Ten o'clock in the morning, into the office building, three people into the elevator, Zhao Jianfeng pressed the 25th floor.

Zhang Yuqing specially wore a short skirt and 10 cm high-heeled shoes, which made her look more graceful. She stood beside Xia Han and gave her a kind of pressure.

Fortunately, Xia Han is not so hostile to the 19-year-old girl at her age. What's more, today she brought her to meet the boss of Zhong Rong media.

As soon as Xia Han knocked on the door, the people inside came out.

"President Xia! It's a great honor to have you here! Ha ha, why do you have to come by yourself Zhong Rong is a man in his mid thirties. He is not tall, but his clear forehead can show his shrewdness and flexibility.

"If I don't come in person, you can't say that I'm Xia Han putting on airs?" Today is Xia Han. Although she is the president of the entertainment promotion association, she still has to put down her airs when she comes to do some practical work. After all, these small companies can't support idle people.

Three seated, Zhong Rong's eyes soon fell on Zhang Yuqing's body.

As a boss, if he wants to get into a company, he certainly has to guard it, but when he looks at Zhang Yuqing, the indecent look that is hard to hide makes Zhang Yuqing and Zhao Jianfeng both hard to accept.

"Well, the foundation is pretty good!"

After watching, Zhong Rong looks away from Zhang Yuqing.

"Which company did you work for before?" Asked Zhong Rong.

Zhang Yuqing looked at Xia Han. Xia Han said with a smile, "I used to be in Jinfeng, where I had an unpleasant thing with my colleagues, so I came out." This reason is made up temporarily by Xia Han. She originally wanted to avoid this problem, because the contradiction with the boss easily makes the new boss have scruples, so she has to explain it in this way.

"Team spirit is very important! However, I believe the person recommended by President Xia is absolutely right! " Zhong Rong's eyes fall on Zhang Yuqing again.

Looking at Zhong Rong's greedy eyes, Zhao Jianfeng was disgusted. However, in order to give Zhang Yuqing a place to settle down for the time being, he had to bear it for the time being.

"That's no problem. Mr. Zhong can rest assured. " Xia Han has been saying good things to Zhang Yuqing.

"I'll go to the training ground in a moment, just in time to take her there."

Xia Han and Zhao Jianfeng sat there for a while, then left the office building.

And left Zhang Yuqing alone.

Summer Han they just left, Zhong Rong let Zhang Yuqing pour a glass of water for him.

When delivering the water, Zhong Rong intentionally or unintentionally touches Zhang Yuqing's hand. Zhang Yuqing's very alert hand pulls back. Zhong Rong smiles: "today just came, we have lunch together, it's a small welcome ceremony."

Zhang Yuqing didn't want the welcome ceremony. She felt from Zhong Rong's eyes that the meal was definitely not so delicious.

"Mr. Zhong, I'd better go to the training ground directly."

"Ha ha, it's not urgent, it's not urgent, it's not short for a while." Zhong Rong is not without proud smile.

After Zhao Jianfeng got into the car, he was restless.

"Sister Han, how can I look at that clock? It's not a good bird?" Zhao Jianfeng directly expressed his worries.

"Ha ha, don't all men with a little power like this?" Summer Han seems to see strange.

"If he dares to hit Zhang Yuqing's idea, I'll smash his dog's head!" Zhao Jianfeng see Xia Han is such an attitude, Zhao Jianfeng can't help but issued a threat. He has no chance to express such attitude to Zhong Rong now, but he can let Xia Han know that he cares about Zhang Yuqing.

"Boy, do you like others?" Xia Han, sitting on the co pilot's seat, can't help but turn his face and ask.

"Zhang Yuqing is too simple, and that clock is always an old lecheron, not a good thing!" Zhao Jianfeng was still a little angry.

The reason is that when Zhong Rong looks at Zhang Yuqing, his eyes are not right.

"You are the only good man in the world!" Xia Han Jiao said angrily, "don't worry. Since I sent him, does he dare to attack Zhang Yuqing? You look down on me, Xia Han! "

Xia Han vaguely feels that Zhao Jianfeng doesn't trust her.

"I hope that old man can take president Xia seriously. Or I'll take his dog's head off! "

In the eyes of Xia Han, it's normal for a man to see more beautiful women in front of him.

"In fact, sometimes the key is to look at the girl's attitude. If Zhang Yuqing can live by herself, you can put your heart in your stomach!" Xia Han also patted Zhao Jianfeng's stomach. "Any girl will eventually rely on her own. She can't live under other people's wings every day. You have to give her the chance to grow up!"

Although the time with these two young people is not long, Xia Han as a past person has seen that they have a lot of places that are not in line with the rhythm of this era.

In the afternoon, Xia Han asked Zhao Jianfeng to drive her to the wetland for an afternoon.

"Sister Han, are you tired after walking so much?" Zhao Jianfeng asked anxiously. After all, Xia Han is not a 27-8-year-old girl.

"Yes, why do I feel so energetic today?" Xia Han seems to have just realized the change of her body. She used to have to take a lunch break at noon every day.

"People are in a good mood at happy events. Is there something good about sister Han?" Zhao Jianfeng joked.

"I suddenly found out that I'm in a particularly good mood in the last two days. Jianfeng, do you think it's because you have opened up those two meridians for me?"

Zhao Jianfeng said it is possible. However, Zhao Jianfeng also thinks that the two meridians of Xia Han are not completely connected, otherwise, the effect should be better.

"Sister Han, the environment here is so quiet. Why don't we find a place and I'll give you another performance? Now that the meridians are clear, I can teach you to try to run big and small Sundays, so that you will be more energetic in the future! " Zhao Jianfeng knew that he was able to keep his energy, and he also relied on it.

"Can I do my own work?" Xia Han some don't believe appearance.

"It's just a regimen. As time goes on, you will have a sense of Qi. It's not something profound. I think sister Han can learn it."

So they came to a quiet place and sat down on a piece of feldspar. There are verdant trees all around here. You can only hear a hundred birds singing around. It's really a good place to practice martial arts.

Xia Han knows something about Chinese Qigong, but he has never practiced it. He always thinks that it is something that can only be touched by martial arts experts.

Today, let Zhao Jianfeng say so, I'd like to have a try.

According to Zhao Jianfeng's instructions, Xia Han put his hands on the Dantian and sat on the feldspar. The posture was quite the same.

Zhao Jianfeng patiently describes the acupoints on Xia Han's body with his fingers from time to time, teaching her to run Xiao Zhou Tian and then Da Zhou Tian.

In less than half an hour, Xia Han could let his mind go through those parts without prompting.

Looking at the early days, Zhao Jianfeng decided to use this good environment to dredge the two channels just opened for Xia Han. If thoroughly dredge, he believes that Xia Han is a healthy woman.

Xia Han leans in front of Zhao Jianfeng, and Zhao Jianfeng's palms are on her back.

Now Zhao Jianfeng doesn't have to work as hard as he did last few times. He's just doing some cleaning work.

However, for Xia Han, the heat generated by Zhao Jianfeng's exercise was more fierce than usual.

In less than ten minutes, Xia Han couldn't bear the heat in her body.

"Jianfeng, I'm so hot!"

In fact, not only that, Xia Han also has an impulse that she has never had before. She wants to pick up her clothes and entangle with Zhao Jianfeng now. It's just that she's embarrassed to say it as a woman.

This is a feeling that Xia Han hasn't had for many years. She felt that this should be the miracle effect after Zhao Jianfeng opened the meridians.

"Jianfeng, stop!" Xia Han has a premonition that she can't control herself. If Zhao Jianfeng continues to perform Gong, she will lose control completely.

"Hold on a little longer." Zhao Jianfeng doesn't want to give up.

Although know this time shouldn't disturb Zhao Jianfeng, can summer Han still involuntarily hand stretch to the back, force to grasp his leg.

"Jianfeng, I can't stand it!" Xia Han insists on not letting herself lose her temper, but the magical heat is rampant in her body, crashing into every nerve of her and disturbing her good mind.

In fact, even Zhao Jianfeng himself is not very clear about the evil consequences that he will bring to Xia Han after he practices Kung Fu today. The so-called meridians are actually the wires to feel the world. After Zhao Jianfeng restored the function of transmitting information by those two wires, many things that were not easy to be perceived by Xia Han's thinking are now flowing into her brain.

And this information is the powerful energy that Zhao Jianfeng, a man with great bearing, radiates when he is practicing kung fu.

This is like a voltage, always flowing from high to low. At this time, Xia Han is just like a newly developed wasteland, eager for the most savage plough to open her fertile and thick soil!

Just when Zhao Jianfeng tried to repair her two meridians perfectly, Xia Han suddenly turned around and jumped on Zhao Jianfeng, "Jianfeng, I can't hold on!"

She hugged Zhao Jianfeng's head like a madman, tearing her skirt and pressing Zhao Jianfeng on the feldspar.

Zhao Jianfeng was shocked by Xia Han's crazy behavior. He could only passively let Xia Han kiss and touch him. Even when Xia Han went to untie his clothes, he didn't resist.

It was not until Xia Han took out his belt that he woke up.

"Sister Han - what's the matter with you?"

"Jianfeng - help me - I can't do it!" She had torn off all her clothes, trembling all over, and her mouth was in a flurry.

Zhao Jianfeng was scared at that time. Did she go crazy when she was taught to practice Kung Fu just now? It's impossible. It's impossible to condense gas in a short time on Sundays and Sundays! Just a few minutes? She can't even feel angry!

But looking at the crazy appearance of Xia Han, Zhao Jianfeng can't help searching around for fear that someone will break in.

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