Although Zhao Jianfeng didn't receive special bodyguard training, his previous life was the number one bodyguard in the Song Dynasty. Therefore, in such a tense situation tonight, Zhao Jianfeng had a plan in a few seconds. In his judgment, the other party can not be in such a short period of time to bring the hostage out of the gate!

In other words, according to his preliminary judgment, Zhao Jianfeng felt that Nie Rongrong was still in a room in the hotel.

Zhao Jianfeng, on the ground that someone was kidnapped, rushed to the hotel security room for the first time and asked to watch the surveillance video. He learned this move from Xia Han's bodyguard Xiao Li. Zhao Jianfeng is not a dead brain. When he meets all the new things, he can accept them as quickly as possible and understand their functions.

Nie Weimin has been dialing Qiangzi's mobile phone to keep in touch with him. It is said that Zhao Jianfeng went to the monitoring room, and Nie Weimin also ran to it immediately.

"Do you have a clue?" At this time, Nie Weimin's mood can be imagined, after all, that is his only precious daughter!

"Not yet." Zhao Jianfeng's eyes stare at every detail on the screen. However, in the back, the screen suddenly turned black!

"What's the situation?"

"Surveillance has been destroyed!" Security personnel said.

"Please send some security guards to stay in the elevator all the time. Any suspicious person will be interrogated!" Zhao Jianfeng now knows the importance of elevator. As long as someone has been guarding the elevator, the kidnapper can't escape“ Can you send me some people? Please tell me, how many floors are there in your building? Which rooms are idle? "

After the security called the manager, Zhao Jianfeng had a general understanding of the basic situation of the hotel building. He took four security guards, divided into two groups, and kept in touch at any time through the walkie talkie.

And Zhao Jianfeng is from the top of a room a room to start looking.

However, each room card corresponds to a door, a room a room to open, that speed is really urgent, but Zhao Jianfeng can not directly kick open. By this time, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Just after checking four rooms, Zhao Jianfeng was sweating all over.

It was not until he opened the door of the tenth room that Zhao Jianfeng heard the hum in the room.

After turning on the light, Zhao Jianfeng found Nie Rongrong tied to an iron guy!

After checking that there were no other organs in the room, Zhao Jianfeng came forward and tore the tape on Nie Rongrong's mouth and untied it.

Nie Rongrong, who has never known what to be afraid of, rushes into Zhao Jianfeng's arms.

Nie Rongrong, who seems to have gone through the gate of death, completely changed her understanding of the world in this moment. It can be said that the moment Zhao Jianfeng rescued Nie Rongrong, he became a hero in Nie Rongrong's mind! She fell in Zhao Jianfeng's arms and cried.

When she was tied up there just now, she thought that she would be tortured by the kidnappers. She didn't know whether she could live to see her family.

"Well, it's all right!" Zhao Jianfeng can fully understand Nie Rongrong's mood at this time, and the feeling of recovering happiness is not what ordinary people can understand. He took out his cell phone and told hadron.

Qiangzi immediately told Nie Weimin the news.

Nie Weimin, who is not flexible, rushed up and hugged his daughter and burst into tears.

Judging from Nie Rongrong's current situation, she should not have suffered any physical injury, just need to comfort.

"Uncle Nie, please go back to your room. It should be OK." Zhao Jianfeng suddenly remembered what was wrong. He had to go back to the room as fast as he could, because he suspected that he had been transferred!

"Mr. Zhao, thank you for your kindness. We're going back!"

Three people take the elevator together. After arriving at their own floor, Zhao Jianfeng steps out of the elevator and directly kills Yang Xiaotong back to her room.

But when he got to the door, he knocked twice and called Yang Xiaotong twice, but there was no response. Zhao Jianfeng's heart sank. Just now when he was still in the room where Nie Rongrong was tied up, he thought that this might be the result.

Calling Yang Xiaotong's mobile phone is also expected to be unanswered!

Zhao Jianfeng has no time to go to the service desk on the first floor to get the spare card. He directly kicks the door open and rushes in.

But as soon as he went in, Zhao Jianfeng smelled a strange smell.

He rushed out quickly. Because he doesn't want to die in it, otherwise, he can't get revenge for Yang Xiaotong.

With the door open, Zhao Jianfeng turns on the light in the room. He sees Yang Xiaotong lying on the bed, covered with a towel quilt. Life or death is unknown.

He can no longer think about other, rushed in, directly took Yang Xiaotong out.

At this time, Yang Xiaotong's body is as soft as noodles. He tries his breath and Zhao Jianfeng is relieved.

He took out the phone to call Qiangzi, let him immediately to Yang Xiaotong's room to guard the scene.

Then Zhao Jianfeng took Yang Xiaotong to his room.

After opening the doors and windows for ventilation, Zhao Jianfeng began to pinch Yang Xiaotong's people. Now he doesn't know what poison Yang Xiaotong was poisoned, but he can be sure that the strange smell in the room must be the murderer of Yang Xiaotong.

Yang Xiaotong soon had a reaction, but she couldn't speak. He let Yang Xiaotong lie flat on the bed, and then on her body several acupoints carefully massage.

Hadron soon rushed up: "brother Feng, what's the situation?" Hadron knew there was something wrong here. He is not that kind of simple minded person. When Zhao Jianfeng found Nie Rongrong, he wanted to remind Zhao Jianfeng to go back to protect Yang Xiaotong.

But now, it's still too late.

"She's fumigated. She should be OK." Zhao Jianfeng looks at Yang Xiaotong who has been breathing normally, and the hanging stone in his heart finally falls to the ground.

"These bastards are dealing with girls! What a shame Strong son broke out to scold.

"You go to your room first, and you don't know if the documents are still there." Zhao Jianfeng guessed that the other party's action should be aimed at the documents. Their kidnapping of Nie Rongrong was just a means to divert the tiger from the mountain. If he didn't guess, the document had been taken!

With the bad smell in the room and the risk of being fumigated, Qiangzi went into the room to check and told Zhao Jianfeng, "brother Feng, I didn't find the document."

In fact, Zhao Jianfeng is not very concerned about whether he can find the documents now. What he is concerned about is that Yang Xiaotong must be safe and sound.

"Forget it if you can't find it." He estimated that the documents might have been in the hands of the gang“ You go back, Rongrong may also need to take care of now, don't take it lightly, who knows if there will be an accident behind. "

Qiangzi went back to Nie Rongrong.

Zhao Jianfeng takes a wet towel and wipes Yang Xiaotong's face several times. Yang Xiaotong slowly wakes up.

"Did Nie Rongrong find it?" Yang Xiaotong's first words are not about the documents, but about Nie Rongrong.

"Yes, she's fine now, but she's locked up in a room on the top of the building without being hurt." Zhao Jianfeng comforted. Watching Yang Xiaotong wake up, Zhao Jianfeng's eyes even shed tears.

"Do you love me?" Looking at Zhao Jianfeng's tears, Yang Xiaotong smiles with pride.

"You can still laugh!" Zhao Jianfeng wiped a tear.

"A big man is still in tears. Don't be ashamed! I'm fine, aren't I? What kind of gas do these guys use? I can't move as soon as I smell it

"I don't know. How are you feeling now? " Zhao Jianfeng shook his head. He didn't expect that Yang Xiaotong was so optimistic. At this time, he could maintain such a good attitude.

"It's just that my body is a little empty, but it seems to be OK." Yang Xiaotong happily looks at Zhao Jianfeng and reaches out his hand to catch Zhao Jianfeng's hand. In fact, at this time, she felt lucky that she was not dead. Of course, she was more grateful that Zhao Jianfeng saved her life, because she was not sure what would happen if Zhao Jianfeng came back later.

At this time, Zhao Jianfeng secretly resented. If he got those bastards of the gang, he would let them have a good understanding of what it means to be miserable! But at this time, Zhao Jianfeng did not want to express anything in front of Yang Xiaotong.

"How did you get into my room?" Yang Xiaotong asked curiously in a weak voice. She just wanted to know what Zhao Jianfeng's attitude was when she knew she was in danger.

"Let me kick the door open." Zhao Jianfeng said.

"I have to pay again!" Yang Xiaotong said with a satisfied smile.

Zhao Jianfeng knows that Yang Xiaotong has no intention of complaining about him.

"Go and get the papers. I'll sleep in your room tonight." Yang Xiaotong released his hand, patted Zhao Jianfeng's hand and said.

"File? "The document is no longer there," he said Zhao Jianfeng was somewhat disappointed. After all, he didn't do his duty.

"No, look behind the toilet." Yang Xiaotong said with a smile.

"Behind the toilet?" Zhao Jianfeng got up suspiciously and went to Yang Xiaotong's room. He found a file package from behind the toilet.

He didn't believe it. He opened the file package and checked it. Sure enough, all the files in it were still there.

Ran back to his room, the package to Yang Xiaotong inspection, Yang Xiaotong proud smile: "all in."

"How can these people neglect this corner?" In Zhao Jianfeng's mind, thieves will be smarter than those who hide things. There is no place they can't find.

"Hey, hey, let me cheat. Do you think they are so easy to cheat?" Yang Xiaotong is obviously boasting of her skillful means. As a matter of fact, when Zhao Jianfeng just left the room, Yang Xiaotong realized that her room might be attacked. She put the prepared "double" under the pillow and hid the real documents behind the toilet.

When she was just ready for this, she went back to bed and lay for less than five minutes, and the later things happened.

"I can't see you're better than a monkey!" Zhao Jianfeng praised Yang Xiaotong.

"You are the monkey!" Yang Xiaotong pulls Zhao Jianfeng to his side and hugs him.

When she was about to play with Zhao Jianfeng, the door suddenly opened.

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