The fire of this life rule is more terrible than the fire of hell. It can burn rules and is extremely overbearing. It is the support of Zhenhuang to dominate the heavens. The strong in the same realm will be pressed and beaten in front of Zhenhuang, and even her own rules will be burned. Therefore, Zhenhuang had few opponents and killed God in the face of God.

It was not until Zhenhuang threatened the position of Changsheng that she was so hot that Changsheng took action. After fighting for several days and nights, Zhenhuang was defeated and fell into the world of mortals, forming a small secret place of Dayaoshan.

The horror of Zhenhuang's regular flame lies not only in burning rules, but also in burning time and space and accelerating the operation of time and space. Yang Ping's body is aging, which is a sign of the weakness of time and space. If you don't jump out of the attack range of regular flame, you may die in Zhenhuang's world.

A very domineering and terrible flame.

Yang Ping frowned. The muddy Qi in her body filled her whole body to fight against aging. She slowly recovered her original appearance, but it was very difficult, because the flame of Zhenhuang's life rules was constantly strengthened and wanted to kill Yang Ping.

He took a deep breath and said secretly. It seems that he can't wait to die. He can't hold on. He can't be compared with Zhenhuang, but can only be suppressed with more domineering power.

God pupil opens the sky!

With a roar, Yang Ping's pupils turned pure gold, tore open a way of life and jumped out.

The river is choppy.

The big eyes of the giant beast lantern stared at Yang Ping and roared, shaking the whole river. Seeing that someone dared to challenge his majesty, they shot three fires again. Yang Ping sneered. Since a colorful cloud appeared behind Yuncong to resist the pressure from the statue, the cloud ancestor was far from an opponent compared with Zhenhuang, so it was still difficult to move even with the protection of the power of heaven.

Yuncong was 1200 steps away from the statue, and then he couldn't move forward.

October and may are full of blue light. Behind him is a sea, a blue deep sea. A god holding a trident glares ahead. This should be the king of Heaven Behind October and may. A god of the sea is much stronger than the ancestors of the cloud world, 800 steps away from the statue.

Inadvertently put on a mask, a ferocious tusk mask. After wearing it, his strength increased greatly. Behind him was a dark, extremely rich dark source, hiding a dark king.

He comes from the dark place, an extremely secret and ancient inheritance. The heavenly king behind him is much more terrible than the sea god. He reached the peak of the early heavenly king, only one step away from the middle heavenly king. He is five hundred steps from the statue.

The three tried their best to move forward and struggled angrily, so that they could only keep the original distance.

"What should I do? It's better for three people to work together. Maybe we can go further." Yun Cong reminded.

October and may he nodded without hesitation.

"I count three times. Let's gather our strength together, impact the prestige emitted by the statue of Zhenhuang, and then quickly grab the core." Yun Cong cried.

"One, two, three!"

At that time, the ancestors of the cloud family, the God of the sea, the dark heavenly king and the power of the three heavenly kings gathered together, turned into a golden shock wave, and reluctantly tore open the threatening defense shield emitted by the statue.

"Just then!" Their eyes twinkled and they rushed to the core of Zhenhuang.

The three went directly to a place of five meters and reached out at the same time.


The statue burst out a terrible light and hit the three people. When they were among them, they screamed and flew out seriously and couldn't move. His origin was broken, he lost his ability to move, and his heart was in a panic.

But looking around, Yuncong was as miserable as October and may, and Wuda moved.

"It's too strong for us to get close!"

The three were unwilling, but there was nothing they could do.

We can only wait and continue to impact after recovering our strength.


A sigh came.

The three men suddenly looked up and saw a beautiful shadow coming slowly, all turning pale.

Liu Qingyue's eyes shot out huge resentment. The flame of revenge burned and stared at the three people.

That resentment made the three cold in their bones.

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