"I'll do it!"

"Kid!" I am the eldest senior brother here, I want to fight with you first! "

The group of disciples all raised their hands, rushing to be the first to fight with Yang Xian.

Liu Xinwu carried a meaningful smile, and did not say a word.

Yang Xian raised his hand to signal them, and said: "Everyone be quiet, there is no need to fight.

"What!?" After Liu Xinwu heard this, he could not help but stare.

"Together? "Hmph, boy, are you sure?" One of them coldly snorted.

Yang Xian nodded his head: "That will save us a lot of trouble! "Come, come, come!"

Everyone looked at Liu Xinwu, who slightly nodded his head, and considered it as acquiescing to his actions. Then, he walked to the side, waiting to see how Yang Xian would be beaten up with great interest.

With Liu Xinwu's permission, the 10 odd disciples did not say anymore. They were already displeased with Yang Xian, but when they heard Yang Xian call himself the fiancé of the goddess in their hearts, they were all enraged and wanted to give him a ruthless lesson.

The group of people quickly surrounded Yang Xian, and the one who called himself Big Senior took action first.

"Oh no, eldest senior brother wants to be the first one?"

"We can't let eldest senior brother steal our limelight!"

Upon seeing this, the group of people immediately began to impatiently move as well.

Very quickly, Yang Xian was surrounded by them. Peering through the encirclement, it was almost impossible to see his figure.

Seeing this, Liu Xinwu suddenly felt that something was amiss, if this group of disciples were to defeat Yang Xian, then his plans would be affected. He anxiously wanted to open his mouth to remind them, but the moment he opened his mouth, he realized that there was no need to do anything, because the outcome of the battle was already known.

All of them flew out into the air, and after flying a few meters away, they fell to the ground, while Yang Xian stood at the same spot, clapping his hands, and returning them back to his pockets.

Seeing that, Liu Xinwu could not help but suck in a breath of cold air, as he could not believe his eyes, what had just happened!?

He sized up the dojo disciples who were rolling on the ground while clutching their chests. He could tell that they were all attacked, and the attack came from Yang Xian. But the problem was, how did Yang Xian do it?

In just a few seconds, how did he manage to defeat a dozen people in the middle of the encirclement?

Liu Xinwu asked himself, it was not a problem for him to get rid of these dojo disciples, but the key thing was, it was impossible for him to do it so quickly and so easily!

"This guy, it seems that I've still underestimated him!" Liu Xinwu swallowed his saliva, his opinion of Yang Xian had no choice but to increase.

"Alright, get up!"

Liu Xinwu returned to Yang Xian's side and said to the people on the ground.

Everyone got up with bitter faces. They rubbed their chests with all their might, looking very uncomfortable.

"The victor has been decided. Call him Big Senior." Liu Xinwu said.

Everyone heard this and felt extremely depressed, but they couldn't help but admit that they had lost. Although no one was really injured and they could still fight after standing up for a while, the problem was that Yang Xian had fought against a dozen of them by himself and beat them all to the ground in a single round. With this ability, if it was a one on one fight, they felt that it was even more impossible for them to be's opponent.

Besides, all of his men had been defeated. How could he still have the face to challenge them again?

These disciples of the dojo were straightforward people, knowing that they could not compare to Yang Xian in strength, and that Liu Xinwu had already concluded the result, they did not say anymore, and cupped their hands towards him.

"Eldest Brother."

"Hehe, you're welcome! "We're all on the same side. If you need anything in the future, just say so." Yang Xian laughed and cupped his hands in return.

"Alright, you can all go now. Hurry up and practice." Liu Xinwu waved his hand, signalling for everyone to disperse before he called Yang Xian to the side to speak.

"Tell me, what exactly did you come here for?" Liu Xinwu asked.

Yang Xian said: "Uncle, we are family, I won't beat around the bush. I just want to ask, is our family a hoodlum? "

Liu Xinwu was a bit at a loss, and said: "Black hole? "What do you mean?"

"In other words, are you guys the kind of organization that opened a society to accept lackeys?"

"What are you talking about? My family owns a martial arts school, and it has branches all over the country. There are also martial arts schools, gyms, and other industries. It's a corporation based on the promotion of martial arts! To put it bluntly, we are people who teach martial arts and we are also people who do business. We are very innocent! " Liu Xinwu explained unhappily.

"You didn't lie to me? We are a family! "

"We never do anything illegal or criminal. "What? From what you're saying, you really want to be a hooligan?"

"Of course not. Hehe …" Yang Xian snickered, and almost couldn't hold back to tell Liu Xinwu. He was already the boss of the two great organizations, how could he still need to be a hoodlum?

"Then what do you mean by asking?" Liu Xinwu asked.

"It's nothing, just don't!" "Haha, today is a good day. I never thought that walking into a dojo would actually be run by our family. Don't worry brother-in-law, I'll protect this place from now on!" Yang Xian laughed.

"These words are rather pleasing to the ears. "Right now, I am mainly responsible for the company's operations. The dojo can't come over and teach our disciples like they did in the past. You are so skilled, and now that you have become the senior, you should give them some pointers."

"No problem!" Yang Xian readily agreed.

While talking, Yang Xian thought of an even more important matter, and asked: "Uncle, when are you going to help me catch up to ShengNan?"

"Tomorrow, wait for my news. I'll arrange it." Liu Xinwu said.

"Hee hee, I will be waiting for you then!"

"Alright, I won't tell you much. I still have things to do, so I'll have to leave first."

"I'll send you off!"

Yang Xian said as he walked out of the dojo with Liu Xinwu.

In the car, Soong Ting waited for Yang Xian to come out for a long time, and almost thought that Yang Xian was trapped or just got beaten up inside. Just as she was hesitating about whether she should go over to take a look, she saw Yang Xian and a man walking out.

"Uncle, take care! Stay in touch!" Yang Xian sent Liu Xinwu on the car, and watched him leave. Then, he walked to the other side of the road and got into his own car.

"Who is that man?" Soong Ting asked.

"The young master of the dojo" Yang Xian said.

Soong Ting suddenly realized and sized Yang Xian up, then said: "Why do I feel like you have a pretty good relationship with him?"

Yang Xian said: "Why don't you see who I am? Brother Xian! My charisma is a bit of a barb, he appreciates me quite a lot, and has already established a deep friendship with me. "

Soong Ting rolled his eyes, and said: "It's already good that you haven't been beaten up into a pig head, and you're even appreciated? Who would believe it! Say it, have you found anything? "

"Nope." Yang Xian said straightforwardly.

"You! After going in for so long, you're just giving me those two words? " After Soong Ting heard this, she stared.

Yang Xian leisurely said, "Don't be impatient! Although I haven't discovered it yet, I have successfully infiltrated into the enemy's territory. Oh right, let me formally introduce you, I am now the eldest senior brother of this dojo! In the future, it will be like returning home. When I get to know them better, are you afraid that I will not be able to find out anything? "

"Really? How did you do it? Weren't you almost beaten up by someone previously? " Soong Ting said in shock.

Yang Xian said: "These four words, 'virtue convinces virtue'!"

"Scram!" Soong Ting pretended not to hear his words.

This guy even used virtue to convince others? With your character, even if you are virtuous, you are wicked!

But Soong Ting was pleasantly surprised by the result. As long as Yang Xian could enter the interior of the dojo, he would be able to understand a lot of things. Sooner or later, he would find some useful information.

Thinking about it, Soong Ting wanted to say something to Yang Xian, but Yang Xian was smiling mischievously at him, his eyes wide open.

"Ting, I have successfully infiltrated into the enemy ranks, then according to what we have said, could it be that I have succeeded in my first step?"

Soong Ting clenched her teeth. Although she did not want to admit it, she had no choice but to admit it.

"Even if you are, so what?"

"Then what I owed you before was even. The rest, hehe, is what you owe me!"

"Stop!" You haven't given me the information I want yet, so why do I owe you? Don't push yourself too far! " Soong Ting coldly snorted.

"That is only a matter of time. Just wait and kiss me, Wahaha!"

Seeing this fellow sneering, Soong Ting had the urge to strangle him, but seeing that he still had to use him to investigate a case for her, she would endure it for now.

"Alright, alright, drive your car back to Tang's Group. Otherwise, that beautiful boss of yours will want to settle scores with me when he sees that you haven't been back for most of the day." Soong Ting was too lazy to reply Yang Xian and urged him to drive away.

Yang Xian did not speak further, he drove on the road and in a moment, brought Soong Ting back to the Tang's Group.

"Remember, report any information you have!" Soong Ting reminded Yang Xian before she got off the carriage. Then, she got into her own car and drove away.

Yang Xian drove the car into the car park and went upstairs.

"Yang Xian!" When Hee Xiu saw Yang Xian walking out from the elevator, she immediately greeted him.

"Yo!" Xiu, you look beautiful today! " Yang Xian said with a smile.

"Since when am I not beautiful?" Hee Xiu pursed her lips and stared straight at Yang Xian.

"It's exceptionally beautiful today. Is there something good going on?" Yang Xian said without thinking.

Hee Xiu nodded her head, her voice becoming softer, she spoke: "If I were to say that I want to invite you over for dinner, wouldn't that be a good thing?"

"That must be it!"

"Then you agreed?" Hee Xiu's eyes lit up, revealing a happy expression.

"No problem!" I'll send President Tang home first, then I'll head over to your house. Xiu, are you giving it to me to eat tonight? " Yang Xian laughed.

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