Speaking of bail, the first person that popped up in Yang Xian's mind was Tang Feifei. Only she could bail him out.

"Just you wait, I, Yang Xian, am still considered friends with the entire world." Yang Xian took out his phone from his fart pocket, laughed coldly twice, and dialed a number.

"Why didn't you confiscate his belongings?" Soong Ting glared fiercely at the big tiger under him. "Ignorant of duty!"

"Sorry captain …" Da Hu lowered his head in shame.

"Hello? "Is it Fifi?" Just then, someone answered the call. Yang Xian glanced at Soong Ting proudly and said. It's like this, at night when I went to the bar to drink, I met a group of hoodlums who bullied a little girl, so I helped her. As a result, a group of police officers that didn't give me any reason to explain caught every single one of them and brought them to the police station in the east district. "Can you bail me out?"

"You really are nothing but fighting." After being silent for a few seconds, Tang Feifei said with an ice-cold voice. "Sorry, I've already gone to sleep. You can just stay there for the night. If I can remember tomorrow, I'll send someone to protect you."

"Du, du, du …"

Without giving Yang Xian another chance to speak, Tang Feifei mercilessly cut off the call.

F * ck!

Yang Xian was stunned still with his phone, no matter what, he was your fiance! Why aren't you giving me any face?

"Hahaha!" This is truly an infuriating event for both god and men! " Soong Ting laughed out loud and shouted. Big Tiger, bring him to the Cold Storage Pass for one night! "

"Wait!" Yang Xian stared at the two of them, and leisurely made another call.

"Who is it?" This time it was an old man who answered.

"Hello, Elder Tang, I am Yang Xian." Yang Xian smiled obsequiously, as if he could see the person on the other end of the phone. "Are you awake yet?"

"Oh, Little Xian!" Why did it take so long to call this old man here at Su City! " The old man said. I haven't slept yet. I'm at the old house, where are you? When are you coming to visit grandpa? "

"Ahem, I'm in the police station. I've seen injustice today and I've come to your aid. There are no more police officers caught in the police station." Yang Xian said awkwardly. Elder Tang, can you send someone to bail me out? "

"You didn't call Fifi?"

"I did it …" Yang Xian said helplessly. She ignored me! "

"How preposterous!" The old man said angrily when he heard this. "Just you wait, I'll call her to come pick you up personally. You'll stay with her tonight, and I'll pay you a visit tomorrow!"

Yang Xian was so happy, but before he could say a few words of thanks, the old man died.


An hour later, a black Mercedes SUV was parked in front of the police station.

Wearing a plain long skirt and crystal high heels, Tang Feifei walked into the office. Even though she was expressionless, she was graceful.

"Look, she's the one who came to bail me out." Yang Xian whispered to the policemen beside him, his face red. And she's also my fiancee! "

"Bail out!" Tang Feifei threw these two words at the moment she entered.

The group of people looked at each other, and in the end, a policeman was pushed out from the crowd. He did not dare to look straight into Tang Feifei's eyes, and took out his documents, and said with his head lowered: "Hello, may I ask who you want to bail out?"

Tang Feifei ignored the fawning Yang Xian and said: "Bail Yang Xian out."

"May I ask what your relationship is?" the policeman asked in a low voice.

At this moment, everyone, including Soong Ting, perked their ears up. Everyone wanted to confirm if this rogue who only knew how to fight really had such an extraordinary fiancee.

"He's my secretary." Tang Feifei signed the document quickly, and said coldly. Can we go now? "


Wasn't this fellow just bragging that this beauty was her fiancée?

Everyone turned to look at Yang Xian, who had a big smile on his face, as if he could read the words' how shameless' from the faces of the group of policemen.

The policeman looked at Yang Xian and his mouth twitched. He replied: "You guys, you can leave now."

"Let's go." Tang Feifei finally looked at Yang Xian and took the lead to walk out.

Yang Xian quickly followed, and did not forget to turn his head and give Soong Ting a flying kiss.

"Drive the car, my wife." Yang Xian opened the door of the first passenger seat and jumped in, lowering his seat to lie down in an extremely comfortable position, revealing a satisfied smile. Slow down, just call me when you get home.

"What do you mean?" Tang Feifei stared at him and said coldly. "I've bailed you out and you still want to go back with me?"

"Of course I have to go back with you!" Yang Xian said in all seriousness. If you get kidnapped or something along the way at this late hour, won't I lose out? Besides, Elder Tang told me to stay with you tonight, so he's coming to see me tomorrow. "

Tang Feifei's mood fluctuated. After a while, she slowly said, "Get the hell down, you drive!"

"I can't drive." Yang Xian shrugged and smiled innocently.

Within ten years of the development of the empty mountain villa area, it already had a status that was only second to Tang Chen's. In the area with Su City s that could be considered as one of the richest and most expensive places, the people that lived there were either rich or noble.

Its creator was the seventeen year old Tang Feifei.

Tang Feifei was a talented merchant, and the empty mountain villa was her first success story. For so many years, she had lived there alone.

It would take more than two hours to get from Dongcheng to the empty mountain villa area. The suburban road would be much faster, and when it was late at night and everyone was driving on it, they would be happy to listen to the music they liked.

Tang Feifei ignored Yang Xian's existence, listened to the music, focused on driving, and maintained a calm mind, just like her.

"Mm …" Still not here? " Yang Xian who had been napping for a while opened his eyes and yawned, destroying the tranquility.

Yang Xian saw that Tang Feifei's frown was extremely captivating, he could not help but look at her a few more times, then suddenly took a whiff of the air, his face full of ecstasy as he said: "What smell is this, my wife? Did you spray some perfume in the car?"

"That idiot." Tang Feifei lightly bit her lips as she thought.

This was the unique body scent of some women. If he didn't know that, then what was an idiot?

"Drive faster." Just then, Yang Xian suddenly stared at the rearview mirror and said. We have a tail. "

"Are you sure it's us?" Tang Feifei glanced at the rearview mirror, only to see a few beams of light quickly chasing after him, causing him to be unable to see just how many cars there were.

"Before I went back home, I looked at your information. How could rich people like you who are worth tens of billions have no enemies?" "Yang Xian nodded and laughed. Are there any guns in the car? "


Tang Feifei didn't have a sloppy personality, especially in times of trouble. Without thinking, she took out an exquisite silver handgun from under her seat cushion and threw it into Yang Xian's embrace, saying: "There are only six bullets, don't lose the gun to me."

As they spoke, the car behind them turned left and sped up to catch up with them. It seemed like they were going to overtake the car.

Under this cover, two black gun muzzles appeared.


Yang Xian pulled the trigger first, causing the wheels of the car beside him to break, and as it moved too quickly, it lost control, and with a clang sound, it fell into the water.

"Speed up!" Just as Yang Xian finished speaking,

"In the second car, there was a sharp sound of a walkie-talkie, and it was in English." "Fire!"

"Da Da Da Da!"

"Tutututututu …"

"Pa Pa Pa!"

In that moment, all sorts of guns shot towards the Bulletproof Benz that Yang Xian was sitting in. The car shook intensely and Tang Feifei stepped on the throttle to the ground, causing it to speed up again like a wild beast.

"Foreigners?" Yang Xian frowned, he did not know if it was his enemy or Tang Feifei's enemy.

"What should we do?" Tang Feifei said with an ice-cold expression on her face as she concentrated on driving. I'll call the bodyguards to come over and help! "

"It's too late!" Yang Xian looked at the surrounding hills and said. They came prepared, so there must be someone blocking them. Let's abandon the car and escape! "

"Running on foot, making them chase us like rats?" Tang Feifei obviously did not agree with this suggestion.

"They have plenty of firepower. This bulletproof car will explode soon." Yang Xian squinted his eyes and said. Your specialty is doing business, and mine is fighting, killing and surviving. "

At this moment, several cars could be vaguely seen moving side by side in front of them.

Ambush in front, pursuers behind!

"Stop the car!" "Seeing that the terrain was suitable, Yang Xian said solemnly. Run down! "

Passing through the fences of the highway, what laid in front of him was an uneven area of hills. In the distance, he could vaguely see some lights.


Tang Feifei's skirt was hooked by a few old thorns, and because she was running too fast, her skirt was torn in an instant, revealing her straight and long snow-white thighs, and even revealing her snow-white underwear.

When the night wind blew, one could see half of her butt sticking out.

"Gulp …" Yang Xian swallowed his saliva, and jokingly said with a smile. My wife has left! "

"Rogue!" Borrowing the moonlight, she could vaguely see a rare blush on Tang Feifei's face, and she immediately grabbed onto her skirt and said. Is that how you came to protect me? "

"Let's run first and see what happens!" Yang Xian grinned, and pulled her hand as he continued to run.

Ah!" After running for half a minute, Tang Feifei suddenly screamed and fell to the ground. Her high heels are at her feet.

"Can you still run?" Yang Xian squatted down and looked, only to see that Tang Feifei's heels were already bleeding out, and it seemed like she was unable to run anymore. He carried her like she was hugging a bride, and started sprinting with her life on the line.

"Ah …" As he was running, Yang Xian suddenly shouted out in pain.

"Take your pig's hand away!" Tang Feifei's face flushed red, as she fiercely pinched the back of Yang Xian's hand that was supporting her butt, and said.

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