"What are you talking about?" The middle aged man glared at Hee Jie fiercely, causing Hee Jie to immediately submit and hide behind Yang Xian.

"This is my girlfriend's dad." Hee Jie reminded Yang Xian in a low voice.

Yang Xian smiled at the middle aged man and said: "Greetings Uncle, can I come in to talk?"

"It just so happens that I want to argue with this kid about my daughter. Everyone, come in." When the middle aged man saw that Yang Xian was being polite, he let the two in.

"Baby!?" Hee Jie shouted towards the room.

"Hee Jie! My makeup is already in tears. Just you wait, I'll fix it and come out right now! " Hee Jie's girlfriend sobbed as he spoke.

Yang Xian was speechless for a moment. That woman was also good enough, she had obviously gotten used to the smell of gunpowder, but she still had the mood to wear makeup!? It seemed that weirdos and weirdos really liked each other more.

"Kid, let's cut the long story short. Are you going to let my daughter off or not?" Middle-aged man said in a rough tone.

"Humph!" Baby and I are really in love, don't try to break us apart! " Hee Jie coldly snorted.

"What the f * ck!" Did I give you face? Do you really want me to fall in love with you? You are just a street hoodlum, yet you don't do anything serious every day. How can I make my daughter follow you? " The middle-aged man's face darkened again, he could not help but curse at Hee Jie.

Hee Jie rolled his eyes and said: "She's willing, but what can you do about it? Besides, I've never let her suffer! "

"It will be too late by then!" Cut the crap, I'll leave it to you today. You have to stop talking with my daughter, don't delay her and find a good place to stay! Otherwise, I will be rude to you! " The middle-aged man said as he slammed the table, scaring Hee Jie to the point that he shrunk back. It was obvious that this boy was stubborn in his words, but in reality, he had no backbone either.

Yang Xian thought for a while, then said: "Uncle, this brat is not very promising, but why don't we call out the other party, and let us all clarify things first, after all, this will depend on their attitudes."

"Mm, you are quite a fair speaker, young man. You are so much stronger than him." Gui Qin, come out! " The middle-aged man nodded and shouted towards the room.

Gui Qin?

Hearing that, Yang Xian almost fell. This name was earthy enough, he just did not know what the person in question looked like.

Very quickly, the door to the room opened. Yang Xian was stunned.

At first he saw a figure as wide as the frame of a door, but then he saw the face of an abstract oil painting against a pile of ribbons that flapped in the wind.

"Baby!" When Hee Jie saw the girl called Gui Qin, he immediately rushed over and hugged her. Uh, to be exact, it was Hee Jie who picked her up.

"Stinking brat, you actually took advantage of my daughter in front of me!?" When the middle-aged man saw this, he immediately slammed the table again.

Yang Xian sighed, patted the middle aged man's shoulders and said: "Uncle, don't be angry, I promise you with my integrity, they are indeed true love."

Yang Xian was completely speechless, he had initially been wondering which female could have such a poor eye for a trash like Hee Jie, but after seeing this Gui Qin who looked like a human, he finally understood what it meant to be a lover who had eyes that were unfathomable.

Most people would not be able to see Hee Jie as much, but compared to Hee Jie, this woman was definitely harder to find. For the two of them to be together and even call each other a baby, it was truly a miracle in life.

"We are true love! Brother-in-law, you have to avenge us! " Hee Jie hugged, oh, nestled in the embrace of a woman who was at least twice his size, and said to Yang Xian.

"Daddy! I like him, and he treats me the best! " Gui Qin also said.

The middle-aged man looked at the two of them angrily and helplessly. Finally, he said to Yang Xian: "You're his brother-in-law, so you can be considered his parent. Tell me, what should we do?"

"Uncle, how about we go out for a smoke? My view of the world is a bit chaotic right now."


Yang Xian and the middle-aged man sat on the stairs, smoking while sighing.

"Uncle, I think the two of them are pretty compatible. How about you just follow them?" Yang Xian said as he puffed out a cloud of smoke.

The middle-aged man sighed, "Young man, it's not like I don't know that it's difficult to find a wife for my daughter. But even if I can't marry her, it's still better than being a tramp on a stall. At least I don't have to suffer!"

"That's true... But I can't decide my life for them, can I? "

"That is true, but if that brat Hee Jie is unable to change, I will definitely not let him be with me!" The middle-aged man said.

He looked at Yang Xian and said: "You are his brother-in-law, then say something, can you change the mind of this brat? If you can, then I will consider it again, if not, then she shouldn't hope to see my Gui Qin again!"

Inside the house, Hee Jie's and Gui Qin's voices came out.

"If you dare to break us up, then we'll just jump off a building and be martyred by love!"

Upon hearing this, the corner of Yang Xian's mouth twitched.

He put out his cigarette and said, "Sure, I promise. He can change it!"

"Seeing that you are a wise man, I believe you, so I will allow them to interact with each other for the time being. However, if that brat still dares to sneak in through the window and find Gui Qin to sleep when I'm not home, see if I can't cut him apart! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm a pork seller. "

Yang Xian, "..."

After leaving Gui Qin's house, Hee Jie looked a little reluctant to leave, but this time, Yang Xian had a whole new level of respect for him. Just based on this kid's taste alone, he definitely wasn't a mortal!

"Your future father-in-law clearly said that he wants you to start anew. Otherwise, don't expect me to truly love you when I see you." Yang Xian said.

"Then how can I change it?" Hee Jie scratched his head.

"Nonsense, let's find a job first!"

"Then Brother-in-law, can you introduce me to a job? If you want the kind of people who don't get tired of living and have more time to rest, that's for the best. " Hee Jie said.

Yang Xian almost couldn't hold back from slapping the wall. He glared at him and just happened to see a restaurant recruiting for people, and pulled Hee Jie inside.

"No way, Brother-in-law, you're making me your manager?" Can they take me? " Hee Jie said nervously.

Yang Xian took a deep breath and said: "You seem to know your own name. Just like you, to be a manager, to apply to be a waiter, it would already be good if he could take you in!" Let me warn you, if you can't even make it to this point, don't think about finding your Gui Qin. Just go to the toilet and bring her out.

"Damn!" Isn't it a bit of a waste for me to be a waiter? "

"Mm!?" Hearing that, Yang Xian squinted his eyes.

"Uh, can't I go?" Hee Jie shrunk his neck, took the form and filled it in.

Yang Xian sat at the side and waited. Right at this moment, a waitress ran into the recruitment office in a hurry. Very quickly, a woman and the waitress came out with serious expressions, as if something had happened.

When Yang Xian saw that woman, his eyes immediately lit up. Another beautiful oneesan, he never thought that this Third rate Restaurant would have such an excellent restaurant, let's go take a look.

Since he had nothing else to do, Yang Xian decided to follow him over to a private room.

He saw that the royal sister and the waitress had all entered the private room, explaining something to the few men, while the few men kept on arguing and looked very fierce. On the other side, there was a young man holding his stomach, lying on the ground and crying out, but he also opened his eyes from time to time to peek at the people who were arguing.

"Tell me, how should I deal with this?"

"Guests, your friends have a stomachache. We are also very anxious and sympathetic, but we don't know what's wrong with it yet. How about I call an ambulance for you and take him to the hospital for inspection. We'll talk about it later, alright?"

"No, this won't do. The problem lies in your food. What if you don't acknowledge this in the hospital?"

"Then what do you want me to do?" The beautiful oneesan frowned as if she had noticed something, and hugged her arms as she spoke.

"The restaurant will pay the bill, we will send him to the hospital ourselves."

"Then how much do you want?"

"The inspection fees, medical fees, malpractice fees, spirit loss fees, etc. They all add up to at least seven to eight thousand yuan."

The beautiful oneesan laughed and directly shook her head. "I'm sorry everyone, we have a small business here, so we don't have that much money to give to you. "How about this, I won't accept your money. I'll give you guys another hundred yuan, then I'll give you guys the money to take a taxi back and forth. Any place you want to send that friend to, is that alright?"

"What!?" When the men heard this, they were stunned for a moment before their expressions turned ferocious.

"What? Do you think I didn't deal with it fairly enough?"

"Of course it's unfair!" Before the few men could speak, someone spoke at the door of the private box, and a few of them turned to look, only to see a young man walking in happily. It was Yang Xian.

"The eyes of the masses are bright! Brother, this restaurant is really too bullying, they simply do not treat us customers who come to eat as people! " The few men thought that Yang Xian was here to speak up for them, and immediately tried to get sympathy for him.

The beautiful oneesan looked at Yang Xian, thinking that he had come to help. Her expression immediately became more serious.

Yang Xian walked in with a harmless smile, and nodded to the few people, and said: "Big brothers are right, how about I take care of this matter for you guys and ensure that it is fair!"

"Hehe!" Since this brother is so zealous, then of course we would welcome him! " A few of them nodded their heads. With the help of an outsider, they felt more confident.

Yang Xian snickered, walked to the man who was still lying on the ground howling and squatted, and asked: "Bro, where's the pain?"

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