"I understand what you want to say. I just want to ask you one thing. Do you really want the ship to go farther and farther, or do you want it to stagnate or destroy it?" Wu Weiyi's voice is very low, but it is full of dignity.

"Of course, it goes farther and farther." No one doesn't like money. Even if he has a fortune of more than 100 million, he hopes to have more and more money under his name, especially president Wang. All his dreams are money, not to mention in reality?

"Jiajia, what do you think is most needed to succeed in business?" Turning his head and looking at Wu Jia, Wu Weiyi looked serious.

"Experience, contacts, execution, of course, the most important thing is money. Without money, everything is in vain." Wu Jia's mouth rose and her eyes were full of arrogance.

"Xuemei, come on." Wu Weiyi turned his head and looked at Lin Xuemei.

"The most important thing is to understand what customers need." Lin Xuemei said faintly.

"You see? This is the gap. " Wu Weiyi scanned a circle of "if an enterprise wants to be bigger and stronger, it's empty talk about honest management and careful management. First of all, the most important thing is to understand the needs of customers and what to do with our products? It's not to sell to customers. Even if you have good faith and good management, can your products sell if your products don't meet the needs of customers? What else are we talking about? Even if you don't understand the way of management, what qualifications do you have to be a general manager? "

While saying this, Wu Weiyi glanced at Wu Jia's eyes and couldn't help but excite the other party. Subconsciously, Wu Jia lowered his head.

There is someone who wants to refute, but after seeing Wu Jia's response, he thought Wu Jia recognized Wu Weiyi's words, but he didn't know that Wu Jia saw another meaning in Wu Weiyi's eyes, which made him afraid to look up.

"It's impossible for the company to say it's not sad. It includes everyone's efforts. Next, let's let Xuemei talk about how she is going to deal with it." Wu Weiyi kindly looked at Lin Xuemei. "Xuemei, what do you say? Today we are going to review behind closed doors."

"I think the best way is to ignore it." Lin Xuemei's words were just uttered when President Wang suddenly stood up.

"Lin Xuemei, what do you mean? If you don't have the ability, say you don't have the ability. Don't stand here and don't shit. " President Wang pointed to Lin Xuemei and his beer belly rose and fell.

"Shuo Wen, tell me what you can do." Wu Weiyi's eyes stared at Wang Shuowen tightly. Although the tone sounded very polite, there were two cold lights in his eyes. Wang Shuowen shivered and lowered his head involuntarily.

"I... what I think is that we should try to appease those partners and try to get them to resume the order. After all, the order is our life." I didn't want to answer, but after thinking of Wu Jia's promise, the man couldn't help but bite his teeth and decided to follow the original plan.

"Yes, the order is indeed our life, but can you promise to appease those partners and keep our order?" Wu Weiyi's eyes narrowed: sure enough, things were as expected. However, he did not have the joy of seeing through the problem. On the contrary, he had an unspeakable sadness. The people below did so many things behind their backs, but they knew nothing. They didn't know whether their tricks were too high or their IQ was too low.

"I think Jiajia can definitely do it well. As long as he is the general manager, I think it can be solved." Looking at Wu Jia, Wang Shuowen decided to go out. There was no way. The 60% shares were really attractive. The total assets of Wu group were billions and 60% shares. Just think about it, Wang Shuowen felt that his blood pressure had suddenly risen to more than 200.

You bastard!

Wu Jia couldn't help scolding: it's really something with simple mind and developed limbs. Don't you fucking know how to detour? Just say it like that. Fools know what we're doing? If you make a detour and say something like setting up a military order, how good would it be if anyone could do well and take the position of general manager? What a fucking stupid bird! Why did I choose you in the first place? No wonder they say that they are not afraid of God like opponents, but they are afraid of pig like teammates. If so, you'll expose all our plans in a fucking word. There's a bird in this thing!

"My uncle Xuewen doesn't dare to do it well, but I can't promise that I can do it well." After staring at Wang Shuowen, Wu Jia quickly got up. After all, this guy's brain is more flexible than Wang Shuowen. He knows that everything can't be urgent. He knows that if Wu Weiyi is completely offended this time, he may not be able to do anything later. He just put up with it. He has endured it for so many years, and it's not bad for the moment.

"Your uncle Shuo Wen raised you up since childhood. He wants to know you very well. At the same time, he also hopes to give you a chance to exercise. I think it's up to you to do it. It's also a matter of Wu group. Who don't come forward? You are now the vice president manager of the company and should contribute to the company. According to me, You are mainly responsible for the business. " Wu Weiyi looks at Wu Jia and his face is full of kindness.

"Ah?" Wu Jia can't believe her ears. You know, before Lin Xuemei became general manager, Wu Weiyi personally took charge of all businesses. After all, this is the lifeblood of the company.

"What? You dare not take this stand? " Wu Weiyi's words puzzled everyone. Even Lin Xuemei was confused at the moment. She couldn't understand what medicine Wu Weiyi sold in his gourd. She couldn't figure out how he arranged such an important thing for Wu Jia. However, Lin Xuemei was relieved when she thought that she was a father and son. No matter how much circle she took, she was still a family, The plays just staged may have paved the way for this. Involuntarily, Lin Xuemei thought of a satirical joke she just saw on the Internet not long ago. She said that one day, it was the rush hour of work. There was a traffic jam ahead, a police car turned and drove into the sidewalk. Just at this moment, a young traffic policeman flashed in front. With a wave of her hand, the car was forced to stop urgently. The driver poked his head out of the window and asked angrily: what's the matter? The little traffic policeman came forward and gave the driver a standard military salute: Comrade, if you violate the traffic rules, please get off and accept the punishment. I'm from the city Bureau. The driver said arrogantly. No matter where it is, those who violate traffic rules will be punished. The driver snorted and waved his head back: Director Wang is in the car. The little traffic policeman took a step behind the car and saluted. All right, the driver said impatiently that the director had to hold an emergency meeting in the Bureau. He was in a hurry, so he broke the rules. All right, you let him go. No, Whoever violates the traffic rules will be punished. You. The driver is angry. I said, why don't you give face so much? The small traffic police are still so calm: it's my duty to enforce the law. Which team are you from and what's your name? The driver asked loudly. I'm from the third brigade. My name is Wang Dan. What's the telephone number of your captain? Do you ask for his office phone, his home phone or his cell phone? Okay, okay. The driver can't help but get off the bus. You can punish him. The little traffic policeman took out the ticket, issued a fine, deducted two points from the driver's license thrown by the driver, and then looked up: Comrade, as a driver, we should strictly abide by the traffic rules, especially as a policeman. You can't violate traffic rules just because you are a member of the Bureau or even the director; We traffic police can't punish you for violating traffic rules because you are in the Bureau or even the director of the Bureau. The law is for all people, no special citizens. For the safety of you and others, I hope this is your last violation. Then he handed the fine receipt and driver's license to the driver and went to the Agricultural Bank of China to pay the fine. With that, she took a step aside to make way. The driver plunged into the cab, slammed the door, turned his head and glared at the little traffic policeman: OK, I remember you. Director Wang arrived at the Bureau and went straight to the conference room. All the people in the conference room had arrived. Comrades, after sitting down, director Wang said seriously, I'm late today. Why am I late? Because I was stopped by a small traffic policeman; Because what stopped it? Because I was in a hurry, I asked the driver to break the traffic rules and drive on the sidewalk. The little traffic policeman knew that I was the director and that I was going to have a meeting, but he didn't give face and insisted on punishment. The director slapped the table, because she knew that everyone was equal before laws and regulations, because she knew her duty. She is not afraid of officials and power. Good job. In the four years since I became the director of the Bureau, I have repeatedly violated traffic rules. For example, I have not been punished for speeding or running a red light in a hurry. Some traffic policemen salute me when they see that it is my car. Only this time I was punished, well punished. If our traffic police can be like this little traffic police, her name is... Oh, she's from the third brigade. Her name is Wang Dan. If our traffic police enforce the law as strictly as she does, the traffic order of our city will change greatly; If our cadres can be like her, a large number of examples of strict law enforcement will appear in our traffic police force. Director Wang stood up excitedly. We are going to use such cadres. The third brigade still lacks a deputy captain. We propose to make an exception and promote this small traffic policeman to Deputy captain. Then director Wang was the first to raise his right hand. Looking around the four seats, all the people raised their right hands!

Here, everyone may be excited, but the outcome is beyond everyone's expectation.

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