"How to arrange it?" Bingbing seems to be sleeping.

"You go to drink some water first, and then I'll row it for you." Zhao Jianfeng said.

Bingbing got up from the bed, stretched and poured a glass of water down.

"Come on, lie down in bed." Zhao Jianfeng got out of bed.

Bingbing lay down according to the word. Just now she was covered with a towel quilt. Now she has to cover herself with a towel quilt, which is more or less elegant. However, after waking up, Bingbing is a little shy.

Zhao Jianfeng put his hands on Bingbing's stomach and kneaded it for a few times. It seems like a simple action. In fact, when he kneaded it just now, he had guided the crushed stones to the bottom through his own Qi, and let them queue up for a distance. In this way, they would not be crowded together, which made it more difficult to row stones.

But there is also a problem, that is, once the ice body stands up, the gravel will squeeze together again! Don't look at the crushed stone, but it will also hurt the ice body.

"I'm -- I want to explain." Bingbing looks at Zhao Jianfeng in some embarrassment and says.

"Do you mind if I go to the toilet with you later?" Zhao Jianfeng hesitated and asked. He wanted to give the necessary assistance in the process of removing stones. In other words, Zhao Jianfeng can always control the location of other gravel to ensure their orderly discharge.

"Why do you want to go with me?" Bingbing is in trouble. A girl has to be accompanied by a big man to go to the toilet? What a shame?

"Don't worry, I'm just doing some assistance, and I won't let you go." "This will ensure that there will be no pain in the process of removing stones," Zhao explained

"All right." Bingbing said helplessly.

Bingbing in the front, Zhao Jianfeng in the back, two people into the bathroom. Maybe to avoid embarrassment, Bingbing didn't turn on the light.

In order to make Bingbing believe that he did have stones, he also put a spittoon in the toilet to pick up the stones.

But in front of Zhao Jianfeng, Bingbing is embarrassed to take off her pants.

"Turn your head first." Bingbing stands there, wearing a towel and quilt, looking at Zhao Jianfeng.

Zhao Jianfeng turned to the past as expected, Bingbing just backed down her pants and squatted on the toilet: "OK."

Zhao Jianfeng walked over and squatted on one side of the ice. He reached under the towel and touched her abdomen.

In fact, for Zhao Jianfeng, this is a very difficult move. If he is not careful, he will touch the wrong place. Of course, when Zhao Jianfeng's big hand was looking for a place in that area, Bingbing was also very nervous. It was midnight, and in the villa on the mountain, a man and a woman.

Zhao Jianfeng tried to concentrate his attention without distracting himself“ Be careful. Don't pee all at once. I told you to stop, you stop. "

"I can't hold it." Bingbing said wrongly.

"Don't worry, I'm not ready yet."

Zhao Jianfeng rubbed back and forth there for a long time. His hands were all squeezed so that his stomach was a little uncomfortable, and he felt that his bladder was about to burst.

"Yes." Zhao Jianfeng gave an order, and Bingbing said, "good!" He then ordered it to stop.

After all, when you urinate, you'll make some noise, and it's not easy to control. Bing Bing is very embarrassed. But in order to ensure that the stone is not painful, she can only do so. The pain in the first half of the night almost killed her. She doesn't want to suffer that kind of crime again.

Zhao Jianfeng rubbed again and gave the order again.

In this way, one at a time, it took Bingbing nearly ten minutes to get rid of a bubble of urine. The most important thing is that he is a big man on one side. Bingbing feels so ashamed.

When the last bit of gravel was discharged, Zhao Jianfeng slowly took out his hand and stood up: "OK, all finished!"

Zhao Jianfeng was also relieved.

Facts have proved that Zhao Jianfeng used Qigong to remove stones from ice and ice, and the whole process was no less than a major operation on the operating bed.

When he washed his hands in the bathroom, Bingbing had already got up from the toilet.

"I really don't feel the pain!" Because Zhao Jianfeng has not been a little bit obscene to Bingbing, and there is no pain, Bingbing's heart turns from just tense and panic to a little gratitude.

"If it hurts, is that my skill of Zhao Jianfeng?" While wiping his hands, Zhao Jianfeng said with a smile.

When Zhao Jianfeng came out of the toilet, Bingbing turned on the light and took the spittoon out of the toilet.

A closer look, there are really many small particles in it!

She finally believed that Zhao Jianfeng did not cheat her, but that she really got urinary stones!

Before, she also believed in Zhao Jianfeng's medical skills, but when she saw the gravel particles in the spittoon with her own eyes, she simply admired Zhao Jianfeng.

After coming out, Bingbing came to Zhao Jianfeng shyly and said, "I see the broken stones!"

"It's completely discharged this time, but the stone will grow in the future." Zhao Jianfeng was not surprised. He seemed to have expected the result.

"What about that?" Bingbing's mood is tense again. After all, no one wants to suffer like that.

"If you have a way, just call me when it hurts." Zhao Jianfeng said with a bad smile.

"Seriously, is there any way to cure it?" Now the distance between Bingbing and Zhao Jianfeng is close. She takes the initiative to sit beside Zhao Jianfeng and shakes his arm.

"Yes, I'm afraid you can't do it!" Zhao Jianfeng's face is difficult.

"As long as it can be cured, I will do it your way!" Bingbing swears seriously. She's really fed up with that. When it hurts, it's the same as holding a knife!

"Sleep with me tonight. I'll give you a break first." Zhao Jianfeng couldn't help laughing.

"You - that's bad!" Bingbing flushed and punched Zhao Jianfeng on the shoulder. She could see that Zhao Jianfeng was joking with her.

"When I give you a prescription, pay attention to change your eating habits, and make sure you won't make it again." Zhao Jianfeng stopped joking and was serious.

"Thank you." Bingbing leans her face on Zhao Jianfeng's shoulder, and she is intimate.

"Why? Just a good mouth? " Zhao Jianfeng looked at Bingbing, but he couldn't help joking about meat.

"What else?" Bingbing has not left Zhao Jianfeng's shoulder.

"Ha ha, forget it. It's very late. I'm too tired. Let's sleep."

"Who sleeps with you, you have to go back to your room." Bingbing gently pushed Zhao Jianfeng.

Zhao Jianfeng got up from the edge of the bed with a smile. "Close the doors and windows. I'll have a good sleep tonight!"

Bingbing also got up from the edge of the bed and sent Zhao Jianfeng to the door.

When Zhao Jianfeng said good night, Bingbing suddenly stood on tiptoe, put her arms around Zhao Jianfeng's neck, and directly kissed him on the mouth.

Zhao Jianfeng thought that there would be no story tonight, but he didn't expect to get a kiss from Bingbing when he left.

You know, when Zhao Jianfeng ran over, he only wore shorts. Now they cuddle together like this. It's really a different feeling.

However, Zhao Jianfeng knew that she didn't have the courage to kiss herself until she sent herself out of the room tonight, which showed that Bingbing didn't want this kind of kiss to develop too deeply.

Therefore, in response, Zhao Jianfeng is not positive enough.

Bingbing suddenly pulled out her mouth and said angrily, "can you be more serious?"

"How serious?" Zhao Jianfeng said with a bad smile.

"Ignore you, go back to sleep!" With that, Bingbing is about to get out and go back to the house. Zhao Jianfeng put his arms around her waist and let her body stick tightly to his arms.

"You brought it yourself." Zhao Jianfeng is not in a hurry to put together pressure down, he is not to kiss Bingbing's lips, but into her neck.

Bingbing seemed to be more sensitive in that area. Zhao Jianfeng was so itchy that he lowered his head shyly. But Zhao Jianfeng didn't intend to let her go, so he continued to slide down to the plateau.

"No - brother Jianfeng." Bing Bing resisted in a low voice, but her body didn't struggle. When Zhao Jianfeng gently bit her, her whole body was crisp“ You're bad -- "

Zhao Jianfeng didn't advance an inch. He just bit her gently and loosened his mouth in a few seconds. Then he raised his head and looked at Bingbing's face blushed with excitement.

When girls are shy, they look more beautiful and charming. She was embarrassed to raise her head. Her long eyelashes blinked involuntarily.

Zhao Jianfeng really wanted to take her to his room if he hadn't consumed too much energy today.

After more than a minute's stalemate, Zhao Jianfeng bent his head down again and held her lips.

This time, both were engaged.

After about five minutes, Zhao Jianfeng let her go contentedly.

"Come on, go back to sleep. The driver Xiaozhuang will come to pick you up at nine tomorrow. I can't sleep for hours. " Zhao Jianfeng patted Bingbing's ruddy face.

In fact, when holding Bingbing and kissing just now, Bingbing has obviously felt the drastic change of Zhao Jianfeng's body, and she is even ready for her city to be broken by Zhao Jianfeng. Although she hasn't made up her mind to marry this man, it's definitely worth it if she can give her most precious things to this man for the first time.

Therefore, at the moment when Zhao Jianfeng let go of her, Bingbing was a little lucky, but also a little lost. However, in the whole process of kissing, she seems to be able to clearly feel Zhao Jianfeng's love for her.

"Don't leave in a hurry tomorrow. Can you play with me for a day?" Bingbing is talking to Zhao Jianfeng in a begging tone.

"If you let me accompany you all your life, I'd like to!" Zhao Jianfeng holds Bingbing's ruddy face again and kisses her lips with his warm fragrance.

The kiss just now seemed to make Zhao Jianfeng nostalgic. He wanted to experience the wonderful taste again.

Until they both felt numb, Zhao Jianfeng was reluctant to part. This kind of time, no one will laugh at who is too impulsive. In fact, love is an expression of impulse.

Bingbing hurried back to the room this time, and then closed the door, but the man leaned on the door for a long time and didn't go back to bed. She leaned there and closed her eyes, quietly reflecting on the feeling of the two people kissing just now. It was the first time she had a feeling for a man.

"Am I in love with him?" Bingbing whispered to herself.

But she also thought of the distance between herself and Zhao Jianfeng. That's the gap between families. At least her family would not agree that the relationship between her and Zhao Jianfeng would continue to develop.

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