After finishing this adventure, Zhao Jianfeng, who wanted to return home to have a good time, felt that his head was bigger than when he went abroad to carry out the task, and his heart was extremely heavy. Because he is not fully sure about the plan proposed by Lao Xiang. First of all, it is not certain that the other party will follow Lao Xiang's assumption and attack him.

If the terrorist is really like what Xiang always estimated, at least he can have a preparation on his own side and have a greater chance of winning, but what if he doesn't choose the hotel as the ambush point? As long as the boy takes aim, how can he escape the disaster?

After getting Zhao Jianfeng's consent, Lao Xiang didn't seem so relaxed.

"There's another possibility, if this guy doesn't come in alone?" Lao Xiang looked at Zhao Jianfeng. Although his eyes looked wise, they were also confused. After all, not everything could be mastered by him.

"Didn't you say that the intelligence service found out that only one person came?" Zhao Jianfeng did not expect that things would make Lao Xiang more complicated. Because this action has made Laoxiang's prediction correct, Zhao Jianfeng is afraid of Laoxiang's conjecture.

"There was really only one guy on the plane. But we can't conclude that he had not been lurking here before? "

Lao Xiang's words made Zhao Jianfeng fight a cold war.

"In this case, if we only guard against the light, don't we let the dark escape our guard?"

Su Xiaoning of course thought of the most terrible thing. She involuntarily hugged Zhao Jianfeng's arm and looked at Zhao Jianfeng.

All three fell silent at the same time.

A few minutes later, he broke the silence: "don't worry too much. Even if there are his accomplices here, they will act at the same time. You have killed so many of them at one time, so they are bound to kill you this time. They will put all their strength into this assassination. As long as they don't use suicidal retaliation, we have a chance to catch them all! "

Lao Xiang is worried that Zhao Jianfeng is too afraid to be more confident. In fact, he has no bottom in his heart.

"What if they have other members? Am I going to the ends of the earth, and I can't escape their pursuit? " Zhao Jianfeng regretted taking part in the operation.

"Now they only know your appearance, and they certainly don't know your information. As long as they kill your pursuers this time, from now on, unless they bump into you again, otherwise, it's not so easy to find you in such a big country. What kind of celebrity do you think you are? "

Lao Xiang smiles for the first time after he comes in.

After a while, Lao Xiang made a phone call. In less than ten minutes, an SUV drove to the door of the hotel.

"The car has come. You can go alone, as long as you don't let them follow you and come back before 8:00 to 10:00 in the evening. Don't worry. I'll arrange it here. There won't be any mistakes. As long as that guy shows up, we'll have a chance to deal with him! "

This time Lao Xiang's words gave Zhao Jianfeng great confidence. Zhao Jianfeng has learned Lao Xiang's organizational ability in this foreign hostage rescue operation. He is a very thoughtful person, and he will consider every link very carefully.

"Then I can only take another risk. Lao Xiang, I'm dead or alive, but it's all up to you? I'm only in my twenties. I don't even have a wife! " Although Zhao Jianfeng is joking with Lao Xiang, his heart is really very nervous. He just wanted to remind Lao Xiang not to take this action as a joke. If he was not careful, he would have to take a small life. Because according to this arrangement, Zhao Jianfeng has no chance to fight back against terrorists. He is actually a target.

Of course, not everyone can be such a target.

"I know that although you haven't really joined our organization now, you are regarded as one of our brothers. We are not willing to let you die, so we will try our best to ensure your safety."

Lao Xiang took out a pistol and ten bullets from his body and gave it to Zhao Jianfeng: "from now on, you have become our trial team. You can use it at the critical moment."

Zhao Jianfeng took the gun, checked the bullets inside, and then loaded it.

A man went out of the room, into the elevator and down the stairs.

When he walked out of the elevator, Zhao Jianfeng's eyes were extremely sharp. The remaining light of his eyes scanned everyone in the hall.

The car stopped at the door of the hotel, and a young man was waiting there.

Zhao Jianfeng walked over and said, "give me the key."

Without saying a word, the young man gave the key to Zhao Jianfeng. Zhao Jianfeng first stood beside the car and looked around. Then he suddenly got on the car, ignited the car and drove slowly onto the road. While observing the situation around him, he stepped up the gas and rushed forward.

From time to time, he looked in the rearview mirror to see if there were any suspicious vehicles following him.

At this time, when he saw the car closer to him, he would be suspicious.

Although Lao Xiang is right, Zhao Jianfeng is more worried about being attacked on the road. According to his experience, it seems that the other party is more likely to start on the road, because when a person is focused on driving, it is generally not easy to pay attention to the situation of other vehicles, and if he is negligent, he will be plotted.

When the car was about four or five roads away, Zhao Jianfeng glanced in the rearview mirror and found that the barrel of a sniper rifle was sticking out of the window of the co driver of a car that suddenly followed.

At that moment, Zhao Jianfeng was scared. After all, he was in the front, but his opponent was behind him. He had no chance to fight back!

However, judging from the experience he learned in the training base, the barrel was not aimed at him, but at his right rear wheel.

That is to say, the guy wanted to blow out his tire, let the car roll, and then shoot himself.

If he didn't find out about this sneak attack scheme, even if he overturned the car, he would think it was a natural tire burst, because the gun was equipped with a silencing device, so he would not hear the sound of the gun. In this way, even if the driver can't die in the car, he won't think that someone will shoot after him.

Zhao Jianfeng couldn't help sweating.

All of a sudden, he felt the whole car shake, and then the whole car lost control and twisted on the road. Fortunately, Zhao Jianfeng had been psychologically prepared. He held the steering wheel hard and got close to the middle of the road while driving. After parking in this way, you will have more room to escape without being forced to one side.

While holding the steering wheel and braking, Zhao Jianfeng had to observe the situation of the car behind him. As he was driving in front of the route is not fixed, the car behind the chase had to quickly change the route. As a result, a large number of cars in the back were in a mess, and they stepped on the brakes one after another.

Instead of parking according to the normal routine, Zhao Jianfeng directly put the car across the road and made the side of the cab face the front of the road, so that at least the off-road car body could resist the attack of the other side.

The car hardly came to a complete stop when people rushed out of it. Under the cover of the car body, Zhao Jianfeng's pistol had already been pulled out and aimed at the car that was forced to stop behind.

But he knew that there was a big sniper on the other side's hand. If he stayed in one place, it would be a dead end! So, without a second's pause, he ran directly to the car behind him, and fired at the co pilot's seat.

The bullet went through the glass and hit the shooter with the big sniper.

But to Zhao Jianfeng's surprise, the man was not dead. Maybe he was wearing a bulletproof vest.

And at the same time, Zhao Jianfeng saw the man's big sniper muzzle also toward him.

However, Zhao Jianfeng knew that the sniper was not dominant in close combat. He quickly shook his body, suddenly lowered his body and ran to the back side. With a gunshot, he shot at the man in the co driver's seat again.

Now he doesn't know if the driver in the car is a hijacked common people, but if it is also a gang of shooters, he will be in trouble. Therefore, Zhao Jianfeng did not dare rush out. He hid behind the car and smashed both the outside rearview mirrors. At this time, although it is not willing to waste bullets, it is also a very important move. Without the outside rear-view mirror, the people in the car will lose an eye! The counterattack is very powerful.

The cars in the back stopped one after another, and the people on the nearby cars had already rushed out of the car and ran far away, because there was a gunfight here, and no one wanted to be injured by mistake.

Now Zhao Jianfeng squatting outside the car is even more dominant. With his great strength, he smashed the side window of the car with one blow. Then he fired two blind shots at the car. First, he suppressed the fire of the other side, and then he stood up fiercely.

At this time, the driver had already pulled out his gun and was looking for the target.

But the muzzle of Zhao Jianfeng's gun has been on his head! The shooter in the co pilot's seat had blood all over his neck. It was obvious that Zhao Jianfeng's shot also hit him. Zhao Jianfeng himself is not sure about the specific location.

But the guy had already thrown away his sniper rifle and was about to shoot Zhao Jianfeng with a pistol in his hand. Zhao Jianfeng didn't hesitate and shot his head. At that moment, a mixture of red and white glue splashed onto the roof of the car.

But in this process, Zhao Jianfeng did not blink an eye, the muzzle of the gun quickly moved back, on the driver's head.

If possible, of course, Zhao Jianfeng wants to keep a living.

But that guy even wanted to fight to his death. As a result, Zhao Jianfeng poked at the back of the guy's neck directly with a pistol tube, and the whole person stopped there and didn't move.

There were no more people in the car. This is a car. Zhao Jianfeng has a very clear view of the situation in the car.

Zhao Jianfeng didn't know if there would be any other terrorist accomplices, so it was very dangerous to be exposed outside. He immediately went back to his car, locked the door and called Lao Xiang.

But Lao Xiang's line is busy. Zhao Jianfeng scolded, had to call Su Xiaoning's mobile phone again. I hope she's not on the line.

"I was ambushed in the North wuhuali of the hotel. A total of two people, one shot, one uniform, hurry to get the guy in the hotel up for me! If you let him out again, you'll never see me again! "

Zhao Jianfeng doesn't know whether the one who was killed just now is the guy he always talked about. If there are still terrorists staying in the hotel at this time, his own danger can't be relieved. If they are crazy, he will be even more dangerous, and even take the lives of his comrades.

When Zhao Jianfeng called Lao Xiang, Lao Xiang and Su Xiaoning were still in the hotel. Lao Xiang was there to arrange tasks for several team members by phone.

In Su Xiaoning's phone call, Zhao Jianfeng heard that Lao Xiang asked him to wait there. Soon a man named rabbit would escort the two terrorists.

Zhao Jianfeng had to sit in the car, waiting for the old man to come.

However, after he had waited for five minutes, two police cars came here with their sirens blaring.

As soon as Zhao Jianfeng saw that the situation was not good, he immediately called Su Xiaoning, but Su Xiaoning's mobile phone was also on the phone!

What do I do if the police come? Zhao Jianfeng had never met such a thing before, and he had no idea immediately. When I was a bodyguard, I learned a lot of rules, but now I don't seem to have the same identity!

If you are arrested by the police, won't you expose the identity of your agent in the future? Maybe it will make it easier for terrorists to find. Now that's what he's afraid of most.

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