Since Zhang Yuqing came back from the police station, Zhao Jianfeng is most concerned about Xia Han's body now. So Zhao Jianfeng didn't drink much wine tonight.

After dinner, when Zhao Jianfeng returns to his room, Zhang Yuqing follows him. After these days of hardships, Zhang Yuqing becomes more and more dependent on Zhao Jianfeng.

"Brother Feng, can I come to your room for a while?" Zhang Yuqing looks at Zhao Jianfeng pitifully like a helpless child.

"You go to bed. I have something else to do tonight." Zhao Jianfeng did not say that he would go to Xiahan's room to treat Xiahan. After all, it's a woman's secret. It's inconvenient for a child to know. This is also a respect for Xia Han.

"Are you going out again?" Zhang Yuqing asked, blinking her big eyes.

"Don't go out, I and Han elder sister still have something to do, go back to sleep." These days, it's Zhang Yuqing who brings trouble to Xia Han. Even Zhao Jianfeng feels embarrassed. Therefore, when talking, Zhao Jianfeng thinks about Xia Han, and this is his actual performance of standing on Zhang Yuqing's side. Unfortunately, the little girl can't understand Zhao Jianfeng's mind. Women like to see things from the surface, and Zhang Yuqing is no exception.

"I see." It's said that Zhao Jianfeng is going to Xia Han's house. Zhang Yuqing doesn't say anything anymore, because what she lives in now is Xia Han's, and it's Xia Han who helped her out of the police station. She is grateful to Xia Han.

But in her heart, but some envy Xia Han, at the same time also had a little dissatisfaction with Xia Han, but she can't show now.

When Zhao Jianfeng comes to Xia Han's room, Xia Han is about to take a bath in the bathroom.

"What's the matter with Jianfeng?"

"I want to help sister Han get those two channels through tonight." Zhao Jianfeng stood there and did not sit down.

"In such a hurry? Zhang Yuqing has just come back. When she needs comfort, don't you go and talk to her alone? " Xia Han is a careful woman. She also knows that in Zhang Yuqing's eyes, Zhao Jianfeng is the only one who can talk. They are all young people, and they can definitely talk together.

"She's not a child anymore, isn't it just a big deal? Comfort what? " But Zhao Jianfeng didn't think so.

"You don't understand girls' thoughts. I can see that Zhang Yuqing trusts you. Go ahead and come back after ten o'clock." When saying the second half sentence, Xia Han's eyes seem to be a little different.

Zhao Jianfeng is still hesitating, but Xia Han pushes Zhao Jianfeng out: "go on, go on, sister will take a bath now!"

Out of Xiahan's house, Zhao Jianfeng shook his head, because he can see that Xiahan really likes him. But why did she push him to Zhang Yuqing? Generally speaking, it's easy for women to be jealous of each other. Unexpectedly, Xia Han is so broad-minded?

"Did sister Han sleep?" Standing at the door, before deciding where to go, Zhang Yuqing came out of the room.

"Oh, no, she has something to do."

"Come into my room." Zhang Yuqing waved to Zhao Jianfeng excitedly. As a child like her, it's not easy for her to bear grudges. She just let Zhao Jianfeng refuse. Now when she saw Zhao Jianfeng standing there alone, she felt that she had caught the chance again.

Zhao Jianfeng is still hesitating, but let Zhang Yuqing come out and pull his arm in.

"Why, afraid I'll eat you?" After pulling Zhao Jianfeng in, Zhang Yuqing pouted and said angrily.

"No, I don't think you have a good rest when you are inside. You should have a good rest." Zhao Jianfeng did not dare to look up at Zhang Yuqing's big fiery eyes. He felt that there was a fire burning in those eyes.

"I'm not sleepy. I'm not sleepy when I see you." Zhang Yuqing sat on the edge of her bed and swayed her feet“ Come and sit down

"He wasn't in there, didn't he hit you?" At this time, Zhao Jianfeng looked up at Zhang Yuqing.

"No Zhang Yuqing said.

"Don't tell me the truth. Don't be afraid. If they bully you, I'll deal with them one by one!" Zhao Jianfeng said and went to Zhang Yuqing's side. Zhang Yuqing reached out and took his hand to sit on the edge of the bed, and put her face in Zhao Jianfeng's arms.

Now whether Zhang Yuqing regards Zhao Jianfeng as a big brother or a lover, even Zhao Jianfeng himself is not clear.

But he knew that after a girl suffered such a big grievance, she needed someone to talk to her.

"Yuqing, it's my carelessness that makes you suffer." Zhao Jianfeng's remorse comes from his heart.

"Don't blame brother Feng. Even if you were at the scene last night, they would arrest me. If the police want to arrest someone, who dares to stop it is a crime." Zhang Yuqing is a well-educated girl who never makes a fuss.

Even in Zhao Jianfeng's time, he knew that if the government wanted to arrest people, the people could not stop it. That doesn't seem to have changed much.

"It's all behind us. It's none of the police's business." Zhang Yuqing now knows who is harming her.

"Yuqing, these people will pay them back sooner or later." He put his arms around Zhang Yuqing to comfort her. It is hard for Zhao Jianfeng to accept that a 19-year-old girl should go through such hardships. And in his feeling, Zhang Yuqing is so kind and pure.

"Brother Feng, I've heard from brother Li that those people are cruel and cruel, and they will definitely get back at us. You should be careful! Yuqing doesn't want to have an accident with brother Feng. " Zhang Yuqing put her face tightly on Zhao Jianfeng's chest. Zhao Jianfeng faintly felt that her chest was wet. He looked down, Zhang Yuqing's eyes were rolling out tears.

Zhao Jianfeng gently wiped Zhang Yuqing's face and said with a smile: "silly girl, are you shy?"

It doesn't matter. Zhang Yuqing's tears are more like beads with broken lines. She just hugs Zhao Jianfeng's neck with her hands and sticks her whole body up.

Both of them were so thin. At this time, Zhao Jianfeng felt that the girl's strength was really strong, which made him gasp. In particular, the soft two groups pressed his chest, which made him flustered and short of breath.

"Yuqing, you... Let sister Han see..."

"I don't care!" Zhang Yuqing hooped Zhao Jianfeng's neck more and more, and their bodies were sticking to each other. If Han Jie came in suddenly, he really couldn't tell.

Zhao Jianfeng is not an immortal. Even if he is an immortal, if he is held by a beautiful girl, he will be moved. What's more, Zhao Jianfeng's soul has been floating lonely in the vast sky for more than a thousand years. At that time, he came out of his own woman's warm quilt and directly killed people. At this time, he is how eager to return to that warm dream.

Thinking about this, Zhao Jianfeng's body could not help but have a reaction, a hot blood from his Dantian lit up, spread in his whole body.

"Brother Feng, I love you!"

Zhang Yuqing has been so tightly around Zhao Jianfeng's neck, his face rubbing on Zhao Jianfeng's face. Zhao Jianfeng has let Zhang Yuqing pressure to lie directly in bed.

Now he can only hold his hands on the bed and not let his body fall down. Otherwise, if they lie on the bed together, he will not be able to control himself.

"Yuqing, you are still young. Don't think about it Zhao Jianfeng knew that Zhang Yuqing had such an idea because he had saved her. Maybe the little girl liked him out of gratitude.

"Who said I was young! I'm 19 years old. If there are places where I have children at the age of 19! " Zhang Yuqing said sweetly.

But Zhao Jianfeng let Zhang Yuqing's words startled, heart said, now this girl how to speak so wild! Even the words of giving birth dare to say!

"If brother Feng wants to, I can have a baby for you now!" Although Zhang Yuqing's voice was small, Zhao Jianfeng could hear that it was crisp to the bone.

"Girl, stop it, OK? Don't you still want to be a model? How can you have a baby now Zhao Jianfeng patted Zhang Yuqing's butt lightly.

And just then, the door slowly opened.

Xia Han came in wrapped in a bath towel: "Jianfeng is also here!"

"Sister Han..."

"Han elder sister..." two people flurried get up from the bed, embarrassed looking at the hair is still wet summer Han.

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