Soong Ting drove the car around the police cars that were on the way up the mountain, and finally left the Wang family's villa.

"Damn it! Just a little more than enough to tie Wang Xiong down! " Soong Ting stopped her car by the side of the road and said angrily.

Yang Xian said indifferently: "Aren't you being too naive? Even if that old fogey doesn't call the police and you catch him, he can come out right away. "

"I know, but I'm not willing!"

"If I don't want to, I can only go home and wash up."

"I don't care!"

Soong Ting waited for Yang Xian, and said: "In the end, this matter was caused by you, you have to help me solve it!"

Yang Xian said indifferently: "That's no problem, but it's already so late, shouldn't you send me home first? We'll talk tomorrow."

"Good!" "Then I'll go and find you tomorrow!"

"Hehe!" Are you in love with me? "Why can't you see me for a day?"


Soong Ting sent Yang Xian back to the empty mountain villa area and was very surprised when she arrived outside the villa where Tang Feifei was staying.

"Where do you get the money to live in a place like this?"

"You don't know a lot of things. Do you want to come in and listen to what I have to say!?"

"Not interested!"

With that said, Soong Ting started the car and left.

Yang Xian laughed, and watched Soong Ting drive off into the distance, before pressing the doorbell and shouting: "Wifey, open the door, I'm back!"

The electronic lock opened, and Yang Xian walked in. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in front of him, and he instinctively jumped to the side, barely dodging.

"Holy sh * t!" You murdered your husband! "

Yang Xian looked carefully, and saw that the head of his hand was holding onto a snow white shiny kitchen knife!

"Yang Xian, I've been waiting for you for a long time! I will kill you! " Tang Feifei said as she raised her kitchen knife and rushed forward again.

"Hiss!" Wife, do your grandfather know how fierce you are? " As Yang Xian spoke, he ran upstairs, if not he would be hacked into two by Tang Feifei.

"You still dare to use my grandfather to pressure me? Yang Xian, just because you slept on my bed today and secretly watched me change my clothes, if my grandfather knew, he would definitely chop you! "

"No way! Your grandfather would like me to sleep with you and dress you while he's at it! "

"You're still talking nonsense, I'll chop!"

The two of them continued to chase and escape. Soon enough, they reached the second floor as Yang Xian ran into his room and locked the door.

Tang Feifei knocked on the door, and said fiercely: "Yang Xian, if you're a man, then come out!"

"What do you want?"

"I will castrate you!"

"Then I won't leave even if I'm beaten to death!"

After Yang Xian finished speaking, he directly went into the bathroom to shower. Then, he threw himself onto the bed and went to sleep!

Tang Feifei stood at the doorway angrily for a long time. She had already cursed but was unable to enter the room, instead, she heard Yang Xian snoring. This caused her to be extremely angry, but there was nothing she could do.

In the blink of an eye, one night had passed. Yang Xian woke up at seven or eight o'clock.

"Yang Xian!"

"Again? Wife, you're really persistent! "

Hearing Tang Feifei's voice, Yang Xian turned his head to look, only to see Tang Feifei holding onto a kitchen knife, staring at him as if she was sharpening a knife.

"Humph!" I let you escape death last night, now I won't let you go no matter what! " Tang Feifei said as she rushed towards Yang Xian.

Yang Xian stood in place without moving. When Tang Feifei came over, she raised his hand and Tang Feifei's kitchen knife was already in his hand. At the same time, Yang Xian used his other hand and pulled Tang Feifei into his embrace.

He grinned and said: "Wifey, you threw yourself at me so early in the morning. Are you trying to make me feel embarrassed?"

"Bastard!" Shameless! Let me go! " Tang Feifei struggled in embarrassment.

She had actually just woken up and passed by the door of Yang Xian's room. She happened to hear Yang Xian's footsteps in the room and immediately remembered what happened yesterday, so she immediately went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife.

Yang Xian said: "If I let you go and you want to kill me again, I'm not stupid!"

Tang Feifei wished she could eat Yang Xian for breakfast, because not only did Yang Xian grab her blade and hug her, his hands were also on her waist and were touching her!

She knew that she was no match for Yang Xian and could only say, "Let go of me, I won't kill you anymore!"

"A promise counts!"

"I'm not you! "Of course I mean it!"

Only then did Yang Xian let go of Tang Feifei, and Tang Feifei immediately pulled away from Yang Xian by at least five meters, staring angrily at him.

"Yang Xian, tell me, how should we settle yesterday's matter?" Tang Feifei clenched her teeth and said.

Yang Xian placed the kitchen knife down casually and said: "My wife, you will be mine sooner or later anyways. It's fine if I see you, what's there to be angry about? "Besides, I don't see anything. At least I don't see anything important …"

"You, you, you, you … "It's actually reasonable!?" Tang Feifei was so angry that she almost fainted.

Heavens, the earth! How could there be such a shameless person in this world!?

"Eh? Someone rang the doorbell!? " Yang Xian said.

"Just you wait, we're not done yet!"

Tang Feifei also heard the sound of someone pressing the doorbell. She glared fiercely at Yang Xian before going downstairs and opening the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

Tang Feifei opened the door, only to see a rather handsome girl.

"I'm looking for him!" Soong Ting pointed to Yang Xian who was downstairs.

Tang Feifei frowned, and thought to herself, when did this guy Yang Xian know such a beautiful girl? Could it be that he went out to hook up with me when I wasn't paying attention?

Heh heh, what a good Yang Xian, you've fallen into my hands now, right?

Tang Feifei's face revealed a smile, she waved at Yang Xian, and when Yang Xian came over, she grabbed Yang Xian's arm, and even rested his head on's shoulder, and asked: "My dear, who is this?"

"Ugh …"

Yang Xian touched Tang Feifei's forehead. He did not have a fever, why did he suddenly look like a different person?

then placed his hand on Tang Feifei's waist and said: "This is Soong Ting, my friend."

"Oh, why are you looking for me so early?"

"Women shouldn't ask too much about men. I'll be leaving first. You can go to work by yourself later. " After Yang Xian finished speaking, he walked out of the house, and got into Soong Ting's car before he got on.

Soong Ting looked at Tang Feifei strangely, but did not say anything. She got on the car and started the engine, then left.

Tang Feifei was stunned in place, she did not know how to react for a long while, only until Soong Ting and Yang Xian's car had gone far away did she finally become so angry that she stomped her feet.

"Damn it, damn it! This damned fellow! He actually took advantage of me again! Tang Feifei, are you stupid? Not only did you not have time to ask him anything, you even just watched him leave with another woman! Ah, I can't accept it! "

"That girl just now, is she really your girlfriend?" Soong Ting looked at Yang Xian and said.

Yang Xian snickered and said: "Guess?"

"Impossible!" Soong Ting said resolutely.


"How could such a beautiful girl fall for you?"

Yang Xian, "..."

He pursed his lips before revealing a strange smile, "Then did you come to find me so early because you missed me too much?"

"Speak properly!"

Soong Ting revealed her feminine side again, roaring at Yang Xian. After that, she gritted her teeth and spoke with a stern face: "What exactly are we going to do about Wang Xiong?"

Yang Xian yawned: "If you want to take care of Wang Xiong, you must first take care of the person who protected him."

"I know that too. The problem is, I don't know who he's colluding with!"

"You'll know soon enough."

"What do you mean?" After Soong Ting heard this, she was at a loss.

"You'll know when you return to the Criminal Investigation Brigade. "Please send me back to the company first. Yesterday, I had a day's work to do for you. No matter what, I have to go back to the company this morning and work hard to sleep!" Yang Xian yawned and said.

Soong Ting rolled her eyes and did not say anymore. She increased her speed.

"Meet me for lunch."

Reaching the company, Yang Xian jumped off the car and said to Soong Ting.

"You told me to come, so I came? "Beautiful!" Soong Ting replied unhappily and quickly drove away.

Yang Xian swiped his card and went upstairs. Just as he walked into the elevator, he met Hee Xiu.

"Morning!" greeted her with a smile. Today, Hee Xiu was wearing flesh-colored stockings, it was extremely sexy, and he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Morning... Yang Xian, what happened to you yesterday? " Hee Xiu did not sleep well last night, because he had been thinking about how Yang Xian would suddenly leave while he was eating.

"I have something to do at the moment. Sorry for wasting your table of food. I'll treat you to a meal and apologize another day, but you have to wait for my salary, hehe!"

After Hee Xiu heard this, her heart relaxed a lot. She pursed her lips and laughed: "Look at what you're saying, how can it be so serious? It doesn't matter if you didn't finish the meal yesterday. If you're free one day, I'll make you another. "

"Sure, sure!" Yang Xian nodded his head.

Hee Xiu blushed a little. She didn't know where she got all this courage to actually take the initiative to say such a thing to a man, but she felt embarrassed to speak to Yang Xian again for the moment.

Fortunately, they had reached Yang Xian's office floor in no time. Yang Xian yawned and waved to Hee Xiu before he went out to take a nap.

At this time, Ding's Group, the CEO's office.

Ding Junkai stood in front of the french window in his office and looked down at the scenery below with the majority of his Su City.

"Did you arrange an afternoon meeting with the Tang Clan President Tang for me?" Ding Junkai looked at the scenery in the distance, and said to the secretary who was standing behind him.

The secretary said: "President Ding, I have an appointment for you to meet with President Tang at 3 o'clock."

"Got it." Ding Junkai nodded, thinking of Tang Feifei, his face revealed a meaningful smile.


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