"Yang Xian, you're being chased out by the President Tang again, right?"

Seeing Yang Xian running out of Tang Feifei's office with his neck hunched, Hee Xiu could not help but laugh.

"Where?" President Tang understands that I worked too hard, so he asked me to come home early to rest. "

Yang Xian's old face flushed red, he laughed, then moved closer to Hee Xiu and said: "Xiu! "When are you going to invite me to your house to have a taste of your cooking skills?"

"As long as you have the time, you can do it anytime." Hee Xiu said softly, her ears red again.

"Then it's a deal! "Wait for me!"

After Yang Xian finished, he waved his hand at Hee Xiu and walked into the elevator.

In the elevator, Yang Xian suddenly received an unfamiliar phone call. When he picked it up, he heard that it was from Bin.

On the phone, Bin straightforwardly invited Yang Xian to dinner with his buddies. He was quite sincere, Yang Xian thought, since there were no other arrangements, and there were even people who wanted to eat together with him. There was no reason not to go, so he agreed and agreed on a time and place.

Just as he hung up, another person called. It was also an unfamiliar number.

"Strange, am I that popular?" Yang Xian was puzzled, but quickly picked it up and fed it to his.

"Hehe, handsome, are you empty? Are you lonely? Do you need me to comfort you?" When the call connected, a girl's voice that was sweet to the point that Yang Xian's bones were going numb came out of her head.

Yang Xian grinned and said: "Beauty Zhen Ni, I am empty, I am lonely, how do you plan to comfort me?"

"Yo!" Do you recognize my voice? " On the other side of the phone, it was the beautiful and rich Zhen Ni.

"Heh heh, I've always remembered beautiful women. I'll always remember their voices in my heart!" Yang Xian said casually.

"My little mouth is so sweet! Handsome Yang, where are you? " Zhen Ni laughed and asked.

"I just left the company and was planning to go eat!" Yang Xian said.

"That's just right. I'll lend you a car for a few days and then I'll drive it over personally. How about that? Zhen Ni said.

"But I've already asked the lords to dinner and drink! If you don't mind, then come! "

"I love liveliness! Give me the address and I'll be right over. "

"That's fine! This is for you. See you later! "

After Yang Xian finished speaking, he made a phone call and sent the address that Bin had sent him to Zhen Ni. Then, he called a taxi and headed towards the agreed location.

After a while, they arrived at the prearranged location with Bin. It was a hot pot restaurant in the city.

Yang Xian walked in and asked for a large table to sit at. Just as he took a sip of tea, he heard the sound of brakes from outside. Very quickly, the door opened, and a girl who looked like a ball of fire walked out.

Zhen Ni walked into the hotpot restaurant. As long as it was a man's shop, her eyes would glaze over for a moment, and the only reason was that whether it was her clothes or body, Zhen Ni was too hot, too sexy, and too annoying!

Zhen Ni took off her sunglasses, ignoring the gazes of the surrounding men, twisted her waist and walked towards Yang Xian, then directly sat next to Yang Xian. This made all the boys sigh in unison, looks like this good Chinese cabbage had already been touched by someone!

"Handsome Yang, why did you choose such a place to eat?" "You're so rich, I thought you were going to a Western restaurant!" Zhen Ni directly took a sip of Yang Xian's tea and said.

Yang Xian laughed, "As the President, aren't we supposed to just sit in the toilet? "No matter how rich you are, you should still eat rice. The most important thing is not where you can eat, but who you can eat with!"

"Puchi!" Are you feeling nauseous? But I like hearing that! " Zhen Ni covered her mouth and laughed, she looked at Yang Xian with her charming eyes, the more she looked, the more she felt that she was different from the others.

When Yang Xian asked her to order the Lamborghini's Poison this morning, he was immediately shocked by Yang Xian. His guess told her that Yang Xian was either a young genius who started from scratch, or an invisible fuerdai. He was extremely tall, but she never expected that Yang Xian was dressed like a diaosi, and that the place he ate was also such a diaosi. It seemed that keeping a low profile wasn't an act, but was actually part of the meaning!

"By the way, what kind of car did you get for me?" Yang Xian asked.

"The BMW X7, although it's just an ordinary car worth a million or so, it wins by a lot and is suitable for you men to drive. The most important thing is that the shock-proof effect is quite good!" Zhen Ni blew into Yang Xian's ears.

Yang Xian grinned from ear to ear, and said: "What brand it is, it doesn't matter. But avoiding tremors is indeed very important, and the effect is very good.

Zhen Ni licked her full lips and stared straight at Yang Xian, saying, "How are you going to experience it all by yourself? Do you want me to help you? "

"Hehe!" You are so loyal, I cannot refuse! " Yang Xian laughed, his heart itchy from being seduced by Zhen Ni.


Just then, Bin and a few other people walked in and greeted Yang Xian.

Yang Xian nodded at them, then said to Zhen Ni: "These are all my friends from Su City University."

"Yo!" They were all fierce men! I like it! " Zhen Ni swept his eyes across Bin and the others, and laughed. Although these were the words, she could tell with her eyes that although these people were sturdy and tall, they seemed very immature. They were clearly students without any status or abilities.

Towards this kind of guy, Zhen Ni would not have the slightest feeling. After all, her status was too far away from his, but she would not be so rude to him.

"Yang Xian, this is?"

When Bin and the others saw Zhen Ni sitting beside Yang Xian, just like the other men, their blood and Qi instantly surged, as if they wanted to cough out blood. They actually felt embarrassed to look at Zhen Ni.

"Hee hee!" Are you all students? My name is Zhen Ni, but you all have to call me Big Sis! " Zhen Ni said generously.

"Hello, Sister Zhen Ni." Bin and the others could also feel that this Zhen Ni was someone who had stayed in society for a very long time.

Bin sat down and said to Yang Xian: "Yang Xian, why don't we change to a better place to eat? Look, I also don't know if you invited Big Sister Zhen Ni over to let her, a girl, stay in this place where men all shout and shout at the top of their lungs, is it not inappropriate? "

Before Yang Xian could say anything, Zhen Ni opened her mouth first. She had the bearing of a heroine as she said: "You underestimate me, big sis. Elder sister, I can go to a fine restaurant to drink red wine and sit at a barbecue stand to roll my skewers. As long as I'm happy, it's not a problem where I can eat! "Or do you not welcome me?

"We dare not, you are Yang Xian's friend, we will definitely welcome you!" Bin anxiously said.

"Hehe!" It would be too late for us to be happy to have a beautiful woman like Sister Zhen Ni sitting at a table! " A young girl beside Bin had a blushing face as he tried to curry favor with Zhen Ni.

"Hee hee, at least you guys know how to talk! Elder sister is happy, I'm treating you to a meal today! It's not a problem to have whatever you want to eat and drink! " Zhen Ni laughed.

"How can I accept this?"

Yang Xian said indifferently: "Your sister Zhen Ni is the big boss, there is no need to be courteous to her. I don't have money anyways, I will be happy to see anyone treating me to food."

Zhen Ni glanced at Yang Xian. This guy, he threw out 40 million, and now he said he had no money? However, with this bearing, Aunt likes it!

The next few people chatted for a bit before they called the waiter over to order some dishes.

"Sister Zhen Ni, can you drink beer? We had originally planned to gang up on Yang Xian by ourselves, so it's fine if you can't drink it. " Bin asked.

"What a joke!" Isn't it just beer? Waiter, let's start with two dozen Budweisers, let's moisturize our throats. " Zhen Ni's heroic spirit soared to the sky.

When Bin and the others heard this, they could not help but be a little dazed. Two dozen of a hundred dollars to moisten the throat? There were only six people here, it was not bad even if they shared a few bottles, but it was still just to moisturize the throat?! Our Big Sister Zhen Ni is a true heroine of a woman!

Yang Xian was also shocked by Zhen Ni's heroic spirit. "I say, are you sure you can do it?"

"Hee hee!" If I'm drunk, why don't you just take me home? " Zhen Ni gave Yang Xian a flirtatious glance.

"Hehe, that's true. Waiter, two dozen more!" Yang Xian grinned.

Bin and the others, "..."

Not long later, the hotpot had not been brought up yet, but a pile of beer was piled beside everyone's feet. Just as Yang Xian and Zhen Ni had requested, there were a total of four hundred beers in front of them.

This battle situation made Bin and the others, who had originally planned to make friends with Yang Xian, a little scared.

Even though Zhen Ni was a girl, she had a bit of an eight sided ability. Moreover, she seemed to have mastered a skill that could easily liven up the atmosphere, so while talking with Yang Xian and the others, she took the initiative to pour them wine.

"Yang Xian, how did you meet him?" Zhen Ni asked.

"If you don't fight, then we won't get to know each other!" Yang Xian said casually.

Bin laughed awkwardly, and said: "But the ones who were beaten up were us. "Hahaha!"

Hearing this, Zhen Ni could not help but become more curious. At first glance, Bin and the others in front of them could tell that they were fitness maniacs, all of them were sturdy and sturdy, and Yang Xian only had an ordinary body, and yet he could still fight with them? Furthermore, from the looks of it, these people were very fawning on him. If they really had fought, then he would have definitely submitted to Yang Xian. If you think about it this way, this Yang Xian can really fight!

He was rich and magnanimous, yet he was still an embroidered pillow. Tsk! Tsk! I like this kind of man!

Zhen Ni's smile became wider, and she helped Yang Xian raise her wine cup, and said to the rest: Then let's meet today, cheers!

Bin and the others anxiously lifted up the wine cups, and Bin casually asked: "Sister Zhen Ni, how did you and Yang Xian get to know each other?"

Zhen Ni said: "He came to my shop to buy a car this morning, so we got to know each other."

"So it's like this, could it be the new car outside? The latest BMW model, it's a good car! " Bin looked at Yang Xian with extreme envy.

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