Zhao Jianfeng has never seen a pistol. Of course, he doesn't know how powerful the pistol is. Only when he saw the black thing on Xiao Li's forehead, Xiao Li had the posture of holding his hand to capture. He guessed that Dong Dong must be powerful. Otherwise, Xiao Li, as Xia Han's bodyguard, could not be so easy to recognize.

"Xiao Li, what is that?" Zhao Jianfeng is very curious. Such a small thing can make the big bodyguard of President Xia pee his pants?

"Don't move, you'll be killed if you move!" The man's pistol pressed against Xiao Li's forehead and pushed him back step by step. Then another guy came out of the car. The guy came to Xiao Li with an iron bar in his hand.

"It's none of his business. Come to me if there's anything else!"

When Zhao Jianfeng saw that things were not good, he wanted to quickly attract the other party's attention. He believed that he had a way to deal with the two boys.

That guy has a strong body and a big stomach. It seems that he should eat according to his size.

He grinned at Zhao Jianfeng, but still walked towards Xiao Li.

"Don't pay any attention to him. Take care of me. He's just driving for me!" Although Zhao Jianfeng didn't understand what the dark guy was, he didn't dare to make mistakes rashly. But the man ignored Zhao Jianfeng and just walked towards Xiao Li.

At this time, Xiao Li is still held in the head by the other side's pistol, which dare to resist.

The fat man swung the iron bar in his hand, and it was an iron bar towards Xiao Li's leg.

The stick hit his leg mercilessly. Xiao Li fell to the ground without any resistance.

At the moment when the iron bar fell, Zhao Jianfeng felt as if the iron bar had been knocked on his leg.

To Zhao Jianfeng's admiration, Xiao Li didn't snort after he was hit by the iron bar. Instead, he bit his teeth, only the beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

Originally, Xiao Li thought that with his beautiful driving skills, he could completely deal with the bastard on this off-road vehicle, but he never thought that things would develop to this stage. The other side was not injured, and in such a short time, he took out a gun to hold his head.

At this time, he can only secretly blame himself for being too careless. Just now, he didn't pay attention to his opponent. This is the evil result of belittling the enemy!

The man with the gun in his hand waved his gun and motioned for Zhao Jianfeng to go.

He really didn't know how powerful the black iron thing in this guy's hand was, but judging from Xiao Li's performance just now, this thing can't be underestimated.

So, after the man signaled, Zhao Jianfeng obediently walked towards the man. He estimated that this thing should at least be much more powerful than the crossbow used by Wei Kefan to deal with him.

Now he didn't dare to be careless and walked forward carefully. Of course, at this time, his heart was extremely nervous, because he was not sure when the iron guy on the other side's hand would shoot.

So, as he walked forward, he kept staring at the man's finger on the board. As long as the other party has action, he must respond immediately.

He won't allow himself to miss, otherwise, Zhang Yuqing will have no hope any more! Only when he is safe can Zhang Yuqing be saved.

So made up his mind, Zhao Jianfeng no longer take care of Xiao Li who has fallen to the ground.

Looking at Zhao Jianfeng walking towards him step by step, the guy with the gun couldn't help laughing. Because today their ultimate goal is to let Zhao Jianfeng be arrested. As long as Zhao Jianfeng is solved, then all the troubles will be gone.

With the same means to deal with Xiao Li, when Zhao Jianfeng walked towards the man, the guy holding the iron bar also showed a vicious smile.

While laughing, the guy spat in his palm and held the iron bar again.

Obviously, once Zhao Jianfeng came to control the pistol, the iron rod would swing to him.

"Do you know who you hit just now?" Zhao Jianfeng wants to procrastinate and gain opportunities for himself.

"We don't care who he is. As long as he gets in the way of our boss, he will be finished!" The guy holding the gun said viciously, "boy, do you think nobody dares to move you when you run to Xiahan to protect you? He is Xia Han's bodyguard, we still clean up, let alone you a humble pawn! Don't be such a big fucker! If you mess with me, I'll shoot you now! "

Listen to the other party's words, Zhao Jianfeng estimates that this thing is really powerful, one shot can kill people, which is a crossbow machine can compare!

"I'll listen to you whatever you say. If you can guarantee Zhang Yuqing's safety, I'll agree to any conditions!"

"That's good. Now you're going to break your own tendon!" Then the guy with the gun threw a dagger to Zhao Jianfeng.

Zhao Jianfeng stooped to pick up the dagger from the ground. And the guy holding the iron bar next to him has been watching him with vigilance. As long as he has a change, the iron bar will be smashed hard and won't give him any chance to resist.

"Brother Feng... Don't be fooled by them!"

Xiao Li, who also fell to the ground, was afraid that Zhao Jianfeng had done something stupid to save Zhang Yuqing, so he quickly reminded him.

And just because of this reminder, the guy with the stick raised the stick to hit Xiao Li again.

"Slow down!" Zhao Jianfeng didn't move, but he drank a lot.

The guy stopped and looked at Zhao Jianfeng: "why, brother, do you want to get this stick for him?"

At this time, Zhao Jianfeng has not come to the guy with the gun. He feels that the distance is still a little far. Once he misses, he will never have a chance again.

He took a bold step forward and stood directly under the muzzle of the man's gun.

"I can do it according to your requirements, but please let him go. He is sister Han's person."

"Well, you'll have to pick your own big muscle first. We're waiting. "

"All right." Zhao Jianfeng weighed the dagger in his hand and looked at it as if he was hesitating.

"I'll count to three. If you don't start, you'll lose both legs!" The man sneered and began to count, "one, two..."

Before the word "three" came out, Zhao Jianfeng suddenly lowered his head quickly. At the same time, the dagger in his hand stabbed the man's wrist fiercely. The other end of the dagger came straight out of the man's wrist.

"Ah -" at the same time, Zhao Jianfeng hit the man's chin with a left hook, and the man fell back on the spot.

The guy holding the iron bar is throwing it at Zhao Jianfeng. But when the iron bar was still in the air, Zhao Jianfeng had already kicked him in the stomach with one foot.

That foot is powerful and heavy, which directly makes the other party out of breath.

When the man's body came forward, Zhao Jianfeng kicked his chin again. Zhao Jianfeng could see clearly that the man's chin trembled with his chubby face, and the whole man immediately fell to one side.

All this is in Xiao Li's eyes. He heard Xia Han say that Zhao Jianfeng has some skills, but he never thought that he was so powerful. Although his legs hurt to death, it was they who won in the end. Xiao Li showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Brother Feng, you are good at it Bear the pain, Xiao Li Zhao Jianfeng stretched out a thumb boast.

Zhao Jianfeng had been playing with the pistol that was still in the other party's hand just now. He was leaning towards the guy's foot like that.


Under Zhao Jianfeng's feet, a stone was broken!

What's more, the loud noise scared Zhao Jianfeng into jumping up: "what the hell? What a stir

"Brother Feng, don't hurt yourself As soon as Xiao Li saw the situation, he knew that Zhao Jianfeng could not use a gun.

"Here you are. It's scary." Zhao Jianfeng threw the gun to Xiao Li, then turned around and asked the man, "where is Zhang Yuqing?"

"We don't have her."

As soon as the words were finished, the iron bar in Zhao Jianfeng's hand swung to the man's feet without warning. Xiao Li saw that the man's feet suddenly became a folding loose leaf.

"She's in our big brother's hands!" The other side finally said something that was a little informative.

"Take me to see your elder brother!" Zhao Jianfeng still holds the iron bar in his hand.

Seeing Zhao Jianfeng so hot, even Xiao Li was a little scared.

"My leg - I can't stand up!" At this time, Xiao Li's forehead is full of sweat.

Zhao Jianfeng helped Xiao Li to the car, and then lifted the two guys up.

"Where can I find your elder brother to show me the way? If you play tricks with me, you will die ugly!" Zhao Jianfeng first pointed the two people's acupoints, then got on the driver's seat and drove.

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