The phone rings again.

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi's number and thought that the purpose of coming to Longcheng was to find her, so she adjusted her mind and took the channel: "Hello -"

"China Airlines building, come here immediately."

Zhu Xi ordered.

Yang Ping looked at the second floor. He Ying's charming body popped in her mind. She had no choice but to put on her clothes and leave villa 13. When she passed the door, she smiled at the security guard and took a taxi to China Airlines building.

The security guard's face was black and he scolded: "you can sell well if you get a bargain. Deser."

Downstairs of China Airlines building.

After Yang Ping got off the bus, when he walked into the gate of China Airlines building, he tried to recall their understanding process, but his memory was like a passing river. He couldn't remember any information about Zhu Xi. He walked into the hall with a headache and just saw a tall and temperament beauty with a lot of documents in his arms into the elevator.


Seeing that the elevator was closing, Yang Ping rushed in.

The temperament beauty looked at Yang Ping, looked at him for a moment, and then pointed to the document in her arms.

Yang Ping secretly said, she won't like me, will she? Give me an excuse to pick up girls?

No, I'm a man of principle.

Press the top layer.

Yang Ping leaned against the wall and looked at the fan bored. She deliberately ignored the eyes of the temperament beauty. The floors passed by one by one. The temperament beauty stared at Yang Ping. It seemed that she was very unhappy that he didn't help. She had to harden her head and ask, "do you want me to help you?"

The temperament beauty was unhappy and said, "this is what Zhu Dong wants. If you go to her, just take it."

Yang Ping said strangely, "who is Dong Zhu?"

The temperament beauty sneered and hummed, "it's just to get something for me. Pretend you don't know me. Yang Ping, your acting skills are very poor." she threw the document in Yang Ping's arms and did an stretching action. The black small suit opened and the full place seemed to jump out, making Yang Ping's eyes stare round.

The temperament beauty didn't pay attention at first, but she soon felt Yang Ping's eyes. Her heart trembled and said in shame: "what do dog eyes look at?"

Yang Ping quickly turned his head and muttered, "what's great? He's of average stature. Who likes to see it."

The temperament beauty turned red and said, "wait, I'll tell Dong Zhu later."

The elevator door is open.

The temperament beauty angrily raised her high-heeled shoes and walked towards the chairman's office. Yang Ping followed and looked at the top-level environment. He found that the company was not generally rich, nor inferior to his headquarters in large consortia in Europe and America.

"Dong Zhu," a beautiful woman with temperament entered the door and began to complain. She looked back and stared at Yang Ping, "Yang Ping bullied me."

Zhu Xi looked up and showed a poker face. Her eyes locked on Yang Ping's face and said coldly, "I know, you go out first. I have something to say to him."

Yang Yuxin gave a cry and thought that Zhu Dong's reaction was very strange. According to Zhu Xi's disgust with men, Yang Ping should be scolded like a dog, but instead of swearing, he asked him to leave. She left the office with doubts.

Zhu Xi stood up, walked up to Yang Ping and said with a sneer, "it's good. I don't mind my own business."

Yang Ping opened her perspective eyes and checked Zhu Xi's body. She found that she was in good health, not like a sick person.

"Do you know how many people will worry about you if you leave quietly..." Zhu Xi was angry. When Yang Ping quietly left the treasure house, she thought he had been kidnapped and was anxious, so she taught him a lesson, but without saying a word, the slender hand was held. Yang Ping looked focused on her pulse. Her pretty face was slightly red and said angrily, "let go, what are you doing?"

The pulse is stable and the essence, Qi and spirit are good.

Zhu Xi is not ill at all.

Yang Ping was puzzled and said to himself, "no, the old man said you were sick. Let me come and have a look."

Zhu Xi held back her anger, pulled her arm away and said coldly, "if you want to take advantage of the opportunity, I advise you to die. I'm not a casual woman. Even if you saved me, I'm not qualified to touch me..." one hand covered her forehead and interrupted Zhu Xi's words. The warm feeling was transmitted to her heart through her skin. Her heart trembled and had an unspeakable feeling.

"The forehead is not hot." Yang Ping shook his head and tut tut said, "do you have mental illness?"

Bang Dang!

Zhu Xi couldn't bear it and scolded, "you're mentally ill. Yang Ping, when are you going to play?"

Yang Pingsong opened his hand and ignored Zhu Xi's anger. He picked up the water cup on the table and poured water into the water dispenser. He muttered, "it should be psychosis, otherwise he won't react so much." Looking at Zhu Xi blushing with anger, he said seriously, "your body is very healthy. It may be that long-term pressure leads to endocrine disorders. Your late menstruation leads to your mental tension and hot temper. I'll write you a prescription. Wu Huojian will take effect in one dose."

He didn't see Zhu Xi's flaming eyes. He picked up his pen and wrote the prescription on the paper.

The handwriting is in small block letters and has a lot of temperament.

Yang Ping looked and almost fell in love with himself.

Zhu Xi pointed to his nose and wanted to swear.

Yang Ping held her wrist, nodded and said, "yes, the precursor of mental illness is like this. He is irritable and easy to lose his mind. He needs immediate treatment."

Zhu Xi smiled angrily and said in a cold voice, "you said I was mentally ill?"

Yang Ping looked at her as if she were looking at a psychopath.

Zhu Xi confirmed that Yang Ping was not joking casually. He picked up the water cup and let him splash it on his face. The water spilled on his face and messed up his black hair. He shouted, "get out of here. I don't want to see you."

Yang Ping wiped his face and said with a smile, "Zhu Xi, after all, it's the first time we met. You're rude to me. It's unreasonable. I'm at least your doctor. You can insult my character, but you can't insult my medical skills."

Her teeth were creaking and trembling. Zhu Xi couldn't stand it, but when she heard the first meeting, she looked at Yang Ping like a ghost and shouted, "what did you say?"

Yang Ping said with a smile, "you can insult my character..."

Zhu Xi interrupted, "you said we met for the first time?"

Yang pingshen focused his head and said, "isn't it?"

Zhu Xi's heart was surging, and she said secretly, no, is Aunt Xue's sequelae amnesia? Don't you remember anything before? She looked at Yang pinglong's fierce state and thought he was well. When she came in, she was happy for him. Unexpectedly, her head was injured, resulting in amnesia.

"Yang Ping, if you think again, is this the first time we have met?" Zhu Xi smiled bitterly and asked nervously. She got a positive answer. Her face was pale. She took him to the door, "let's find Aunt Xue. She has a way to save you."

Yang Ping stumbled and struggled: "don't pull me. Don't think you can take advantage of me if you are beautiful. Be careful I call the police."

Yang Yuxin happened to pass by the door. When he saw the high chairman pulling the big bastard to the elevator, he was almost scared to death. Is there no mistake? Dong Zhu forcibly pulled the hand of the sex wolf?

Zhu Xi can't care too much and hopes to cure Yang Ping's amnesia as soon as possible.

"Do you have a problem?"

At the door of China Airlines building, Yang Ping was forced into the car and said discontentedly, "I warn you that although I am handsome, I have principles. You said you know me, He Ying also said you know me, and you said you have slept with me. Why don't I have any impression?"

Zhu Xi started the car. When he heard that he had an improper relationship with He Ying, he almost smashed the reverse disk. This bastard had done many immoral things and left many romantic debts before. He had an affair with the woman of he family. No wonder he saw them talking and laughing in the hospital last time.

With a sad heart, Zhu Xi stared blankly at the front, her chest blocked in panic, as if she had eaten a fly.

Soon arrived at the treasure Pavilion.

With a cold face, Zhu Xi was not so gentle to Yang Ping and dragged him out of the car. When Liu Yu got the news, he greeted him at the door and said with a smile, "Yang Ping, you're fine. I'm so worried."

Yang Ping glanced at him and said, "uncle, who are you?"

Liu Yu's face was stiff and looked at Zhu Xi suspiciously.

Zhu Xi sighed and said helplessly, "he seems to have lost his memory. He needs to find Aunt Xue to help."

Liu Yu nodded, looked at Yang Ping more and led them to Zhushan.

The bamboo mountain was completely damaged because of the last saint's battle. The verdant bamboo forest was hypnotized. The bamboo house collapsed with burning ashes, but it is being repaired again. A beautiful shadow stood on the top of the mountain, with its back to them and looking at the sky.

Yang Ping was shocked by the smell of her.

This woman is terrible.

Liu Yu and Zhu Xi had no feeling because they were not at the same level.

Mrs. Zhu is still cold, like a fairy banished to the world, and doesn't eat human fireworks. After a big war, she became more unfathomable after killing the four saints. Now she is clearly in front of her, but she can't be understood. If she didn't see it with her own eyes, she thought it didn't exist.

"Aunt Xue." Zhu Xi's eyes were red and said, "there's something wrong with Yang Ping's head."

Liu Yuyu stopped talking again.

Mrs. Zhu, with her hands on her back, looked at the sky and said, "good and evil depend on each other. There are three forces in his body, which cut off part of his memory, but as long as he recovers his memory, it can be regarded as his fortune."

Zhu Xi hurriedly said, "just restore your memory?"

Mrs. Zhu nodded and said, "Zhu Xi, take him home and help him recover his memory."

Zhu Xi was stunned and said in surprise, "I'll take it home?"

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