"Let me call president Yang for confirmation? What if she's cheating on me? " The man looked at Zhao Jianfeng with an expression of seeing through everything. Zhao Jianfeng was so angry that he had to bow his head under the eaves of the people's house.

"What do you want me to do to believe it? Besides, if I do something shameful, do I dare to be a security guard in your big hotel? " Zhao Jianfeng finally found a reason for his reputation.

"I don't think it's very reliable that you have to be a little security guard when you don't earn two or three hundred thousand dollars. However, I think you look honest. I'll leave you here for the time being. However, if I find any problems, I will dismiss you immediately!"

"No problem!" After listening to the play, a stone fell to the ground in Zhao Jianfeng's heart.

Anyway, now he has to find a place to eat and sleep.

"You wait. I'll report to the boss." The man went upstairs on the phone. He knows that it's not suitable to call Yang Xiaotong in his own identity, not to mention that he doesn't have someone else's phone number.

A few minutes later, in the KTV room of Jinling Hotel, a man in his thirties called Yang Xiaotong's mobile phone.

"Mr. Yang, I'm wang Shuhao from Jinling. I want to report something to Mr. Yang. There is a boy named Zhao Jianfeng who claims to have been your bodyguard. Now he wants to get a job as a security guard here. What's the matter? He didn't cause any trouble with President Yang, did he? If there is one, I'll send it to Mr. Yang immediately! "

"Oh - well, there's no trouble, but when he was driving, he accidentally bumped my car into me, so he resigned and couldn't keep it. If Mr. Wang still employs people, leave him first. The young man is still very good. It's just poor driving skills. "

Yang Xiaotong never thought that Zhao Jianfeng would find a job so soon, and he was still in Jinling Hotel. While she was angry with Zhao Jianfeng, she was also relieved that he did not leave Nanjing after all! As long as he is still in this city, he can still find him.

"Well, with Mr. Yang's words, I will definitely use him!"

Wang Shuhao never thought that he actually picked a big bargain and hired a bodyguard level expert with the money of a security guard.

He soon told Zhang Zhiqiang, the security manager, to make sure the people were left behind.

Zhang Zhiqiang received a phone call from his boss and immediately changed his attitude.

"Zhao Jianfeng, now that you are officially working, our boss agrees to leave you! Let's go and change our work clothes with me now! "

Zhao Jianfeng wanted to ask for something to eat first, but when he thought of manager Zhang's indifferent attitude towards him, he gave up his original idea and decided to put up with it first.

According to Zhang Zhiqiang's orders, Zhao Jianfeng stood at the door and became a security guard.

Now people are standing there, but Zhao Jianfeng's stomach is cooing.

When Zhao Jianfeng was starving, the security guard on the opposite side whispered: "brother Zhao, whose car is coming!"

Zhao Jianfeng looked up and saw that a Mercedes Benz S-class had just entered the parking lot outside. Looking at the license plate, Zhao Jianfeng knew that it was Yang Xiaotong's car.

His heart couldn't help moving.

So fast?

Zhao Jianfeng couldn't help but feel secretly happy. Although he decided not to work in Mingyuan group, he was reluctant to part with the girl. From his heart, he hopes to see Yang Xiaotong again after leaving Mingyuan.

Of course, Zhao Jianfeng immediately calmed himself down. I'm just a security guard of Yang Xiaotong. I should have been a farmer in the countryside before. In addition to some Kung Fu, how can I make a lady of a big family cling to me?

It is said that Zhao Jianfeng had just arrived here, and he didn't let Yang Xiaotong immediately hear about it. How could he catch up so soon? Maybe people just come to dinner because they are angry with their families?

Zhao Jianfeng took back his eyes with a bitter smile.

Reason is telling him that from now on, he has no master servant relationship with this woman in the past, and he can no longer be sentimental.

Yang Xiaotong gets out of the car and walks towards the hall. When she comes to Zhao Jianfeng, she stops. The natural fragrance of her body gives Zhao Jianfeng a boost.

"Have dinner with me." After that, Yang Xiaotong went forward. When the lobby manager saw that Yang Xiaotong had arrived, he quickly welcomed her and received her personally.

Zhao Jianfeng just stood there like a stick and didn't say a word.

But the little security guard opposite him was in a hurry and urged, "didn't you hear me? Mr. Yang invited you to have dinner with him! How lucky you are

"No!" Zhao Jianfeng was so hungry that he began to grumble, but at this time he came to sulk.

"Haven't you eaten yet, brother Zhao? My stomach has been crying for a while The security guard covered his mouth and said with a smile.

"I don't eat when I'm hungry." Zhao Jianfeng is biting his teeth.

But when Zhao Jianfeng was standing there for less than two minutes, the lobby manager who had just received Yang Xiaotong came and called Zhao Jianfeng: "Xiao Zhao, go to room 9 and have dinner with the guests. Hurry up!"

What does Zhao Jianfeng say? Does the security guard have the duty to accompany the guests to dinner?

When Zhao Jianfeng was in a daze, the little security guard on the opposite side pushed him forward and said, "go ahead, give me a tip after you earn it!"

After all, it's the lobby manager who calls in person. Since he is the security guard of the hotel, he has to obey other people's arrangement. Although he did not know which room Yang Xiaotong went to, he was sure that Yang Xiaotong had asked him to go there.

The lobby manager personally took Zhao Jianfeng to room 9. After opening the door, Zhao Jianfeng saw that Yang Xiaotong was sitting in it.

And she's the only one in the room.

The layout of this room is different from that of other places. A bar table is installed near the window. It is more suitable for three or four people to eat here.

The hall manager smiles at Yang Xiaotong and retreats. Zhao Jianfeng is still standing at the door.

"Come in, what are you doing standing there?" Yang Xiaotong stares at Zhao Jianfeng.

Zhao Jianfeng just came in. But the door was still open.

"You let the guests eat with the door open like this?" Yang Xiaotong said angrily.

He turned back and closed the door. Zhao Jianfeng and Yang Xiaotong were the only two people in the room, which made Zhao Jianfeng feel a little weak. He walked two steps forward and stood at the table like a pupil who did something wrong.

"Sit down." Yang Xiaotong nuzui pointed to the opposite chair.

"I'd better stand." Zhao Jianfeng said.

On hearing this, Yang Xiaotong immediately turned his body and glared at him angrily, but he didn't speak.

Seeing that Yang Xiaotong was angry, Zhao Jianfeng had to sit down and put his hands on his knees.

Soon Zhao Jianfeng's stomach rang again.

"What's going on?" Yang Xiaotong asks suddenly alertly.

"What's going on?" Zhao Jianfeng's face was red, and his head was too low to admit that the voice came out of his stomach.

But just when Yang Xiaotong was listening attentively, Zhao Jianfeng's stomach began to ring again.

"I know you haven't eaten yet! Are you hungry? " Yang Xiaotong angrily said, and then first forked up a piece of cake and sent it to Zhao Jianfeng.

Zhao Jianfeng no longer ignores the gentleness and eats the snacks in front of him.

"No hurry, we'll serve later." Yang Xiaotong himself does not eat, just watching Zhao Jianfeng wolf down there.

Knowing that his eating appearance is not elegant, Zhao Jianfeng smiles awkwardly.

After a while, several dishes came up.

Yang Xiaotong still does not move a chopstick, let Zhao Jianfeng eat first.

But Zhao Jianfeng didn't eat any more.

"Why not? Are you full? " Yang Xiaotong asked with concern.

"You don't eat any." Zhao Jianfeng muttered.

Yang Xiaotong smiles and then picks up chopsticks to eat with him.

Looking at Zhao Jianfeng's way of eating regardless of his image, I know that he must not have enough to eat these days, and his heart is not a dull pain.

Yang Xiaotong has never cared about any man since she grew up. Zhao Jianfeng is the first. She couldn't even say why. She just felt like him.

"How much do they charge you?" While eating, Yang Xiaotong asked.

"I don't know."

Yang Xiaotong doesn't care much about this. Now as long as Zhao Jianfeng can have a place to live and eat, she hopes that others will not give him too much money, so as not to make him feel more comfortable than she does.

Zhao Jianfeng suddenly remembered something. He put down his chopsticks and put his hand into his pocket.

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