Although Yang Xiaotong reminded Zhao Jianfeng openly and secretly before coming to Shanghai, he stayed in the hotel with Zhang Yuqing.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening. Zhang Yuqing was naked and wrapped around Zhao Jianfeng like a snake. She had a hunch that Zhao Jianfeng might return to Nanjing this evening. With the clarity of the relationship between Zhao Jianfeng and Yang Xiaotong, Zhang Yuqing feels that she has less and less opportunities to get along with Zhao Jianfeng. It was for this reason that she felt more valuable about the time like tonight.

"Do you have to go back at once tonight?" Zhang Yuqing's face is on Zhao Jianfeng's solid chest, and the slightly uplifted muscles will give any girl enough sense of security.

"Who said I was going back?" Zhao Jianfeng pressed his chin. He straightened his fingers between Zhang Yuqing's slightly disordered hair, then slid down and stroked her fragrant shoulder. In the moment when his fingers touch Zhang Yuqing's skin, Zhao Jianfeng can't help but feel guilty for Zhang Yuqing.

He knows that although he may have a lot of money in the future, what he can give to Zhang Yuqing will not be much, and even some things he can never give to her.

"Sister Xiaotong will know that I left you. She didn't know how much she would hate me Zhang Yuqing's secluded way, the warm breath is close to Zhao Jianfeng's pectoralis major muscle, so light, but like a rolling heat wave.

"How do you know she hates you? Hate you, she will go to teach Qin Xiaohu for you? Don't look down on people. " Zhao Jianfeng comforted.

"But the more she doesn't hate me, the more I feel sorry for her, and the worse I feel." Zhang Yuqing moved for a moment to make her body fit more closely with Zhao Jianfeng. She felt that only when she was close to Zhao Jianfeng, would she have that sense of reality. Otherwise, she would feel that even she was empty.

"Don't think so much, OK? Everyone can live a good life. The more you think about it, the heavier your psychological burden will be. If you go on like this, you will become a little old lady early! " Zhao Jianfeng pinches Zhang Yuqing's face. Zhang Yuqing then raised her head, holding her eyes on both sides, and holding her mouth at the same time. She looked like a little old lady.

"If I become like this, will you still like me?" Let go of the hand, Zhang Yuqing's eyes actually have something crystal clear.

"When you are old, I will grow old with you. You don't think I'm a little old man. Dare I think you are?" Zhao Jianfeng rubbed Zhang Yuqing's head with a smile. Zhao Jianfeng thinks that Zhang Yuqing just made a joke, but at this moment, Zhang Yuqing is quite serious. She naturally thinks that in a few decades, the natural appearance will be gone, and will there be love?

Obviously, Zhao Jianfeng's answer didn't satisfy Zhang Yuqing. She felt that Zhao Jianfeng was obviously perfunctory to her. She didn't tell the truth, because she had seen too many old men like little girls. Zhao Jianfeng is also a man who can't avoid vulgarity, and she is not an immortal. She will grow old one day.

"Maybe I don't dislike you becoming a little old man, but you must prefer to see young girls." Zhang Yuqing murmured.

Zhao Jianfeng put his hand on Zhang Yuqing's shoulder, but he raised his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. He said thoughtfully, "maybe at that age, what people pay more attention to is no longer appearance? When we can't move, I'll bring you a basin of hot water to wash your feet. In fact, it's very pleasant. "

"Who washes Xiaotong's feet?" Zhang Yuqing always destroys the atmosphere of Zhao Jianfeng's business.

"Why don't you both live with me, so I can wash your feet at the same time." Zhao Jianfeng said with a smile.

"You villain, you want to kill two birds with one stone!" Zhang Yuqing got up, put one hand into Zhao Jianfeng's leg and pinched two fingers gently. Zhao Jianfeng didn't really hide with a smile. He preferred to see Zhang Yuqing bow down in front of him like this“ I'm afraid I will, and sister Xiaotong won't agree. If you dare to do such a thing in front of sister Xiaotong, be careful to let her punish you on your knees. "

After they frolicked for a while, Zhang Yuqing thought of Ruan Bingbing's business, "didn't you say Bingbing is about to produce? Does sister Xiaotong know about it? What did she say? "

This is a woman's curiosity about another woman's mind, and also her concern for her beloved man. If Zhao Jianfeng is unable to take care of Ruan Bingbing because of Yang Xiaotong's opposition, maybe she will sacrifice a little of her holiday to visit Bingbing. That's the same thing between women.

"She told me to accompany ice production." When Zhao Jianfeng said this, he was not so excited.

Zhang Yuqing flashed her big eyes and asked, "is she just talking or really letting you go?" Zhang Yuqing half of the body to support up, all the mountains and valleys in Zhao Jianfeng's eyes.

"How can I know what your women are thinking?" Zhao Jianfeng sighed“ Even if she is sincere, if I really pass, then she will die of grief? "

Obviously, Zhao Jianfeng has thought about it. If he is not around Bingbing at this time, it will not only be a lifelong regret, but also hurt Ruan Bingbing. She can have a baby for herself, but she can't even accompany her. How cruel is this?

"If you really can't get away, I can ask for a leave. There's nothing wrong with the company. Relatively speaking, I'm a free agent. Just say it then. " Zhang Yuqing is not only in sympathy with Ruan Bingbing, but also constantly looking for opportunities to do things for Zhao Jianfeng. The more things she does, the more important she is to Zhao Jianfeng. Only in this way can a girl occupy a place in a man's heart for a long time.

"That's not the same. Come on, I'll try my best to make time for it. If I don't go, Yang Xiaotong won't feel how loyal I am. On the contrary, she will be more worried about me saying that she is stingy. If I accompany Bingbing, I will owe her another favor. So, she should hope I go, just don't tell anyone about it. If it hurts Xiaotong's face, it will also hurt her heart. " Zhao Jianfeng knows very well that a woman with a position and a sense of decency like Yang Xiaotong may have more importance on face. As her fiance, she has to take this into consideration.

"I see." Zhang Yuqing very sensible said, "then you go back to Nanjing early tomorrow morning, don't let Xiaotong sister wait too long. But you must feed me well tonight With that, Zhang Yuqing wriggled on Zhao Jianfeng again.

At the same time, Yang Xiaotong has already returned to Nanjing from Guangzhou. Before she established a relationship with Zhao Jianfeng, she never couldn't sleep because of something, but now it's different. After eating from outside, she has been sitting in the office, unable to read books or read documents. Because her mind is full of the shadow of Zhao Jianfeng and Zhang Yuqing together. Several times she almost picked up the phone to call Zhao Jianfeng, but on second thought, she put the phone back to its original place. Because her reason told herself, what if she knew?

After repeatedly considering the relationship with Zhao Jianfeng, Yang Xiaotong finally made a bold decision.

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