Because one of Duwei's legs was lifted, her skirt slid down her leg to her crotch.

Zhao Jianfeng continued to pull up her long legs and erect them in the air.

"It seems that you haven't put down your Kung Fu!" Zhao Jianfeng's hand didn't work hard, but Du Wei showed off and made some difficult movements.

His hand slid down her ankle. At last, he slowly took back his hand and took back his belt. He stepped back and put on his belt again.

Dewey's legs slowly came down.

But her eyes are still provocative looking at Zhao Jianfeng. Her eyes at the same time also a little more ridicule, she is laughing at Zhao Jianfeng's retreat.

However, Zhao Jianfeng did not care about the woman's provocation. In his mind, he had just achieved his goal. On the contrary, if he really pushed her down, it would make the woman despise him.

"Why not?" Du Wei said with a smile. She was deliberately looking for her superiority.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you or cold?" Zhao Jianfeng sneered and took out his cigarette to light it directly in Du Wei's bedroom.

"Then why did you change your mind temporarily?" Du Wei seems to want Zhao Jianfeng to be a little more overbearing with her. She hasn't enjoyed it for a long time.

"You haven't told me the truth yet. Why should I fulfill your wish?" Zhao Jianfeng spits out a long puff of smoke and looks at Du Wei's face through the smoke. It is more hazy and beautiful.

"You're a confident man. It's the first time I've seen you With that, Du Wei went to Zhao Jianfeng and sat down. She held out two long and thin fingers dyed with red armour, caught the cigarette on Zhao Jianfeng's mouth, and sent it to her mouth to take a beautiful puff.

"Tell me, why stir up the relationship between them? As long as the two of them don't exist, you can be in favor again? I've heard from Wen Yan that you're a woman with a lot of scheming, but if that's the case, I don't think you're smart enough. "

"That's a good question. Finally, I thought of the reason why I did this, instead of asking if I had provoked their relationship She then took another puff, as if she didn't mean to return the cigarette to Zhao Jianfeng.

Zhao Jianfeng had to order another one. He felt as if Dewey wanted to speak. And I guess it's hard to tell her before I speak.

While smoking, Du Wei slowly tells the story of the festival between herself and Wen Yan.

Du Wei is not Lao Leng's first underground lover, but she is the first woman to find out that she is going to give Lao Leng a boy. According to Du Wei, Lao Leng has had more than ten underground lovers giving birth to children for him, but none of them is a boy.

Until the news that she was pregnant with a boy reached Wenyan, Du Wei felt that something was wrong, and she was often watched. She usually did not dare to go out by herself. At last, Lao Leng had to give her a bodyguard to protect her day and night.

Even so, she went through several dangers. Those times, if her driver had not been quick, she would not have lived to this day. Just when she was seven months pregnant, her car had another accident, and in her opinion, it was made deliberately.

She had a miscarriage. Fortunately, it didn't matter after the baby was born.

Du Wei directly suspects Wen Yan about it. But Lao lengliang has been persuading her that Wenyan is not such a woman. Of course, Du Wei doesn't believe Lao Leng's words. Before so many women gave birth to a girl to Lao Leng, but none of them met this kind of thing, but she had a series of accidents.

The bodyguard and driver was arranged by Lao Leng. Of course, he just obeyed Lao Leng's instructions. But in the end, he couldn't stand Du Wei's kindness to him and finally found out the truth for Du Wei.

The truth is that Wen Yan secretly sent someone to kill her.

But the bodyguard is assigned by Lao Leng after all. He can secretly investigate some things for Du Wei, but he doesn't dare to clean up Wen Yan for Du Wei. When Du Wei tells Lao Leng the truth of the matter, Lao Leng sternly warns Du Wei that she is not allowed to take revenge. He will do Wenyan's work.

But Du Wei doesn't believe that Wenyan will really change her ways, because Wenyan will find someone to be her anytime and anywhere.

And once that happens, Lao Leng can't kill Wen Yan like punishing the enemy. Du Wei doesn't want to wait to die, so she has to start first.

However, she soon let Lao Leng know that she hired a killer. For this reason, Lao Leng was quite indifferent to Du Wei for a time, because so many women can live in harmony with Wen Yan, but Du Wei alone can't do it. He always knew that the reason was Du Wei.

Finally, Du Wei had to choose another way, that is to kill Wen Yan by other people's hands. Because Du Wei has always believed that if she can't get rid of Wenyan, then she and her son will be more dangerous in the future.

After listening to Du Wei's story, Zhao Jianfeng didn't blindly believe it, but he at least changed his impression of Wen Yan.

"Are you sent by Wen Yan to kill me or to investigate me?"

Zhao Jianfeng finds it hard to answer this question, because in fact, Wen Yan did not send him to kill or investigate Du Wei. She just put forward a personal safety appeal to herself through her son. Leng Ziqi brought up the murder.

Now Zhao Jianfeng doesn't know whether Wen Yan put forward the idea that Leng Ziqi wanted him to kill. It's really hard to judge. After all, it's the relationship between the mother and the son. Whether the son wants to protect the mother or the mother wants to protect the son, both sides are likely to sell lies to him.

In such a relationship, it is not convenient for Zhao Jianfeng to verify which one lied. Now Zhao Jianfeng even has to doubt whether the murder abroad was a deliberately set up by Wen Yan and Leng Ziqi. The purpose is to get rid of the woman named Mei Yu.

Of course, Zhao Jianfeng is just suspicious. After all, Du Wei is involved in this. In this way, it should be established for Mei Yu to send someone to assassinate Wen Yan.

According to Wen Yan, Du Wei was once out of favor with Lao Leng because of her past gossip, but later she warmed Lao Leng's heart with her own ingenuity and successfully conceived Lao Leng's child.

Zhao Jianfeng considered whether Du Wei would deliberately create those car accidents for herself in order to find an excuse to get rid of Wen Yan, who has raised two sons?

Although Zhao Jianfeng is not an insidious person, he has some experience in the infighting in the ancient court. In order to win a stable position, women in the palace sometimes destroy their own flesh and blood to blame their opponents.

Now Zhao Jianfeng feels more and more that he has fallen into a complex struggle vortex. Even he, who is here to solve the case, is confused and can't find the East, West, North and south.

What Zhao Jianfeng wants to know most is who set up the game.

But now, with this information alone, he obviously can't judge.

"Duwei, what I want to tell you is that if you continue to fight like this, you will lose not only a man's favor, but also your life. Think about it. Wen Yan's son is already an adult. If something happens to his mother, will he give up? Similarly, if something happens to your son, will the mother let you go? And if you start first, you really kill Lao Leng's son. Hehe, will Lao Leng let you go? "

Zhao Jianfeng can only analyze this kind of interest to Du Wei. Many times a woman will be short-sighted and be dazzled by the immediate interests, and eventually make that kind of irrational things. But in the end, I put myself in.

"But if I don't do anything, is it just waiting to die? Will that woman make peace with me? " Du Wei doesn't want to hide anything in front of Zhao Jianfeng. She just wants to find a sense of security here. Now she has come to the conclusion that at least today Zhao Jianfeng didn't come here to take her life.

"Doing nothing is the wisest way at present. On the contrary, if you want to take the initiative, you will seek your own death and accelerate your own destruction. If you don't believe me, you can go on. I can guarantee that in a week, a killer will come to you. You can't let your bodyguards accompany you every day. Even your bodyguards have to have a rest, right? If you've been living in fear, are you tired? Hehe, what a torment that should be? "

"Why should I believe you?" Du Wei doesn't tell lies in front of real people. She knows that if she wants to cheat Zhao Jianfeng, she will pay a greater price.

"It's your freedom to believe it or not. If you are a smart woman, you should be able to draw corresponding conclusions from the analysis I gave you today. Of course, I will try my best to do the work of Wenyan and her son. I might as well tell you that Wenyan's son and I are still friends. " Zhao Jianfeng confidently said.

"So I can only listen to you now?" Du Wei has some helpless ways.

"It's up to you how to choose. In fact, everyone's road is your own choice." Zhao Jianfeng said.

"In that case, I can only trust you. Can we be friends?" Du Wei actively stretched out her hand, as if Zhao Jianfeng's hegemony had never happened. When she turned her body over, the deep ravine in her chest was even more provocative. Zhao Jianfeng couldn't help glancing there.

"Don't look down on men's courage in the future?"

"Why, do you regret it? It is said that there is no regret medicine in the world, but I sell it. " Du Wei didn't hold Zhao Jianfeng's hand, but she just put it on Zhao Jianfeng's leg and looked at Zhao Jianfeng's face with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Forget it, short hands and soft mouth. Now is not the time Zhao Jianfeng does not evade to meet her eyes to say.

"Then I can send it to you, deposit it here and pick it up at any time." With that, Du Wei leaned forward slowly and leaned towards Zhao Jianfeng's mouth.

At such a time, if Zhao Jianfeng had to get up and go, it would be too much. Zhao Jianfeng said, do you think Laozi is really afraid of you?

But he didn't take the initiative, he just sat on the sofa like he did. Du Wei kisses Zhao Jianfeng on his face for a while. Finally, she can't control it and kisses Zhao Jianfeng on the lips.

Warm place, Du Wei drew out Zhao Jianfeng's belt again.

Ten minutes later, she finally got to Zhao Jianfeng.

In the whole process, it seems that Du Wei bullied Zhao Jianfeng all the time.

Later, she was sweating.

Until she was about to die, Zhao Jianfeng picked her up from the sofa and came to the big bed.

Half an hour later, Du Wei was lying there exhausted, completely without image, but she was content to smile at Zhao Jianfeng.

"I can't see you're so good!"

"I just want you to know, don't be arrogant any more. However, let's say something useful. If you don't stop, even if I can let you go, someone will kill you. " At this time, another man appeared in Zhao Jianfeng's mind. He decided to meet him.

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