The police showed no mercy. They went down with a stick and burst their heads. They made it clear that they wanted to enforce the law violently. The reporter skimmed the camera and didn't get it in. Obviously, he knew what to do.

Yang Ping dodged, but did not make a move. He said coldly, "law enforcement by violence."

The policeman was annoyed when he didn't hit him with a stick. He said in a cold voice, "dare to escape. Stop for me. Do you hear me?"

Xiaoxin was so frightened that she turned pale. She no longer had the posture of a little sister. She rushed to Yang Ping and begged, "don't hit people. It's against the law to hit people."


The policeman didn't hit Yang Ping. He was unconvinced. He was even more annoyed when he saw the young lady stop him. He said angrily, "get out of the way." Xiaoxin didn't move and said stubbornly, "no, I'll go back with you. He didn't come to find the young lady."

The reporter smiled.

The policeman smiled, too.


A stick hit Xiaoxin on her lower abdomen, which made her body spasm and felt very uncomfortable lying on the bed. The policeman said coldly, "if you dare to move again, I'll sue you for obstructing the performance of official duties and let you sit in prison for several months." This is the threat of red fruit. Yang Ping's eyes are cold.

The reporter smiled and said, "OK, shoot the video quickly. There's more on top. Don't waste time. It's not exposed enough. It's better not to wear clothes."

Another policeman took out his pistol and shook it leisurely. Xiaoxin still wanted to talk, but when he saw the policeman pull out his gun and hide in the corner, he trembled and showed his frightened eyes. The policeman with the gun showed contempt, looked at Yang Ping and said, "you'd better cooperate, or you'll be responsible for bad things."

Yang Ping frowned and felt that things didn't want to wipe out pornography normally. The purpose of the joint video shooting by reporters and police is not evidence, but probably to cooperate with the ulterior purpose of some people.

Seeing that Yang Ping didn't move, the policeman shouted, "hurry up, or I'll kill you."

Xiaoxin was frightened. She was worried that after she was on TV, she was known by her family. She thought of Lu Pingyan's experience and was terrified. Suddenly, she stared at the reporter and shouted, "I know who you are. You looked for Lu Pingyan last time..."

The reporter's face changed slightly and stared at Xiaoxin, revealing a cold killing opportunity.

Xiaoxin was pale with fear. She knew she was wrong and was even more afraid.

Yang Ping's heart moved and looked at the reporter. Wearing a black hat, the reporter pressed his face very low and covered with a layer of mysterious tulle. At the moment of killing Xiaoxin, Yang Ping felt the familiar Qi.

The reporter nodded to the police and signaled to start.

The policeman with the gun took out a red rope from his pocket and walked coldly to Xiaoxin to kill people. Another policeman stared at Yang Ping and showed a strong sense of killing.

"Kill people?" Yang Ping said with a smile, "Xiao Xin, do you recognize this reporter?"

Xiaoxin was still in panic. She didn't quite understand Yang Ping's words. She screamed, "don't kill me. I don't know anything. I won't say anything. Please let me go."

The policeman smiled grimly and jumped at Xiaoxin.

The reporter put down the camera and looked at it indifferently. Yang Ping found that the man had no hair on his head, and there were tattoos on the exposed scalp. The tattoos exposed half of his body, like a python, but with sharp claws.


Yang Ping squints and finally knows why the reporter's Qi machine is very familiar, because he is the same as the white robed monk in the back mountain cave of Longcheng University. He has a dragon tattooed on his head and worships the Dragon God. Plus Ma Weiwei almost didn't burn those bald heads. She didn't like them at all.

"After killing, bury it." The reporter ordered.

The two policemen grinned and were ready to start with Yang Pinghe carefully. If they are ordinary people, or they can easily solve problems, but in the face of Yang Ping, they can't provoke a person. The policeman with the gun aimed at Yang Ping's eyebrows and said in a cold voice, "kneel on the ground and hold your head in both hands."

Xiaoxin hid behind Yang Ping and looked in horror at the policeman who was going to strangle her with a rope.

"There's something wrong with your mind. Am I going to die on my knees?" Yang Ping lost his smile, looked at the reporter and said in a deep voice, "you are not an ordinary person, but a believer of the Dragon God."

The reporter turned pale. He was frightened because Yang Ping said that he was in danger. He shouted, "kill him."

The policeman was about to shoot, but Yang Ping had pinched his wrist and said coldly, "do you deserve your conscience?" With a click, the policeman groaned, his arm fell on his lower abdomen, but his face was ferocious, as if he were praying and his mouth was talking.

Yang Ping saw a strange scene.

The policeman whose wrist was broken raised his hand again and aimed at Yang Ping. It was the same as before he was not injured, but his eyes were red and burst out of fanaticism. His facial features wiggled and kept saying strange words, and another policeman followed. The reporter sneered, closed his head and said piously, "the Great Dragon God, give your people strength."

The room was full of strange smell. The two policemen's faces turned red and distorted. Their eyes were crazy and hot, which made Yang Ping frown.

Xiaoxin felt her inner panic and was afraid of the police. As a young lady, she was most afraid of not being rude guests and cruel bosses, but of the police and reporters. Sometimes the police and reporters were more cruel and bloody than the boss. Although the boss is cruel, at least they won't be killed when they are used as a tool to make money, but the police won't treat miss as a person at all.

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at Yang Ping, and the policeman smiled grimly.

At the moment of shooting, Xiaoxin shouted, "no!"


When the gunshot rang out, Xiao Xin covered her eyes and said in a trembling voice: "kill... Kill..." after the gunshot, there was a dull hum and the sound of the broken table. A thing rolled under her feet. She was so scared that she opened her eyes and couldn't believe the scene in front of her.

Two policemen lay on the ground and were incapacitated. The reporter hit the door, his body sank in, and looked at Yang Ping in horror. His hat fell to the ground, revealing his shiny bald head. There was a dragon tattooed on it, but there was no majesty and harmony of the dragon, but there was only indifference and cold.


The reporter coughed up blood and gasped, "who are you?"

Yang Ping walked up to him and said coldly, "you know Lu Pingyan."

The reporter panicked. Lu Pingyan seemed to be a taboo. He would die if he said it. He quickly denied: "I'm a reporter. You beat me and the police. If you want to go to jail in the future, let us go as soon as possible. There's still a glimmer of life."

Yang Ping looked at the two policemen on the ground and said with a grin, "you're doing outrageous things with taxpayer money. I'm like killing you, but it's too cheap. Now I'll give you a chance to tell me your purpose."

The police kept silent and sneered. They didn't seem to take Yang Ping's words seriously.

The reporter suddenly shouted: "help, attack the police..."


A fist hit his chest, the reporter spurted blood, the cry stopped suddenly, looked at Yang Ping in horror, coughed violently, his mouth full of blood dyed his collar red, and the camera stained his blood. Yang Ping picked up the camera, opened it and looked at it. His face was getting worse and worse.

Yang Ping thought it was worthless, but after reading the inside, his pupils burst out.

The cold killing machine shrouded the room.

Yang Ping said in a deep voice, "did you do all this?"

The reporter panicked and completely panicked. He didn't dare to answer. Instead, he looked at the door and hoped that a policeman would pass by and ask for help. He would never think that at the scene of anti pornography, only his superior bullying prostitutes and young ladies. Now the situation is the opposite.

Yang Ping took out the phone, dialed Wang Yue's number and said, "officer Wang, I have a very interesting case here. Don't you know you're interested?" He just wants to find Lu Pingyan. He must have something to do with the forces behind the reporter, but he needs the help of the police to reduce obstacles.


Wang Yue hung up the phone directly.

Yang Ping was stunned. I wiped it. Is there a mistake? What's the attitude? Brother kindly reported to you for meritorious service. He actually hung up my phone and dialed again. He was connected quickly, but didn't wait for him to speak, Wang Yue roared, "you and Zhu Xi solve their own problems. I don't want to get involved. You two have problems. You obviously care about each other. Why don't you contact on purpose. I'm very busy and have no time to talk to you."

Hearing Wang Yue's words, Yang Ping's eyes were complicated.

Does Zhu Xi really care about me? With Zhu Xi's cold and arrogant character, he has never looked down on him. How can he say he cares.

Yang Ping was silent.

Wang Yue said impatiently, "if you want to inquire about Zhu Xi, ask yourself. I really don't understand. Zhu Xi, like you, has nothing to do. Call me and beat around your situation. You think my mother is a fool and an interesting case. Yang Ping, you are a big case."

Yang Ping lost his smile. It seems that Wang Yue misunderstood him deeply and said helplessly, "officer Wang, I really want to report the case."

"Really?" Wang Yue doesn't believe it.

Yang Ping said the store again. Wang Yue said directly, "don't leave, wait for me."

When the reporter saw Yang Ping calling, he quietly moved his steps and wanted to leave the room. He just put his body down. Yang Ping's cold voice came from his ear: "take another step, I'll break your two legs. Do you believe it?"

The whole body was cold. The reporter felt a strong killing and was too scared to move.

ten minutes later.

Wang Yue came to the room with a lot of police and took over the case of the shop directly. She's from the Municipal Public Security Bureau. She plays more at different levels and small police stations. The police of the police station can only hand over the work when they see the above people coming. A middle policeman wanted to enter Yang Ping's room, but was stopped.

"I'll see if there are any brothers to pull down." The middle-aged policeman took out his cigarette, handed it to the criminal police guarding the door and smiled.

Wang Yue blocked the door and just stopped the sight of the middle-aged policeman. He said faintly, "under special circumstances, you leave immediately. Do you hear me?" The middle-aged policeman wanted to get angry, but he knew who Wang Yue was. He nodded and bowed away. He looked back and took a deep look at the closed door of the room, revealing a cold look.

Because it was an internal event of the police, it alerted the Municipal Bureau.

The director of the Municipal Bureau replied, investigated the case, restored Wang Yue's position, and handled the matter with full power. Wang Yue has the right to mobilize all members of the criminal police team.

After understanding the situation, Wang Yue flew into a rage and smashed the table lamp in the room.

Yang Ping nodded secretly. Comrade Wang Yue had a high ideological consciousness. He would never let go of the scum who tolerated and nurtured traitors. He smiled and said, "officer Wang, don't be angry first. These people's sins can't be forgiven. First look at the video in the camera to ensure that it's a big case."

Wang Yue grabbed the camera, but did not look through it, but stared at Yang Ping coldly.

Yang Ping was surprised and said, "why, I've become handsome?"

Wang Yue went out of the door and caught a burly man in. His pupils showed the opportunity to kill. He said in a cold voice, "Yang Ping, tell me now, did you come to this store to find a young lady?"


Yang Ping had a bad feeling in her heart and said with a dry smile, "I'm very pure. Do you believe it?"

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