"What!? You dare to speak ill of me!? "

Soong Ting walked over to sit beside Lin Dong and snorted coldly.

"Aiya, Sister Soong Ting, Yang Xian didn't say anything bad about you!" Yang Xian was not anxious, but Lin Dong wanted to defend him.

"Then what are you talking about?

"We were discussing whether you liked men or not. Dong'er said that you only liked big heroes, and then I felt that you were abnormal." Yang Xian said directly.

"I just like great heroes, why is that abnormal?" Soong Ting said snappily.

"Because I am, but you actually don't like me. Then aren't you abnormal? What else can you be!?" Yang Xian said.

"You! "Shameless!"

"Hehe, I was right. Have you gotten angry from embarrassment?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, Lin Dong quickly acted as the mediator: "Okay, okay! "Give me some face, I'll treat you guys to a meal today, and you can stop quarreling!"

"For Dong'er's sake, I'll let you off for now." Soong Ting glared at Yang Xian again, turned her head and spoke to Lin Dong, ignoring him.

Very quickly, the food that Lin Dong ordered before she arrived was served, and the three of them started to eat and drink.

As Lin Dong ate, she could not help but ask out of curiosity, "Big Sis Soong Ting, didn't that Wang Cheng get caught?

Soong Ting said: "It's true that he was captured, but the person who did the wrong thing was his father. There was no evidence of him committing a crime, so we locked him up for two days and released him. But today, he actually dared to murder you all in public. This time, he won't come out so easily. "

"What about his dad and those people, and that Director Luo?"

"After we interrogated him, Wang Xiong had already admitted to running an illegal gambling den, an underground banking house, and colluding with gangsters to harm and exact vengeance. He was currently in the detention center waiting for his punishment. "As for Commissioner Luo …"

After Soong Ting said this, she glanced at Yang Xian and said: "We have already found out about the alleged corruption in the positions, as well as the act of providing illegal protection to the gangsters. They have also been expelled from their positions, and there will not be a good ending."

Since the villains have been punished, then we should celebrate, but, we should thank Yang Xian the most! Lin Dong said as she raised her tea cup to toast Yang Xian.

"Look at what you're saying, we're all on the same side. Why are you being polite to me?" Yang Xian laughed and touched the teacup with Lin Dong.

"Sister Soong Ting, you were previously suspended, but you seemed to have recovered your position because of this matter, right? Yang Xian also contributed greatly, don't you want to thank him?" Lin Dong said to Soong Ting.

Soong Ting pursed her lips, looked at Yang Xian with a complicated gaze, and said: "This guy committed heinous crimes, it's already not bad that he hasn't been captured. Why should I thank him for?"

Just as Lin Dong wanted to say something, sshe waved her hand and said: "Dong'er, forget it, someone cannot put down his position to thank me in front of everyone, he can only put his gratitude and worship towards me in his heart, let's not bother about it!"

Everyone could tell that these words were referring to Soong Ting. Lin Dong covered his mouth and snickered, while Soong Ting's face reddened, not because she was shy, but because she was angered by Yang Xian's words.

She clenched her teeth. She did not want to thank Yang Xian, so she did not either.

"Don't push yourself too far. I've already done everything I promised you. Isn't that enough?" Soong Ting snorted.

"Eh? Sister Soong Ting, what did you promise Yang Xian? " Lin Dong asked curiously.

"This... I don't remember. Anyway, it's already over. Let's eat! " Soong Ting recalled the kiss and hug that she gave Yang Xian earlier. For some reason, she suddenly felt her heart speed up and her face heating up, as she did not dare to continue speaking.

Weird, he didn't drink!

After finishing their meal, the three of them got into Soong Ting's car and were sent back home by her.

Just when he arrived at the place where Soong Ting and Lin Dong were sharing the rent for, Lin Dong got off the car, and after bidding farewell to Yang Xian, he entered the building. Just like yesterday, Yang Xian was waiting for Soong Ting to return him to his villa in the sky mountain area.

But halfway through the carriage, they received a call from Hee Jie.

"Brother-in-law, come over quickly!" I've been beaten! " Hee Jie shouted from the phone.

Yang Xian lazily said: "It's not a big news that you've been beaten up, why are you shouting so much?"

"That's not it, brother-in-law, I was working in the tavern before. A group of people suddenly rushed in and beat up the few of us waiters, and even captured Sister Lin Yu. Even I was in trouble …"

"What!? Your beautiful boss was taken away? Just you wait, I'll be right there! " If it was just Hee Jie getting beaten up, Yang Xian would not bother to care at all. After a few days of understanding, it was normal for that guy to get beaten up, but the restaurant owner, the beautiful Lin Yu, was kidnapped, Yang Xian could not ignore this matter.

He would be saved if he was a beauty!

"Ting, quickly, go to the Fortune Men Restaurant on Vanguard Road." Yang Xian said.

"Why?" Soong Ting asked.

As the vice captain of Criminal Investigation Brigade, this is the time for you to uphold justice, the time for justice! Cut the crap and hurry up and leave! "

Soong Ting glanced at Yang Xian, she could not find anything wrong with his words, so she decided to go in the direction Yang Xian had pointed at.

After a while, the two of them arrived. He got off the car.

Yang Xian and Soong Ting walked over, to see Hee Jie sitting at the door, looking dejected.

"Get up, tell me what happened?" Yang Xian said.

Sigh, brother-in-law, what kind of job are you getting me? After a long while, the boss was taken away by someone, and even I am almost in danger of losing my life. Look, those people beat me up, so you'd better find me another job. Hee Jie said gloomily.

"Cut the crap, get down to business!" Yang Xian was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, he glared and said.

"Oh, this is what happened …"

Hee Jie did not dare to speak anymore nonsense, so he told Yang Xian everything that had happened not long ago.

Originally, after those people were chased away by Yang Xian and his group at noon, the night time had come again. There were more than a dozen people in this group. After entering the restaurant, they immediately hit the floor, scaring away all the guests.

Lin Yu and a few staff members came out to argue with them, but other than Lin Yu, everyone else was beaten up. Hee Jie originally wanted to escape through the back door, but when he was found out by the guard at the back door, he caught them all and beat them up.

After they finished smashing the things, they took Lin Yu away, and left behind words, saying that they must ask the people who were with Lin Yu to destroy their affairs to redeem Lin Yu, or else they would do something to Lin Yu.

Brother-in-law, I think this matter is all because of that guy who provoked those hoodlums. If it wasn't for him, President Lin wouldn't have been taken away, and I wouldn't have gotten beaten up! Hee Jie said.

"Damn!" They're talking about me! " Yang Xian could not help but slap Hee Jie on the head, causing him to shrink his head and not dare to speak anymore.

"Do you know who those guys are?" Yang Xian finished and asked Hee Jie.

"They said they were from the Iron Gang. That's right, they also said that if they want to redeem someone, they would have to go to the bar on the next street, and that would be their territory. But, they cannot call the police, otherwise, President Lin would definitely not be able to land anywhere good. " Hee Jie said.

"Then what are you still standing there for? Lead the way! " Yang Xian said.

After Hee Jie heard this, he immediately retracted his head and said: "Brother-in-law, I won't go, right? "It's not like I know how to fight …"

"With me here, what need do I have for you? I'm giving you a chance to show off in front of your boss, hurry up! " Yang Xian kicked his butt, urging him to leave quickly, only then did Hee Jie reluctantly lead the way.

Soong Ting followed behind Yang Xian, and did not say a word, but seeing that Hee Jie was walking at the front, he could not hold it in anymore, and pulled him down, and asked: "Why does he call you brother-in-law?"

Yang Xian said: "Because this brat worshipped me, he had always hoped that I could become his brother-in-law. There's no helping it, people are just too attractive, so they're just so likeable. "

"Scram!" After Soong Ting heard this, he immediately gave Yang Xian a word of gift. However, she didn't know why Yang Xian would tell him the reason;

It was a bar not far away from them. They walked into it and saw that it was filled with men who were drinking and punching bare-chested. Even if there were women, they were nothing but mediocre fans.

"Yo!" "Brat, you really have balls. You actually dared to come to my door!"

Just as he walked a few steps, a man stood up and sneered at Yang Xian. He was the one who pretended to have a stomachache at Lin Yu's restaurant all day.

"Yo!" Brother, you're here too! How was it? Was his stomach better? Do you want me to take a look for you? " Yang Xian grinned and greeted naturally, as if he was familiar with the place.

The man's face immediately darkened. He gritted his teeth and snorted, "Stinking brat, you still dare to act dumb with me? Just you wait, I'll settle this score with you later! "Close the door!"

As the door closed, a few tables worth of people scuttled over and gathered in front of Yang Xian and the other two. Obviously, they were all in the same group as that Iron Gang member.

"Cut the crap, where is he? Where did you hide it? " Yang Xian asked as he lazily glanced at the dozens of people in front of him, not putting them in his eyes.

"He's in the box. However, you have to be able to make it!" The man sneered, then waved his hand. With a loud roar, he made his move, and the people beside him all rushed towards Yang Xian and the other two.

"Brother-in-law, you guys fight slowly, I'll find a place to hide first!" Hee Jie was already terrified, he threw those words and retreated to a corner.

Soong Ting stood where she was with her arms crossed, not moving an inch, while Yang Xian walked over to welcome him.

In less than a minute, everyone was lying down, the man who was hooting with Yang Xian was being held in Yang Xian's hands, and was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

"I say, why aren't you helping?" Yang Xian returned to Soong Ting's side and said gloomily.

Soong Ting said indifferently: "You didn't ask for my help, what am I going to do with all that effort?"

Yang Xian: "F * * k …"

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