Yang Xiaotong also catch up, from the first floor to the second floor, Yang Xiaotong has been out of breath, difficult breathing let her chest sharp ups and downs.

"Sister, do you think this is your watch?" Zhao Jianfeng handed the watch to Yang Xiaotong.

Yang Xiaotong found that the watch on her wrist didn't know when it was gone.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xiaotong was not angry, but squatted down and asked the boy with a smile: "how did you take it?"

That guy is scared to death. He can see that Zhao Jianfeng should be the woman's bodyguard. If someone steals someone's watch and the bodyguard catches it, will it bring good fruit?

Zhao Jianfeng was very satisfied with his frightened eyes. Zhao Jianfeng bent down and reached for the boy's arms, then pulled out several things, either a mobile phone or a watch.

"Ha ha, the harvest is quite good!"

Zhao Jianfeng grinned and played with that guy's achievements.

"Elder brother, elder sister, give it all to you. Please forgive me!" The boy was about to kowtow.

"It must have taken a lot of effort to practice this method, and the Kung Fu is good, even I've been cheated!" Zhao Jianfeng's smile made the boy feel more numb.

He knew that at this time, as long as Zhao Jianfeng kicked, his face would be broken.

But unexpectedly, Zhao Jianfeng turned to Yang Xiaotong and asked, "sister Xiaotong, how to deal with it?"

"Forget it." Yang Xiaotong stood up and did not intend to investigate. Then she went to one side to visit.

"Thank you, sister!" The boy quickly put his hands together.

"You're lucky." Zhao Jianfeng returned those things to the boy“ Don't steal from women. It's hopeless. "

At this time, Zhao Jianfeng searched everywhere, and a familiar face appeared in his field of vision.

It was the man in his thirties who scolded him as a bumpkin on the plane.

"See that man in sunglasses? Go show me his papers? Pay attention. Don't give it to me when you get it. Just put it where I can see it. "

After that, Zhao Jianfeng laughed.

The boy got up and mixed into the crowd.

"What did you tell him?" Yang Xiaotong vaguely heard something, but not really.

"Can't you just let him go? I'll see how the boy steals people's things. It's just curiosity. " After all, Zhao Jianfeng is not busy this time. He guesses that the watch on Yang Xiaotong's wrist should be valuable.

"Here is the watch for you." As a reward, Yang Xiaotong gave the watch to Zhao Jianfeng on the spot.

"Is this what women wear?" Zhao Jianfeng didn't answer.

"It's the same size, isn't it?" Yang Xiaotong white Zhao Jianfeng a way. Usually, Yang Xiaotong likes to wear this kind of very manly things. In her opinion, femininity is not made up of watches. She doesn't even wear jewelry. In other words, Yang Xiaotong is more of a man's taste, including her style of speaking and doing things.

But no one can deny that this is a very woman's boss.

"Thank you, sister." Zhao Jianfeng put it on his wrist. It's a leather strap. Any adjustment will suit. Yang Xiaotong looks at the way Zhao Jianfeng looks when she puts on her watch. She is very satisfied.

When Zhao Jianfeng raised his head, he saw the thief close to the sunglasses man just now.

In less than ten seconds, a document was pulled out of the man's folder and quickly tucked into the boy's arms.

Looking back, he took a look at Zhao Jianfeng. When they met, the boy pretended not to know each other.

If it wasn't for fear of being caught by the camera, Zhao Jianfeng would really give the boy a thumbs up.

And all this, Yang Xiaotong did not see.

The thief went in the other direction. In a secluded place, the thief put the document there. Zhao Jianfeng turned around like a stroll. As if he had suddenly found the document, Zhao Jianfeng went over and picked it up for a look.

He didn't understand the contents, so he took the document and gave it to Yang Xiaotong.

"Do you think this will work?" Zhao Jianfeng gave the document to Yang Xiaotong.

"What's this?" Yang Xiaotong took it and looked through it. It turned out to be a tender document!

What makes her even more excited is that what this bidding document describes is actually the project that she will bid for tomorrow!

Out of professional habits, Yang Xiaotong quickly looked through the document and handed it to Zhao Jianfeng: "this is someone else's business secret. Send it back quickly."

At this time, Yang Xiaotong's heart was pounding, feeling as if she had peeked at someone else's secret.

Because she saw each other's base price in the document!

This is a huge harvest for her. Knowing the base price of the bidding enterprise is extremely beneficial for her to participate in the bidding. This can let her Yang Xiaotong get the project as much as possible while minimizing the cost!

Zhao Jianfeng put the document back.

When he seemed to pass by the thief unintentionally, he ordered in a very low voice, "give the document back to others."

Two minutes later, the thief with the document approached the man with sunglasses again. This guy was very ghost. He first threw the document to the ground, then quickly bent down to pick it up, came forward and patted the man, and said: "Sir, it seems that your document fell to the ground!"

The man immediately looked at the thief with vigilance, then picked up the document from the ground without saying a word of thanks. After scanning the document, he put the document into the folder.

All this made Zhao Jianfeng see clearly.

"This boy is really a thief. Can he extract the documents from that guy's folder? It's incredible Zhao Jianfeng shook his head and sighed.

"You made him do it, didn't you?" Up to now, Yang Xiaotong's heart is still pounding. This is the crime of stealing trade secrets.

"I just want to see how that boy got it. I didn't expect that he really had that ability! Didn't you give it back to him? " Zhao Jianfeng said with a bad smile.

"Don't do such a thing again!" Yang Xiaotong has never done such a thing before. If it gets out, how can she get a foothold in business?

"Absolutely not!" Zhao Jianfeng said with a playful smile, "however, you have to take care of your bag! I guess there must be more than one thief here! "

Zhao Jianfeng's vigilant eyes are searching around. In his opinion, those thieves will be able to see it at a glance, because they are always looking for targets. Whoever has valuable things in his hands, if he slackens a little, will become their prey.

Yang Xiaotong came here on the first day of the fair. In fact, many people arrived here long before.

Now there are many people in the exhibition hall. Naturally, there are many thieves among these business giants. Although Zhao Jianfeng is not an anti pickpocketing expert, from those people's eyes, Zhao Jianfeng can have a clear judgment.

When a thief slowly approached a young girl, Zhao Jianfeng quickly followed up.

"What are you doing?" Yang Xiaotong can see that Zhao Jianfeng is going to meddle in his own business.

"Don't worry about it. Take care of your own things." Zhao Jianfeng is walking towards the other side with a quick step. He tells Yang Xiaotong that he doesn't want to be on fire when he is meddling in other people's business.

The thief from the girl's wide trousers skirt pocket Shun out of a mobile phone, Huang cancan.

And the girl was unconscious.

When the thief got hold of it and was ready to leave, he ran into Zhao Jianfeng.

The thief was stunned, and then glared at Zhao Jianfeng.

Zhao Jianfeng grinned at the boy, then came to the girl's side.

The girl's height is more than 1.6 meters, but the appearance is very beautiful, especially the long hair of the shawl hanging to her waist, like a black waterfall.

"Beauty In front of him, Zhao Jianfeng yelled at the girl.

The girl suddenly looked back at Zhao Jianfeng, "do you call me?" She pointed to her high nose and asked. Looking at her expression, she obviously regarded Zhao Jianfeng as a mischievous man who tried to chat up with girls.

"Have you lost anything?" Zhao Jianfeng stood there looking at the girl with pride.

The girl looked at her satchel first, and the lock was still locked. Just when she put her hand into her trouser skirt pocket, she was stunned.

"So you have it?" The girl smiles gracefully.

"It's yours, isn't it?" Zhao Jianfeng raised that Huang cancan's mobile phone and asked.

"Good skill, I didn't feel it at all." The girl disdained to smile.

"But I didn't take it from you." Zhao Jianfeng saw the girl's misunderstanding of him.

"That's your friend?" The girl is quick to respond.

Zhao Jianfeng gave a bitter smile“ I don't have a friend like that. I think that boy took this from you and cut it off for you. It shouldn't be broken. " Zhao Jianfeng gave the cell phone back to the girl with a smile.

At this time, Yang Xiaotong also came.

"It's a special way to say hello to a girl, but you don't practice it to chat up a girl, do you?" The girl looked at Zhao Jianfeng with disdain.

"Beauty, it's ok if you don't thank me. How can you still slander people?" Zhao Jianfeng was not happy. He wanted to please the girl, but it was misunderstood.

"Come on, who told you to mind your own business!" Yang Xiaotong pulls Zhao Jianfeng and wants to get rid of right and wrong.

"Thank you? Well, I'll thank you again! " The girl said she was going to dial the phone.

"I'm sorry, let's go!" As soon as Yang Xiaotong saw that things were going to be big, she pulled up Zhao Jianfeng and left. If the girl had called the police, it would have been hard to tell.

Just as he was about to leave, a burly man came not far away. He looked directly at Zhao Jianfeng and came towards him.

Yang Xiaotong knows that it is impossible to go now.

"What's the matter, Rongrong?" The strong man came to Zhao Jianfeng, his eyes fixed on Zhao Jianfeng, but asked the girl beside him.

"This guy stole my cell phone and wanted me to thank him." The girl looked at Zhao Jianfeng with pride.

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