Now although Zhao Jianfeng can hear Xia Han's words, he can't speak any more. He can only let Xia Han hold it like this, and the consciousness in his brain can't struggle. Gradually he lost all consciousness and fell into a dream.

In the dream, he saw the appearance of Qiao Fei again. Qiao Fei looked at him and laughed. It seemed that he didn't blame him at all, but he was constantly blaming himself in his heart.

Zhao Jianfeng didn't know how long he had this dream. Anyway, when he woke up, he was lying on Xia Han's bed, wearing the nightgown and a thin towel quilt.

"You wake up at last!"

"What time is it?" The first thing Zhao Jianfeng wakes up is Zhang Yuqing, who is still alone in the hotel. He originally wanted to come over to meet Xia Han tonight, but he forgot this stubble when he was happy.

"It's ten in the morning." Xia Han sits in front of the computer in a pajama that feels very sexual.

"No, I have to go back!" Zhao Jianfeng is busy getting up from bed and going to change his clothes.

"What's the rush? You haven't had breakfast yet Xia Han does not understand, stay in her here, but a lot of men dream of things, even if only to have a false name are happy. What's more, she let Zhao Jianfeng sleep in his bed for one night and another morning.

"President Xia, to tell you the truth, I left Zhang Yuqing alone in the hotel. She doesn't even have an ID card. She can't eat without me! "

No matter how hard Xia Han stayed, Zhao Jianfeng was very anxious.

It's not for anything else. Now Zhang Yuqing's situation is not safe. If Zhang Yuqing has an accident in his hands, he will regret it all his life.

Especially the performance of Huo Feng last night made him worry about Zhang Yuqing's safety.

"Are you talking about the girl who escaped from the club?" Xia Han has forgotten such a thing.

"It's her." Zhao Jianfeng said while changing clothes. Now he can't get in touch with Zhang Yuqing directly. He can only rest assured after seeing her.

"Are you fit now? Why don't you tell me which hotel she is in and I'll have her picked up? " Xia Han doesn't want Zhao Jianfeng to leave because he has been sleeping since last night. There is no other reaction in the whole process. Now she just wakes up and wants to go out. She is really worried.

"I'm fully recovered." Zhao Jianfeng doesn't think about anything now, only Zhang Yuqing is in his heart.

This makes the heart of summer Han can't help a little bit lost, heart said, last night I waited on you all night, but you have no response, and just wake up to that girl so worried! As a woman, I can't help being jealous.

So Xia Han stood there and said nothing more.

"I've entered my number into your mobile phone. If there's something urgent, you can dial my mobile phone directly." Although in the heart small unhappy, but summer Han after all or some self-restraint, she did not write in the heart unhappy on the face.

"I see." As soon as he was dressed, Zhao Jianfeng ran out.

"Don't worry, let my driver drive you." Xia Han chased the door and called.

"No!" Zhao Jianfeng is not afraid of troubling Xia Han, but he doesn't want to let people know where Zhang Yuqing is hiding. Although he still trusts Xia Han, he doesn't like the driver. Although Zhao Jianfeng is careless, when Xia Han introduced him to Xiao Li driver last night, he vaguely felt the boy's hostility to him.

After all, he may have robbed the guy's job, and it's reasonable for him to be hostile to Zhao Jianfeng.

Out of the villa area, Zhao Jianfeng quickly got into a taxi. His flustered appearance made the taxi driver doubt if he had stolen something from the villa area!

Along the way, Zhao Jianfeng kept urging the driver to hurry up, until after arriving at the hotel, Zhao Jianfeng gave the taxi driver a hundred yuan bill and rushed into the hotel without asking for huo'er.

However, after knocking on the door for a long time, Zhao Jianfeng didn't hear any reaction.

At that moment, Zhao Jianfeng's mind was in a mess. If Zhang Yuqing fell into the enemy again, what would be the end? If that person is really Huo Feng, I'm afraid he can't do anything about it, because after the first fight with Huo Feng, he felt this person's insidious and cunning.

He went to the boss of the hotel and asked where the sister who shared a room with him was. The boss said he didn't know. Finally, seeing Zhao Jianfeng's anxiety, the boss still turned on the surveillance video and let Zhao Jianfeng watch it. As a result, from the surveillance, Zhang Yuqing sneaked out of the hotel and headed east at more than five o'clock in the morning.

Now Zhao Jianfeng can't tell Yang Xiaotong about this situation, let alone let Xia Han know. He needs a person to search for it for a while, and even if he tells these two women, it doesn't work.

The surveillance video at least proved that Zhang Yuqing was not caught, which is the only place that makes Zhao Jianfeng happy.

After walking half a mile to the East, you come to a river outside the city and cross the river. There are some chairs by the river for visitors to rest temporarily.

Just when he was about to lose heart, he suddenly saw a girl who was almost dressed like Zhang Yuqing. He ran over to see that she was not Zhang Yuqing at all, just a leader. Her clothes were almost the same. The girl took a wary look at Zhao Jianfeng and quickly walked away.

"Zhang Yuqing, where are you?" Zhao Jianfeng just called out, but his mobile phone rang. It turned out to be Yang Xiaotong's phone.

"Xiaotong, have you seen Zhang Yuqing?" Just a call, Zhao Jianfeng can't wait to inquire about the whereabouts of Zhang Yuqing.

"Where were you last night? Leave Zhang Yuqing alone in the hotel? " Yang Xiaotong knows that Zhao Jianfeng has gone with Xia Han, but now she knows it.

"Sister Xiaotong, I'm so anxious. Zhang Yuqing is gone! I let her stay in the hotel by herself, but who knows this silly girl ran out of the hotel at five o'clock this morning

At the end of the phone, Zhang Yuqing chuckled at Yang Xiaotong. In fact, after she left the hotel, she came to Yang Xiaotong early, because she felt that when Zhao Jianfeng was not there, Yang Xiaotong was the only safe place. She originally asked Yang Xiaotong to call Zhao Jianfeng earlier, but Yang Xiaotong wanted to be in a hurry to revenge Zhao Jianfeng.

Last night, when Xia Han wanted to take Zhao Jianfeng away, Yang Xiaotong was a little upset, but she couldn't show it in front of Xia Han.

"Come here first. I have something to tell you." Yang Xiaotong guesses that Zhao Jianfeng must be looking for Zhang Yuqing everywhere now. He is so anxious that he is like an ant on a hot pot. She deliberately did not tell Zhao Jianfeng that Zhang Yuqing was already with her.

Zhao Jianfeng wanted to say that he had to find Zhang Yuqing first, but in front of Yang Xiaotong's order, Zhao Jianfeng didn't even have the instinct to resist.

After a taxi, he rushed to the headquarters of Mingyuan group. Without time to say a word to Lao Luo, Zhao Jianfeng went straight to Yang Xiaotong's office.

As soon as he entered the room, he found Zhang Yuqing sitting there intact. Zhao Jianfeng was shocked at that time.

"Yuqing, are you here?" Zhao Jianfeng immediately rushed over and grabbed Zhang Yuqing's hand. He was as excited as if he had recovered a piece of jewelry.

When Yang Xiaotong saw Zhao Jianfeng holding Zhang Yuqing's hand tightly, he coughed there. Then Zhao Jianfeng let go.

"First, where did you spend the night? Why did you leave her alone in the hotel? "

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