Zhang Renchang had been a soldier for two years before he became the Secretary of the village branch. He is still young and has a bit of Kung Fu. With this, he went directly to the two vans he had just driven.

The car carefully stopped in the street, suddenly jumped out of a dozen people, they are holding sticks, aggressive.

"What do you want? I'm Zhao Jiayao's branch secretary. Who dares to fool around?"

Zhang Renchang really dares to stop these people,

As a result, the two guys pushed Zhang Renchang. They didn't come here to beat the Secretary, but to beat Zhao Jianfeng. But now that Zhang Renchang has come forward, he wants to stop these people and set up a good image among the villagers.

But he didn't expect that these people didn't like his branch secretary at all.

"It's against you! All the members of the Party committee, give it to me! I'll drive you Zhang Renchang didn't expect that the other party would dare to do it by himself. Now he had to turn around and greet the village committee members standing beside him.

After listening to his call, those branch committees really rushed up.

It didn't matter. The other side directly swung the stick in their hands, and the two sides immediately scuffled.

Although Zhang Renchang had some Kung Fu, he couldn't stand the guy in the other party's hand. He soon let someone roll a stick and howl back. As he ran back, he called Zhao Jianfeng: "Zhao Jianfeng, come and help me!"

"Whose man is that?" Zhao Jianfeng stood there motionless, just looking coldly. He knows what Zhang Renchang is doing now.

"I called it!" As soon as Qin Yong saw that the group he called had been working with Zhang Renchang, the village branch secretary, he rushed to drink them.

"Qin Yong, which son of a bitch bullied us?" The first one, in his early thirties, carried a stick and was still searching for the target.

"Brother, forget it, we can't beat others!" Qin Yong went up and grabbed the elder brother's stick.

By this time, Zhang Renchang and Zhao Jianfeng had gone to seek protection.

Qin Yong's eldest brother, Qin Chao, also came with a stick. Qin Yong said that he couldn't fight, but he was not convinced. Did he just come here and admit defeat before fighting? That's not Qin Chao's style.

Seeing Zhao Jianfeng standing there alone, Qin Chao immediately recognized him as the central figure today. Because everyone, including Zhang Renchang, retreated behind Zhao Jianfeng.

At this time, those thugs who were knocked down on the ground had already returned to the car. Of course, Qin Chao couldn't see Zhao Jianfeng's achievements, so he was particularly arrogant.

Qin Yong is scared. He just begged for mercy but was not repaired by Zhao Jianfeng. He is thankful. If Qin Chao collides again at this time, the consequences will be unimaginable. So he immediately came after Qin Chao and pulled his arm to keep him away. But at this time, Qin Chao is so brave that he will not listen to Qin Yong's advice.

"Is this the son of a bitch who bullied our old Qin family?"

"Who are you?"

Zhao Jianfeng didn't mean to retreat at all.

"You don't care who I am, I'm your uncle! Brothers, beat the son of a bitch Qin Chao said hello, and the dozen people rushed up immediately.

But before they rushed to Zhao Jianfeng, Zhao Jianfeng suddenly stepped forward and hit Qin Chao on the chest with an elbow. Qin Chao's feet were unsteady, and he fell to the ground after a step back.

The others were shocked, because Zhao Jianfeng was fighting with his bare hands, so a strong man had no chance to fight back. Who was not afraid?

"Which one?"

Zhao Jianfeng coldly sweeps the dozen people who are going to rush up. All of them are fixed there.

"Damn, what kind of Kung Fu is that?" Du Ziteng, who had already got on the bus, looked at the scene in front of him. He was so surprised that his eyes would jump out.

"I can't see the way out. Maybe this man has been a special forces soldier!" Some people say.

In fact, all the people Qin Chao brought were young people working in the county. Qin Yong called Qin Chao, and Qin Chao directly brought in the workers in his workshop.

The boss has been cleaned up, and others have no confidence to deal with Zhao Jianfeng.

"Get in the car and go back!" Qin Yong once saw this posture, if he fought again, not only Qin Chao's people would suffer, but also he had nothing to eat. After all, he has learned the power of Zhao Jianfeng.

Those people were all Qin Chao's workers. Now it would be unwise for them to rush forward. After listening to Qin Yong's advice, they all retreated.

"Boys, why did you leave? Wasn't that a scandal? " At this time, Zhang Renchang was more energetic. When he came forward to stop him, the gang not only pushed him, but also swung him with a stick. Now Zhao Jianfeng ended the battle so quickly with the tactics of catching the thief first, which made him even more angry. So he grabbed a stick and swung it at Qin Chao's workers.

Those people can only fight, but dare not fight back.

"Which grandson hit me just now? Who is it? " Zhang Renchang searched the crowd for the man who hit him, only to find a guy shrinking back, "it's you, isn't it? Come out and ask your grandfather to return your two sticks! "

The boy who dare to come out, a force to the crowd, Zhang Ren common other people dare not fight back, then carrying a stick to chase in. As a result, the gang simply formed a human wall, blocking the worker who beat Zhang Renchang. Although he said that the other side would not fight back, Zhang Renchang was not out of control. He knew that if he offended these people, he would suffer losses. He knew better that if he was beaten by these people, it would not be sure whether Zhao Jianfeng would come out to save him or not!

"You can see that I, Zhang Renchang, am the branch secretary of Zhao Jiayao! How dare you hit me? I want to die Zhang Ren often yells at the dozen people. At this time, before Qin Chao got up from the ground, Zhao Jianfeng deliberately made great efforts to create this effect. As long as the leader is down, others dare not step forward.

Zhao Jianfeng slowly came over and squatted in front of Qin Chao, holding up Qin Chao's chin with one hand: "who are you?"

"I'm Qin Chao."

Qin Chao said feebly. He did not dare to lift his eyes to see Zhao Jianfeng.

"No, that's not your name, I remember." Zhao Jianfeng looked back and asked Qin Yong, "what did he say his name was just now?"

Qin Yong, who dares to repeat what Qin Chao said at that time, has no choice but to smile and say: "brother Jianfeng, it's all my fault. I'm the one who called me. If you want to fight, just fight me."

"No, what's his name? Don't call me brother Feng. I have to call you brother. " Zhao Jianfeng said with a bad smile.

At this time, Du Ziteng finally got out of the car and said respectfully, "brother Feng, if you don't know me, please forgive me. We promise that we won't give you any trouble in the future. If you need any help from my brothers, just say hello!"

The reason why Du Ziteng stands up at this time is that he has two purposes. One is to sell Qin Chao a favor, and the other is to make Zhao Jianfeng a friend, and he will be a good friend. If Zhao Jianfeng is such a powerful role as a friend, he will surely have a good time.

As the saying goes, a hero does not sue and forgive others. Now Du Ziteng pleads for the Qin family in this way, and he is happy to give him face.

"Then I'll give you face?" Zhao Jianfeng's way is neither Yin nor Yang.

"Thank you, brother Feng!" Du Ziteng was overjoyed. In fact, Zhao Jianfeng didn't want to continue to make trouble. As long as he could let the other party know that he was afraid, he would stop harassing the Zhao family. Since the goal has been achieved, why should he fight with these people again!

Compared with Duan Qi, the target given to him by the Yidai Gang, these people are actually dregs.

He stood up and clapped his hands, as if he thought these people were dirty: "OK, for Du Ziteng's sake, I don't care about you. However, if you dare to find trouble again, you will be short of arms and legs?"

"We dare not come again!" A few people responded together.

"Let's go." Zhao Jianfeng waved his hand, as if he didn't pay attention to them at all.

"Brother Feng, after dinner today, do you think you can give my brother a thin noodle and let me be my host and invite him to dinner?" Du Ziteng looked at Zhao Jianfeng's face eagerly, as if he would cheer as soon as Zhao Jianfeng nodded.

"I have something important at home today. Let's go. "

"Well, if brother Feng has anything to do with his brothers in the future, just one word!" Before leaving, Du Zi Teng confessed again.

Several groups of people got on the bus one after another, but there was still a large group of children's families who didn't have a car. Finally, Qin Yong coordinated and sent the women and children back to the village first. The others left Zhao Jiayao on foot.

As soon as he left, Zhang Renchang came to Zhao Jianfeng again: "Jianfeng, where did you learn this Kung Fu? What a miracle Zhang Renchang was a little excited. As soon as he was about to raise his hand to smash Zhao Jianfeng, he suddenly felt that it was not suitable, so he took it back with a smile.

"What kind of Kung Fu is fighting? A man is born to fight Zhao Jianfeng smiles. Although Zhang Renchang is a bit snobbish, today he finally put up a lottery for himself, "go, go to the house and have a drink!"

Zhao Jianfeng knows that it's true that he is good at Kung Fu, but after all, his parents and sisters live in this village, so he can't offend Secretary Zhang too much. Today, I just take this opportunity to make this boy happy.

"I'll be annoyed if you don't buy me a drink today!" Zhang Renchang finally got Zhao Jianfeng's invitation in person. He was so happy that he didn't feel any pain after being hit by those two sticks just now.

Now Zhang Renchang feels that he has made a great effort, so when he sits at the table, he is not so formal.

"I've said for a long time that it's not good for you to ask the Qin family to come today, is it? But I didn't expect you to be ready. Hehe, Jianfeng, you are so brave and resourceful With that, Zhang Renchang extended his thumb to Zhao Jianfeng.

Zhao Jianfeng just smiles. Even if Xia Han praised him, two words would not make him excited, not to mention this small branch secretary.

Zhao wenshun didn't expect that today's event was unexpected. When others were drinking, Zhao wenshun couldn't help wondering. He can't figure out when his son, who has always been rather dull, will still have this ability?

Moreover, Zhao Jianfeng's eyes are very different from before. In the past, little things were not so bold to see people, but now they are so confident!

Before the old man has been headache is the son of that kind of dull and some cowardly character, and now it seems that the son's change is subversive!

Is this still my son?

While others are pushing the cup to change the cup, Zhao wenshun is secretly watching his son there, a little happy and a little suspicious. However, he is more satisfied, he did not want his son to be like this before?

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Zhang Renchang's face gradually turned red: "Jianfeng, you are also developed now, but you have to do something for the people in the village!"

"What's the matter? You said Zhao Jianfeng deliberately teased him with every mouthful of the Secretary, but when the wine came to this point, how could Zhang Renchang tell him that Zhao Jianfeng respected him.

"Look at the roads in our village. There are many potholes and draughts. You have become the bodyguard of the big boss. Can you ask your boss to give us some money... "

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