After six small dishes, Yang Mingyuan took out a bottle of Maotai.

"Usually I don't see you willing to take this out." Just seeing that Yang Mingyuan had put down Maotai, uncle Tian complained.

"How much do I have to drink Maotai every day?" Yang Mingyuan gave him a white look, while Yang's mother said with a smile, "you two are quarreling with each other every day. No noise, no joy. "

"He's begging me for something today. Otherwise, he won't be willing to bring out good wine." Uncle Tian opened the bottle, filled it for himself, and then gave it to Yang Mingyuan.

"Please, if you have the ability, just sit back and don't come out." Yang Mingyuan knows uncle Tian's temper. At last, he can't hold it. Sooner or later, he will say it.

Sure enough, after three small glasses of wine, uncle Tian opened his mouth.

"Zhao Jianfeng wants to postpone his marriage." Uncle Tian didn't finish all of a sudden. He deliberately left a small tail to make Yang Mingyuan worried.

"Pull back? Until what time? " When Yang Mingyuan heard this, he was angry. In his mind, only he was qualified to say "procrastination". Why did Zhao Jianfeng say this.

"What's the matter, uncle?" Yang's mother is more concerned.

"He wants to get married when his Qigong school is completed." Uncle Tian is deliberately playing tricks.

While drinking wine, while holding vegetables, slowly chewing, as if not worried.

"It's OK. Are you afraid our daughter won't get married?" Uncle Tian glanced at mother Yang. His tone made Yang's mother more confused with Yang Mingyuan. How dare Zhao Jianfeng change? Do you want the Yang family to come forward and give up? If that's the case, even if his family broke up, Yang Mingyuan could not afford to lose him?

Yang Mingyuan was able to calm down. He didn't ask any more questions, just waiting for uncle Tian to finish.

Because he knew that when the so-called Qigong school would be approved, not to mention waiting for its completion? Isn't that a matter of time? If he had known that, he shouldn't have agreed to the marriage.

Just swallow the wine suddenly turned into full of anger, but he did not vent it.

"Today, I went to find this boy. He told me that when the school was completed, he would invite some big people to their wedding."

For fear that Yang Mingyuan would be really angry, uncle Tian had no choice but to get the bottom out quickly.

"What else would you like to invite?" After listening to Uncle Tian's explanation, Yang Mingyuan's face was no longer so ugly.

"What else can we ask for from the small families? The child is capable of tossing Yang's mother is also afraid of a long night and a lot of dreams. Things will change. Therefore, she is eager for her daughter to marry Zhao Jianfeng now, and then hold her grandson within a year. In this way, a piece of her mind would be lost.

"But I think Zhao Jianfeng's arrangement is reasonable. Brother, you think, we do business, but since ancient times, which businessman is not looking for a red top? If there is no one in the officialdom to take care of it, sooner or later it will be calculated. He said that if the wedding ceremony and the inauguration ceremony were held separately, it would be too much to invite those high-ranking officials to come to us again and again, or the two ceremonies should be carried out together. It's both beautiful and economical, and it won't embarrass those high-ranking officials, don't you think? Of course, Zhao Jianfeng also wants me to take a message for you and ask for your opinions. He's a kid who doesn't dare make decisions. "

Uncle Tian is very good at making ends meet. In fact, when did Zhao Jianfeng say that, because he expected that Yang Mingyuan would definitely support Zhao Jianfeng's decision. As a veteran in business, Yang Mingyuan should know the advantages of having a backer.

As expected, he was silent for a while. He took a sip from his cup and thought deeply.

"What can he invite?" Yang Mingyuan began to find his way down the stairs.

"This guy is very capable. He worked as a bodyguard for a president a few days ago. He got along well with him. He said that the president was a non-governmental organization on the surface, but in fact he had a deep government background. We can't leave such people alone, can we? "

Yang Mingyuan nodded, "if you build such a platform for these people to come forward, it's naturally a good thing."

"I think Zhao Jianfeng and Yang Xiaotong are pretty good at dealing with each other. Both of them think the same. They can combine their marriage with their career. It's better. But at first, I was a little worried that Zhao Jianfeng only knew how to like our daughter and didn't know how to do things. Now it seems that I'm worried too much. Brother, with this good helper, you can only wait for Qingfu in the future. "

"Don't push them up. It's true that young people can fight and attack, but what they need is calmness. I'm worried that they are too impatient to do things quickly

"I'm afraid other people will seize every opportunity if I'm so calm now. I think you should let go later. Xiaotong is on the right track now. You don't have to worry too much. This child is more promising than you and me at the beginning. "

In the eyes of Uncle Tian, Yang Xiaotong is a perfect child. What she is doing now is in line with his mind.

But Yang Mingyuan gave Tian Shuyi a white look.

"Look at me, too. Don't be against the old. The times are different now. Only the young people's ideas can keep up with the situation. We are all Alto." Uncle Tian was unconvinced.

"Do you think their school has a score?" Yang Mingyuan only inquired about the qigong school from the side, but never directly asked Zhao Jianfeng and Yang Xiaotong.

"I think it's a good brand, and it's also a brand to establish public praise. Don't mention that most people don't have the courage to come up with such an operating mechanism. I've demonstrated it in detail, and there's no problem at all."

"But you don't know that big trees attract wind?" Yang Mingyuan always has a sense of crisis. When we look at problems, we always consider many aspects.

"A big tree has deep roots and leaves, doesn't it? So the wind won't break the trunk. You can rest assured that no matter how high the position is, the disease will not take a detour. As long as Zhao Jianfeng is recognized by those high-level people with his exquisite medical skills, I don't believe that anyone dares to risk the world's great injustice to uproot him! "

Uncle Tian spoke of this with great momentum.

This also said that Yang Mingyuan's heart went, so the two brothers took the cup and touched it, and drank it all. After uncle Tian's enlightenment, Yang Mingyuan not only didn't object to Zhao Jianfeng's postponement of the wedding date, but also felt that the boy had a political mind.

"When will the school be built?" Yang Mingyuan is now worried about the construction period.

"It will take more than half a year to take shape, won't it? If we don't build a good infrastructure, something will happen too soon. This can't be in a hurry. "

"If you can be quick, you can ask Zhao Jianfeng to come to me directly. It's nothing." Yang Mingyuan really doesn't care about money, not to mention the fact that it has a close relationship with her daughter's marriage.

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate? I heard that it seems to be Xia Han. If you put money in, people may not want it. "

"What's the matter with my investment in vain? Is there anything I can't do with money? I'm just a request. Can't I make her progress faster? "

"Well, maybe we can talk about this. If we have time, I'll urge Zhao Jianfeng again."

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