"Zhao Jianfeng, in front of so many people, do you want to keep your word?" As soon as he heard Zhao Jianfeng boasting about Haikou, Xiao Wensheng snickered. He knew that he had no rival in the whole city of Nanjing at present, but Zhao Jianfeng didn't know how to answer his challenge in public. He also mentioned the challenge to this evening!

"Xiao Wensheng, although Zhao Jianfeng has no other skills, he has never been like some people who play tricks behind his back." Zhao Jianfeng stood up again. Although he didn't use the microphone, the voice was powerful and could easily reach everyone's ears.

"Zhao Jianfeng, what do you mean? Who's behind this? Is there any evidence? " Although Xiao Wensheng is guilty, he thinks that Zhao Jianfeng can't get any evidence in his hand. What's more, in front of so many people, how can he admit the shameful things he did secretly.

"Did I say you? Don't feel guilty, OK? Let's just play tonight, whatever. As long as you can win brother Ma, I will accompany Zhao Jianfeng! "

"Well, it's a deal! Ma Zhiyuan, do you hear me? It's not that I'm forcing you, but that your former opponent wants you to play tonight, OK? Can you satisfy the wishes of your former rivals? " Xiao Wensheng turns to ask Ma Zhiyuan.

At this time, Ma Zhiyuan has been very angry for a long time. One is that Zhao Jianfeng preaches that Ma Zhiyuan is the defeated general of Zhao Jianfeng. The other is that Xiao Wensheng doesn't pay any attention to him.

"Yes, brother Xiao, since you all treat my Ma Zhiyuan as a soft persimmon, I can only listen to you." Ma Zhiyuan started to complain with a very dissatisfied tone.

The audience burst out laughing.

In the eyes of the public, Ma Zhiyuan is really a small role compared with Xiao Wensheng. Tonight, Xiao Wensheng took the initiative to challenge Ma Zhiyuan, because Zhao Jianfeng proposed such a prerequisite. Otherwise, with his strength of Ma Zhiyuan as the runner up in free combat, he is not qualified to compete with Xiao Wensheng.

"OK, now let's change our clothes and come here later!"

Xiao Wensheng seems to have seen the end of his match with Zhao Jianfeng. He can't help but sneer. When he is about to step down, he even glances at Zhao Jianfeng.

"Brother Jianfeng, can you do it?" Zhang Yuqing finally spoke. She just witnessed the bloody scene of the two men on the stage. No matter which side, they all fought for their lives. Although Zhang Yuqing knew Zhao Jianfeng had some skills, she didn't know whether Zhao Jianfeng could play this kind of game without paying attention to rules. In a girl's eyes, what is this game? It's a fight for life!

She involuntarily took Zhao Jianfeng's clothes and looked at Zhao Jianfeng with begging eyes. She wanted Zhao Jianfeng to give up the fight with Xiao Wensheng immediately.

Zhao Jianfeng smiles at Zhang Yuqing: "there's no way. If you speak out, the water will be poured out. We are men!"

"Then why did you start to promise him? Brother Jianfeng, it's too dangerous! " I don't know whether the person who was carried down from the challenge arena just now is dead or alive. You know, all the people who went to this kind of challenge arena have signed the life and death certificate. They can't get into trouble with each other whether they are dead or injured.

Xia Han sits there without saying a word. First, she wants to be bullied by Xiao Wensheng in public. Second, she wants to destroy Huo Feng. Of course, all this is based on her trust in Zhao Jianfeng's Kung Fu. It's just that this kind of trust is not so solid. After all, she has never seen Zhao Jianfeng compete with others. She just felt for no reason that such a confident young man should not lose.

Just as everyone was talking about it, Huo Feng stepped into the challenge arena again: "everyone, I'll give you the tickets for the two games tonight. We will never let the organizer suffer any loss."

After that, Huo Feng hugged the stands around him. There are spectators in all four stands, but each stand is sparse. After all, not too many people have so much spare money and time to watch such a game. There are also people who don't like to watch such bloody scenes even though they have money and leisure.

For people like Huo Feng, he seems to be more excited in the face of such a scene and feel that such a life is meaningful.

"Thank you, Mr. Huo!" After a good reception. This makes Huo Feng very proud.

Xia Han glanced at Zhao Jianfeng and saw the calm expression on Zhao Jianfeng's face. She was relieved.

"Jianfeng, don't let me down!" Xia Han sits there, facing the challenge arena, but her heart is all in Zhao Jianfeng.

Huo Feng openly challenges her bodyguard Zhao Jianfeng on this occasion, which is undoubtedly a challenge to her Xia Han. If she can't give Huo Feng a powerful reply in public, how can she still mix in Nanjing?

"Sister, I will try my best. Even if I lose, I will bite that boy!" Zhao Jianfeng's hatred for Xiao Wensheng is not only limited to Xiao Wensheng's challenge to Xia Han, but also their persecution of Zhang Yuqing, an innocent girl.

"I don't want you to lose, you can only win!" Xia Han is also encouraging Zhao Jianfeng.

"Well, sister, I'll try to win him. However, the process may be more difficult, you must support it! " Zhao Jianfeng slanted to face toward Xia Han bad smile way.

Xia Han doesn't understand Zhao Jianfeng's meaning. She looks at Zhao Jianfeng blankly: "I don't want you to get hurt either."

At this time, Xia Han's eyes also contain a kind of deep affection, which flows out from the eyes of such a beautiful woman as Xia Han, making Zhao Jianfeng feel drunk.

"Sister, it seems that we can't do that tonight!"

"What's the matter?" Xia Han frowned, she did not remember what other agreement with Zhao Jianfeng, and so far, Zhao Jianfeng in her Xia Han's heart, has always been a gentleman, two people did not do anything.

"I wanted to get through those two meridians tonight, but I'm afraid it's very frustrating." Zhao Jianfeng said with regret.

"I think it's something. I've been like this for many years. Is it still one night away? Jianfeng, you don't know. I want to tear that bastard up now! " Then she turned her head slightly and whispered to Jianfeng, "if you clean up that boy tonight, I'll be yours!"

"Sister, don't scare me!"

"What's the matter? Is she a dinosaur? " Xia Han looks at the front confidently. She knows that she is not the most beautiful woman in Nanjing, but she believes that she is definitely one of the most temperament women. If you take yourself as a reward for Zhao Jianfeng, he won't lose anything.

"I don't mean that, sister. I'm afraid that this meat is too beautiful for a dog like me to digest!" Zhao Jianfeng was excited, but he only took it as a joke of Xia Han.

Xia Han secretly stretched out his hand and twisted it on Zhao Jianfeng's leg.

"Oh, I dare not!"

All this happened in the dark that others couldn't detect, but Zhang Yuqing vaguely heard that they seemed to be flirting.

I don't know why, Zhang Yuqing's heart was filled with a little jealousy.

"Look, the two of them put on their clothes and come out! Hehe, sister Han, is brother Ma spirited Looking at Ma Zhiyuan wearing a black suit from backstage, Zhao Jianfeng poked Xia Han with his elbow and asked.

"It's a pity that he can only be defeated by Xiao Wensheng once more tonight. No way, in this world, some people can only serve as a foil forever, this is fate

Xia Han doesn't know Ma Zhiyuan's strength at present. In her heart, Ma Zhiyuan is still the former Ma Zhiyuan. If it wasn't for him and Yang Xiaotong, maybe she won't know the young man's name until now.

"It doesn't have to be sister Han. If it wasn't for Xiao's appointment tonight, it would be hard to say who would win."

"Don't be naive. How could Xiao Wensheng's rival be Xiaoma?"

Between speaking, Xiao Wensheng also came to the challenge arena, and several beautiful movements caused applause.

"The last laugh is the best!" Xia Han said.

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