"You didn't come just to see me, did you?" Ma Zhiyuan was grateful for Zhao Jianfeng's visit in his heart, but he didn't feel so much for himself. He knew that Zhao Jianfeng must have something else to do when he came.

"If it wasn't for you, would I have needed separation?" Zhao Jianfeng complained.

"Mr. Yang has something to ask you?" Ma Zhiyuan actually forgot that he had arranged to attend the fair as early as two weeks ago.

"I have to accompany you Mr. Yang to Guangzhou tomorrow. You should have done the hard work, but now I can only do it for you." Zhao Jianfeng was happy in his heart, but he was very reluctant in his mouth.

"Brother Feng, forget it, President Yang chose you, not because she trusted you more?" Ma Zhiyuan is a bit jealous.

"Oh, you're no longer what you used to be. You almost scattered Xiao Wensheng. The whole city of Nanjing knows how bad Mr. Yang's bodyguard is, but you're crying here!" Zhao Jianfeng is telling the truth. There are few people in Nanjing who can compete with Xiao Wensheng in the challenge arena, but Ma Zhiyuan almost drew with him. How powerful is that?

"Oh, brother Feng, my strength has really improved a lot, but compared with you, isn't that a master's skill? No matter how capable I am, isn't it thanks to you, brother Feng? Mr. Yang still hopes you can come back. Every time I drive for her, she is not satisfied. I'm not as good as you, but I'm better at driving, right? But Mr. Yang didn't like it. She's not using you now. I'm afraid she's in trouble. "

Zhao Jianfeng doesn't know that Yang Xiaotong has difficulties, but he also knows that compared with the strength of the Wei and Yang families, his little bodyguard is insignificant.

From Ma Zhiyuan's room, Zhao Jianfeng still didn't control himself and walked into Yang Xiaotong's office building.

Now that Yang Xiaotong wants him to accompany her to the fair, I'll go and say hello. At least I know what to prepare when I leave tomorrow.

Yang Xiaotong is closing her eyes there. When Zhao Jianfeng stops at the door of her office, Yang Xiaotong slowly opens her eyes. She seems to recognize Zhao Jianfeng's distinctive footsteps.

"President Yang." Zhao Jianfeng stood there and didn't go in.

"So soon?" When she saw Zhao Jianfeng, Yang Xiaotong's eyes showed a trace of excitement that was not easy to detect. She quickly got up from the boss's chair and sat on the sofa in front with Zhao Jianfeng.

"I haven't been far away. I don't know what to prepare." Zhao Jianfeng didn't see Yang Xiaotong in such a short time. He even missed her.

"Nothing needs to be prepared. Just be a good bodyguard for me. Why, did Xia Han not embarrass you? " Although Xia Han happily agrees on the phone, Yang Xiaotong knows that now Zhao Jianfeng is in Xia Han's hands. If she gets the treasure, she can borrow Zhao Jianfeng from Xia Han. It's a great face“ By the way, how did you think of going to work in Xiahan? "

Zhao Jianfeng did not expect that Yang Xiaotong would ask such a question.

"Do you want us to have a look at the Yang family? If we don't leave you, you can still be very corrupt?" Yang Xiaotong and Zhao Jianfeng keep less than half a meter away, when asked this, Yang Xiaotong has been staring at Zhao Jianfeng's eyes. She can understand a man's indomitable competitive mentality.

"In fact, it was Mr. Wang, the owner of Jinling Hotel, who recommended me to go. President Xia is a good boss. I'm willing to work for her. " In front of Yang Xiaotong's face, Zhao Jianfeng didn't mean to say it was to protect her. He is now very afraid of being said by Yang Xiaotong that he is amorous.

"Jianfeng, my father is not what you think, but he is embarrassed about some things." Yang Xiaotong put her hand on Zhao Jianfeng's, just like last time, "we don't want you to leave."

"Sister Xiaotong, I know. I never mean to blame uncle Yang. What's more, I took the initiative to leave your Yang family for my purpose, but not to prove anything. If you think that too, you'll have wronged me to death. " Zhao Jianfeng raised his head to meet Yang Xiaotong's eyes.

"Can you tell me what it is for? Do you want to keep it a secret from me? " Zhao Jianfeng's words aroused Yang Xiaotong's curiosity.

"I want to stay in Nanjing and better protect you." Zhao Jianfeng's eyes are full of sincerity.

Yang Xiaotong looked at Zhao Jianfeng suspiciously and said with a smile, "won't it? Zhao Jianfeng, I thought you were quite honest. I didn't expect that this little mouth would speak very well! "

"I'm not lying. I'm really trying to protect you. I don't want Wei Kefan to bully you. "

Zhao Jianfeng is bowed by Yang Xiaotong's eyes. He knows that if he says it like this, even if Yang Xiaotong doesn't laugh at him, he will be doubted by Yang Xiaotong.

"You've become Xia Han's bodyguard, and you say it's to protect me? I don't believe it Although she didn't completely believe it, when she looked at Zhao Jianfeng's sincere eyes, Yang Xiaotong was still beautiful in her heart.

"As long as sister Xiaotong calls, Zhao Jianfeng will arrive at any time!" Zhao Jianfeng saw that Yang Xiaotong didn't completely believe it, so he had to say it again.

"Tell me, how did you sleep in someone else's bed when you treated them last night?" Yang Xiaotong looks at Zhao Jianfeng with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Zhao Jianfeng heart said, I sleep in Xiahan's bed, how does she know? Can we say that Xia Han told her on the phone last night? What is the purpose of Xia Han's saying this? Is it to prove that Zhao Jianfeng has become her Xia Han's person?

"I - I was really tired at that time. You don't know that it's a fatal job to perform meritorious service." Zhao Jianfeng feels that the more he explains in front of Yang Xiaotong, the more problems he has with Xia Han.

"When are you going to see me? I don't think you'll fall on my bed, too? " Seeing Zhao Jianfeng's embarrassment, Yang Xiaotong is happy. From Zhao Jianfeng's expression, he doesn't look like a liar. He just hears Xia Han say that when Zhao Jianfeng sleeps on her bed, he feels a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhao Jianfeng heart said, you will not be the same as Xia Han, there are two naturally blocked meridians, right?

"You didn't show it to me. Of course, I don't know. I didn't expect that you became Xia Han's personal doctor as a bodyguard! It's a real bargain for her to hire you for so little money! Why don't you show me now? "

Yang Xiaotong is actually eating the vinegar of Xia Han. She always thinks that such a valuable master makes Xia Han take advantage of others' danger to pick up the missing son.

With that, Yang Xiaotong handed Zhao Jianfeng his hand.

"Do you have any discomfort?" Zhao Jianfeng didn't know whether Yang Xiaotong really let him see or was joking.

"Aren't you good at Chinese medicine? You can know what disease a person has, and the patient has to say? " Yang Xiaotong deliberately embarrasses Zhao Jianfeng.

"Traditional Chinese medicine doesn't pay attention to seeing, hearing and asking. The pulse is just a means." Zhao Jianfeng gave a bitter smile.

"Give me your pulse first, and I'll see if you're bragging." Although Zhao Jianfeng's methods of treating fractures and injuries are magical, Yang Xiaotong doesn't believe that he can also treat women's diseases. She even doubted whether Zhao Jianfeng had taken advantage of Xia Han in the name of medical treatment.

Zhao Jianfeng pinched Yang Xiaotong's jade wrist, put two fingers on it, closed his eyes and felt her pulse silently.

Looking at Zhao Jianfeng's serious appearance, Yang Xiaotong can't help laughing, because in her experience, those powerful traditional Chinese medicine should be the old people with childish face and Hefa. Zhao Jianfeng is just a young man in his early twenties. Where does he get his clinical experience? Isn't that pure deception?

A minute later, Zhao Jianfeng opened his eyes.

"See?" Yang Xiaotong jokingly asked with a smile.

"You're healthy."

"I knew you couldn't see anything!" Yang Xiaotong curled her lips. Now she is more sure that Zhao Jianfeng is fooling people.

"You just have a little problem." Seeing that Yang Xiaotong didn't believe him, Zhao Jianfeng had to tell the truth.

"What's wrong? Don't you talk nonsense and fool me? " Yang Xiaotong is really afraid of Zhao Jianfeng's insinuation, so that she doesn't know whether it's true or not.

"You just have irregular menstruation, short duration, lack of regularity, and dysmenorrhea every time you come, right?" Zhao Jianfeng said Yang Xiaotong's fault in one breath.

Just this sentence, Yang Xiaotong was stunned there. Because what Zhao Jianfeng said is absolutely right.

But she quickly reflected that several women have no such problems? She's not the only one with dysmenorrhea, is she?

"What's wrong with women? Net will fool people! How long just calculate normal, who does not have dysmenorrhea Yang Xiaotong asked with disdain.

"If it's normal, women's moon events should have something to do with the changes of the moon, and you are obviously out of this range, and the pain is more severe than others, right?" Zhao Jianfeng seems that Yang Xiaotong doesn't shed tears without seeing the coffin. So far, she still refuses to accept his diagnosis.

Yang Xiaotong doesn't know how much dysmenorrhea other girls have. She just knows that many people have such experiences.

"Well, if you can make it normal for me and stop dysmenorrhea, then I'll convince you!" If there is a guessing element in seeing a doctor, then if the treatment has an effect, it is a real skill.

"This is very simple. As long as I recuperate for you, it will take effect soon."

"If you really have that ability, I'll hire you to be my imperial doctor!" Yang Xiaotong is half joking and half serious.

"You're not sick. What kind of doctor do you want?" Zhao Jianfeng also laughed.

"Health care. I won't let you do it for nothing. I'll pay you. " Yang Xiaotong actually has plans in her heart. Although she is healthy, she can see a doctor for her family.

"Give me your hand." Zhao Jianfeng took Yang Xiaotong's arm, seemingly casually pinched several places on Yang Xiaotong's arm for a long time, but when she pinched some places, she would feel numb.

Yang Xiaotong said, what's the point? Is massage just, still can treat disease of Department of gynaecology?

But what she didn't expect was that she felt very comfortable in less than ten minutes.

"If I'm not wrong, the date of this visit should be tomorrow. I've delayed your recuperation for a week, and it will be the day of the lunar calendar in the future."

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