have you thought it over clearly?" At Hee Xiu's home, Yang Xian picked up the phone and asked.

"Brat, if you don't want anything to happen to that policewoman, then come over to us right now!" The one who spoke was not Soong Ting, but the lackey's boss.

Hearing that, Yang Xian frowned, and then Soong Ting shouted in anger: You dare kidnap the police, you will not meet a good end!

He understood that Soong Ting had fallen into the hands of those people.

"Where?" Yang Xian said indifferently.

"I'll send it to you. If you have the guts, then hurry up. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that my subordinates will do anything to her. And you, kid, we should have our revenge too! " After the lackey said that, he hung up the phone. Yang Xian then quickly received a message from Soong Ting, stating that it was an address from the suburbs.

"What's wrong?" Hee Xiu asked.

Yang Xian said: "I have something to take off first!"


Hee Xiu wanted to say something, but Yang Xian had already ran out of the house and quickly disappeared. Hee Xiu stood at the door, feeling a sense of loss and unexplainable sadness.

Yang Xian hailed a taxi, and in a short while, he arrived at the location indicated by the delinquent boss. It was a house in a village in a rural area, very remote and remote.

He walked over, and when the few hoodlums saw him from afar, they immediately started shouting like frightened birds, calling out to everyone in the room. Dozens of people held their weapons, glaring at Yang Xian.

Yang Xian walked over calmly and asked: "Where is that policewoman?"

"Kid, do you dare to come in?" The delinquent boss said from inside.

"Don't come in, go! Don't you know it's a trap? Are you stupid!? " Soong Ting shouted from inside the house. She really hoped that someone would come to save her, and she didn't have any good impression of Yang Xian either. However, this kind of situation was related to one's life, she didn't want to pull Yang Xian into the water.

"I even dare to challenge the Asura Hell, much less here."

Yang Xian laughed leisurely, ignoring the bullies who were eyeing him covetously, he walked into the house.

Soong Ting was tied to a pillar. Although sshe looked to be in a sorry state, he did not seem to be abused, and the big bro was sitting on a chair smoking arrogantly.

"Brat, you really have guts!"

"Nonsense, I'm a 100% man, how could I not have balls?" Yang Xian rolled his eyes.

"Even if you have the guts, it's useless. You're dead today, but don't worry, I'll bury you no matter what. If you're interested in this policewoman, I can bury you both together too, haha!" The boss hoodlum laughed sinisterly.

"Bury your head!" We haven't slept yet, it's too early to be buried together! " Yang Xian replied unhappily.

When Soong Ting heard this, Soong Ting did not know whether to laugh or be angry.

"Stubborn duckling, I'll cut your tongue off immediately and shut the door! Attack! As long as you don't die, you can hit me however you want! " Speaking of words, this lackey boss was not Yang Xian's match, so he didn't waste any time, and indicated his subordinates to take action.

The twenty to thirty people wanted to take revenge already, so they all grabbed onto the water pipes and pounced towards Yang Xian. Thus, in the next second, the room was in chaos.

However, a minute later …

Yang Xian weighed the water pipe that he snatched from the hands of a hoodlum and grinned towards the hoodlum boss.

"Do you know what happens to those who threaten me?" Yang Xian said as he leisurely walked towards the delinquent boss.

"You, don't come over!" The lackey thought that he would beat Yang Xian to death this time, but when he saw that his subordinates were beaten up by Yang Xian one by one, his face changed. In the end, he became a little dazed and did not dare believe his eyes.

F * ck! There were more than thirty people here, but they were all taken care of by one person.

"It's fine if you provoke me too late, but to use a woman to threaten me has violated my great taboo! Women are meant to hurt, not to hurt! "

Yang Xian sneered and kicked the delinquent boss down to the ground. Then, he ferociously thrust the iron pipe in his hand towards the delinquent boss's anus …

Although this move was very evil, it had to be said that the effect was very good. In the past, Yang Xian had used this move many times to deal with his enemies, and it would often cause his enemies to suffer from both physical and mental attacks.

Soong Ting was tied up, and when she saw Yang Xian's actions from the moment he entered the room until now, she was also stunned.

At that moment, in Soong Ting's eyes, Yang Xian's image seemed to have changed, and was no longer as wretched as before, even though what he was doing now was already very vulgar.

Yang Xian's words were meant to hurt, not to hurt. It kept echoing in her ears, giving her a very strange feeling, as if he had become weak, or as if Yang Xian had become tall and big.

"F * ck your grandmother, are you satisfied now?" Do you know who you have offended? " Yang Xian unceremoniously taught the delinquent a lesson and vented his anger a little. Only then did he untie the rope for Soong Ting.

Soong Ting looked deeply at Yang Xian. She wanted to say thank you at first, but realised that there was something wrong with's eyes. She had actually sneaked a peek at her own chest!

She lowered her head to look, and she didn't know when, but a small crack had appeared on the clothes in front of her chest, revealing a small part of the radiance inside.

The slight change in Soong Ting's impression of Yang Xian immediately went back to its original form. She zipped up her jacket and asked with a sunken face, "How should we deal with these people?"

Yang Xian shrugged his shoulders. "If you want to follow my habits, throw all of them into the river and feed them to the fishes."

"Seriously!" Of course, Soong Ting would never believe that Yang Xian had done such a thing.


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