He didn't come down to talk to the other party as expected, but he only opened a small part of the window and rushed out of the car and said, "go directly to the scene!"

Zheng Yedong was stunned for a moment. This was the last welcome. Which boss didn't meet first and shake hands?

Dare not hesitate, hurried back to the car with Lin Xuemei. The driver opened four flashes to lead the way. Zheng Yedong looked dignified: "Xuemei, how are your preparations?"

"It's going on according to the established plan, but..." said Lin Xuemei.

"But what?" Zheng Yedong was worried. In Baodong County, he wanted to work and had the hope of promotion. He didn't want to have problems in the things under his jurisdiction.

"Alas, if the other party really wants to find something, even if it's all right, you'll find something. You don't know that," Lin Xuemei sighed.

"Well," Zheng Yedong thought for a moment. Lin Xuemei's words are reasonable. Things are not perfect. As long as someone wants to find fault, even picking a bone in the egg can find you a problem. Thinking of this, he realized that he can't bear the responsibility alone and must report to the higher authorities, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Zhang tou, it's me. I'm Yedong. Today..." Zheng Yedong reported the general situation to Zhang Shangming.

"What do you mean?" After listening to Zheng Yedong's words, Zhang Shangming is also worried. Although Zheng Yedong is in charge of this matter, Zhang Shangming can't run away when he finally discusses the responsibility. Who makes you the main person in charge? When you are the person in charge, you should not only enjoy the infinite beauty of the scenery, but also be ready to assume the responsibility at all times. You think the high chair is so easy to sit.

Hearing that Zhang Shangming kicked the ball back again, Zheng Yedong was upset. Zhang Shangming had no other skills. He only knew to yell behind he Changgong's ass in order to take over the big stall smoothly after he Changgong left. As for the county, he was like a memorial tablet and let the people below do all kinds of work, Although those deputy leaders have the right to feel very moist, Zhang Shangming doesn't want to bear any responsibility. You can make your own decisions in any situation. This is a place where Zheng Yedong doesn't like Zhang Shangming.

"Open your head, do you think it's ok?" although it's unpleasant, you still have to say to others in a good voice. There's no way. Who makes others positive? You're deputy. Although your surname is Zheng and you're called Zheng head when you go outside, you're ranked behind the name of executive deputy in the running script, which is doomed to make you talk to others in a low attitude.

Zheng Yedong means that Zhang Shangming should come forward in person, and it's best to communicate with Ho tou. In addition, let the comrades of the audit and finance units participate together. If something happens, communicate and solve it as soon as possible.

I have to say that in some things, Zheng Yedong is still more protective of his calf. Although Lin Xuemei's company is doing the work of low rent housing and affordable housing, the funds applied for by others have been entered into your financial account. Moreover, the audit office has come, and your audit bureau's welcome is the counterpart. It's not reasonable to say anything.

"This..." after listening to Zheng Yedong's words, Zhang Shangming fell into meditation. Zheng Yedong's words are very reasonable, and there is no selfish element in them. However, it's hard to reach out to the Finance Bureau. Zhang Shangming's consistent purpose is to send he Changgong away safely and steadily and extend his position. During this period, he Changgong will toss as he Changgong wishes, I will never interrupt. Aren't you the one who promoted the heads of kezong Township? It doesn't matter. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. When I'm in charge, I'll put all these people in the cold. There are many units such as the archives science and Technology Association. It's really not good. I'll have two in one unit, one director and one secretary. I'll uproot all of you at that time, but now, I'll never touch your beard.

"Zhang tou, this matter is very important, but the people of the audit office come here in person. If they really find out anything......" Zheng Yedong didn't say the following words. He believes Zhang Shangming can understand it, because Zhang Shangming is not a fool. Can a fool be such a big head? On the contrary, Zhang Shangming is also smart. Otherwise, how could he let he Changgong toss about? He is raising pigs and wants to kill them when he is fattened.

"OK, I'll talk to Hetou right away." Zhang Shangming dare not make a careless eye on this matter. After all, this low rent housing and affordable housing is a national housing project for the benefit of the people, and the national leaders attach great importance to it. No one wants to make a mistake in this matter. Losing a black hat is a small matter, and if it doesn't work well, they will have to take a lawsuit.

When the two were on the phone, the car had arrived at the scene. From a distance, they saw Li Wenlong and President Liu waiting there.

Zheng Yedong's driver pulled over to one side, leaving the best place for cars in the city.

As soon as the car was stable, Zheng Yedong and Lin Xuemei quickly got off and walked to the car of the Municipal Bureau.

When the people in the Buick car came down, they all looked like they had entered the funeral home. They stretched their faces one by one, as if others owed him five hundred thousand. Zheng Yedong hurried forward to shake hands. Lin Xuemei made an introduction while shaking hands. After shaking hands, Lin Xuemei winked at Li Wenlong. Li Wenlong immediately pulled away the car parked on the roadside and came to the crowd with Shen Jian with a briefcase, According to the order of the city leaders, each sent one.

"The leaders are tired all the way. First drink a glass of water and have a rest. There are some fruits and snacks in it, but make do with it first." Lin Xuemei smiled and helped to subcontract.

Because he is the person in charge of the county, Zheng Yedong also has a share. When he opened it with a puzzled expression, he first saw a cup with attractive tea floating in it, a towel next to the water cup, two washed fruits next to it, and finally two packets of biscuits.


Zheng Yedong couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart. Several people were thirsty in the car all the way. They couldn't wait to open their cups and drink.

The guests are drinking water, and the company can't be idle. Zheng Yedong also took a drink from his cup: Well, the water temperature is just right. I don't know how these people master it.

Zheng Yedong didn't know that Li Wenlong personally tested it. He also found a cup to pour water, and then tried it every few minutes. When he felt almost ready, he tightened the cover, so as to ensure that the water temperature was right in the hands of the leaders.

Seeing that the leaders couldn't wait to drink, Li Wenlong was happy. The satisfaction of the leaders was the affirmation of his work. After looking at the county magistrate Zheng and the two cars in the city, Li Wenlong quickly took out several briefcases and sent them to him. He was a driver and must not neglect his peers.

"Hei hei, Wenlong is good. He still cares about us." Wang Wei, Zheng Yedong's driver, smiled at Li Wenlong. The two often met. Although they didn't know each other very well, they were quite familiar with each other.

Just now he felt itchy when he saw that briefcases were stuffed into the hands of leaders. Although county magistrate Zheng was in control of real power, he was very upright. He didn't make any extra money on weekdays. At most, he would say hello to the following units during the Chinese New Year and festival, and then asked him to take a few lists and go to the following for reimbursement, but it was like three or two thousand yuan, Therefore, he always looked forward to getting more small extras on weekdays. However, when he saw the things in his briefcase, his face pulled down: grass, I thought it was fun. It was something to eat and drink.

Alas, keep it home for your children, or you can exchange it for a father. These days, children are like human spirits. When you get home, first see if you bring him good things. If so, make sure that you call sweetly. Dad, if not, don't give you a look.

"Wenlong, I said that your company can't order high-end things. What's the use of higher things“ Wang Wei nagged and threw his briefcase into the trunk of the car.

"It's for temporary reception, which is already outstanding." Yang run's goal is different from Wang Wei. His vision is not only the small profits at present, but Zheng Yedong's trust and appreciation. As long as these two are available, it's not a piece of cake to let go to work in the countryside. When he has real power, it's not too late to consider the benefits!

Wang Wei tilted his lips. He didn't know Yang run's mind, but there was no way. He just drove his life. He didn't dare to think of going out to be an official.

Not daring to think about it doesn't mean that it can't be realized. When Zheng Yedong left office later, he arranged a better unit for him. After all, he can't drive for a lifetime! Of course, that was after Zheng Yedong's promotion. Wang Wei doesn't know it now. If he knows, he won't just stare at the petty profits in front of him. In fact, there's no way. Isn't that what the driver lives on? My boss gives me a reward. I get some oil money on weekdays and look outside when I go out. My childhood will be nourished. Without these, how can I support my family only with that dry salary? These days, everything goes up except salary.

Li Wenlong chatted with two drivers here, but he found out how much money had been paid, how many houses had been reported, how many were completed, how many were under construction, whether they were in line with the plan, and how about the supporting facilities

President Liu's sweat has been flowing down. Since he came to the branch, no, since he became the person in charge, he has never seen such a serious inspection. The current inspection is nothing more than pretending, walking and shouting slogans. He always pays more attention to arrangement than implementation, form than content, and does not pay attention to in-depth front-line guidance, Unwilling to go to the grass-roots level to jointly study measures and methods for the implementation of work with cadres and the masses. Isn't there an online doggerel describing them like this: "paying close attention is a meeting, paying attention is a slogan, implementing is moving your mouth, acceptance is getting drunk, and inspection is a banquet"

Who would have thought that today, we would meet such a group of leaders who can go deep into the grass-roots level to conduct research. President Liu's view is that it should be the right way to simply walk around the scene, then go back to the conference room to have a small meeting with big tea and snacks, then drink a small wine and the whole good food, and finally return home drunk with gifts, How can you ask such professional questions?

President Liu doesn't know what's wrong with these people today. Why are every question so sharp and targeted? If Lin Xuemei wasn't there, President Liu didn't know how to answer. Fortunately, Lin Xuemei answered the leaders' questions like a stream, otherwise, the scene would be ruined.

"From the scene alone, your county has done well, but good doesn't mean right. Baodong County yelled for low rent housing construction many years ago. Why hasn't anyone moved in for so many years?" After Lin Xuemei answered a question, a municipal bureau leader at the scene began to tease, "I want to ask, when can you improve all the supporting facilities?"

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