Ma Weiwei showed herself candidly in front of Yang Ping. Her eyes were shy, but she still looked up bravely and wanted to give him the best thing. Her voice trembled and walked towards Yang Ping.

Yang Ping looked at the perfect Ma Weiwei as if in a dream.

It's not that I didn't see Ma Weiwei's body, but it's the first time to meet so frankly. The strong visual impact makes Yang Ping's head short circuited instantly. I have to say Ma Weiwei is too attractive.

"You..." Yang Ping was thirsty and instinctively wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Ma Weiwei.

"Brother Yang, I wronged you in Hongyan pagoda before. I just want to read scriptures and pray for you and Dong Zhu. I hope you can grow old together, because I'm useless and drag you down every time. What I can do is to give you the most precious thing. Brother Yang, don't despise me. Is it good?"

With that, Ma Weiwei came forward, summoned up the greatest courage to wrap around his neck and stick all her body to him. She clumsily wanted to kiss him. However, she was inexperienced. In addition, Yang Ping didn't respond, her eyes became flustered and said secretly, does he dislike me and dislike my body?

"Brother Yang, this is my first time," Ma Weiwei thought Yang Ping cared. She didn't move and was about to cry. She hurried, "I didn't lie to you!"

Yang Ping feels a soft place and has a rippling mind. She can occupy the girl in front of her in one step. She is a rare beauty and is at the top of her life. Even if she is not much worse than Zhu Xi, she has a more lovable temperament.

"Come on." Yang Ping said with a wry smile.

Ma Weiwei bit her lips and asked, "are you still blaming me for not being sensible before?"

Yang Ping hurriedly explained, "no, you're not good. You're still young and have many choices. There's no need to waste time on me. We..." hesitated and sighed, "we're not in the same world."

Ma Weiwei looked at him blankly and thought that he said that the same world was disgusting. She didn't have a strong identity and status, and she didn't have the appearance of toppling the city and the country. Compared with Zhu Xi and even many girls he knew, she seemed too ordinary and good. She didn't deserve him.

Her eyes were dim. Ma Weiwei loosened Yang Ping, turned around and her shoulders trembled.

Yang Ping picked up the bath towel to wrap her body and said, "you can deserve better."

"I know I'm not worthy of brother Yang. I've always been secretly in love with you. It's too hard these days. I came to Beijing from Longcheng and left China Airlines Group. I just want to create a day with my own efforts. I also want to be as glorious as Mr. Zhu and let you see my ability. But I don't have Mr. Zhu's beauty and talent, so you despise me."

Ma Weiwei said more and more sadly, crying.

Yang Ping was very depressed. It had nothing to do with beauty and talent. Although he almost lost his temper and couldn't control himself just now, when he reached his realm, he was no longer an impulsive person with vision. He said, "you deserve anyone, but I don't deserve you. Weiwei, you misunderstood."

Ma Weiwei said, "you don't have to comfort me, I know."

Just when she was devastated, she hugged her with both hands from behind and held her tightly. Ma Weiwei's delicate body trembled and felt the familiar breath. This strong oppression seemed to fill the whole heart. The breath on Yang Ping had unspeakable appeal, which made her unconsciously intoxicated. Even a gentle hug can make Ma Weiwei deeply immersed and intoxicated.

This is the power of emotion.

You can ignore the space distance, but ignoring the appearance is purely a feeling, which can make people unable to extricate themselves.


Yang Ping's gentle voice sounded in her ear, and Ma Weiwei's body shook violently.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. One day you will understand that you can only be happy if you stay away from me. I can never give you the future."

Yang Ping looses Ma Weiwei and turns to leave.

When Ma Weiwei heard the sound of the door closing, she burst into tears and lay down on the bed, crying until it was dark. Yang Ping's decision to leave is actually a decision, and she also expressed her attitude to Ma Weiwei. That's what hurts the most.

Ma Weiwei only felt that the sky had collapsed and she could not see the light when she went into the darkness. She began to regret what she had done before and began to hate herself. Why didn't she look as beautiful as Zhu Xi and have her wisdom.

If you are like Zhu Xi, will Yang Ping like you?

I don't know how long it was. Ma Weiwei finished crying. Looking at the sky outside the window, it was gloomy and seemed to rain. With a sad sigh, she picked up the hotel landline and made a call.

"Weiwei, is that you?" I didn't hear anything after the connection, but there was a cry and said in panic, "what's the matter, tell Dad."

"Dad." Ma Weiwei shed tears and said.

"Silly boy, have you been wronged in the capital? If you feel hard, go back to your father." There hesitated and sighed, "I'm sorry to let you out alone these years, Dad."

"If you want to do anything, Dad supports you and will never force you to get married again." There was no response from Ma Weiwei, who hurriedly said that she was afraid she couldn't think of it.

"Dad, I want to go home."

Ma Weiwei suddenly said.


I didn't expect to get the answer there. I was stunned and said excitedly, "really, you want to go home. Well, dad will arrange someone to buy your ticket immediately!"

It's best for his daughter to go home and stay in the capital to work hard and suffer. As Ma Weiwei's father, he loves his daughter very much, but he also respects her decision and doesn't wait for this sentence all the time.

"It's good to go home. Your mother expects you to come back every day. I'll tell your mother the news and ask her to prepare your favorite food."

Ma Weiwei thought of her parents' kindness to her, her lonely feelings in the capital, and Yang Ping's rejection after turning around. Countless confidence acids emerged. The pain in her bones invaded her body again and integrated into her blood.


After the intense painful stimulation, it seemed to trigger some force in the body. In front of her, Ma Weiwei fainted on the ground, and governor Ma's voice rang on the phone: "daughter, what's the matter with you?"

The four seasons hotel is bright and shrouded in a layer of mysterious light.

Ma Weiwei's room releases a cyan energy, full of vitality and endless. The greening around the building where the four seasons hotel is located is growing crazily. The grass is half a meter high, and the trees on the roadside seem to grow a series of branches.

All things grow and live.

All the people in the building immediately recover from illness, and the weak immediately recover their spirit. In addition to some incurable diseases, they glow with unprecedented vitality under this vitality.

As the source of energy, Ma Weiwei's body began to change.


Ma Weiwei opened her eyes, her pupils were blue, and then an old voice seemed to come from the wilderness: "you finally wake up..."

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