"Ha ha, if it wasn't for the carelessness of my staff, I'm afraid this document would have been in my hands last night! I have to admire you for your strong sense of prevention! Is it your idea or Mr. Yang's idea? "

The guy named Li Zhi was so arrogant, as if what they did last night was not a shady business.

"Don't you think there was something wrong with last night? To frighten a child who is not sensible! Isn't that mean? " After meeting Li Zhi, Zhao Jianfeng didn't hate him as much as he did yesterday. He suddenly had an impulse to compete with him.

He slowly found that in this world, only happy people, is the most unwise.

"Ha ha, it's called" war is not tired of deceit ", understand? We didn't say we didn't do it at night? " Li Zhi doesn't seem to feel blushed at all. On the contrary, he seems to be teasing a child.

"Well, I have this document in my hand today. Do you still have the confidence to take it from me?" Zhao Jianfeng raised his hand and asked with a smile.

"You're not fooling people with useless documents, are you?"

Li Zhi, who suffered a loss from Yang Xiaotong last night, naturally thought of this problem today.

"Shall I give it to you for verification?"

"Not necessarily? Do you have to have a nap in your day? Young man, you can't be full of words! " Li Zhi is full of confidence.

"Well, if you can take it, I'll treat you to dinner." Zhao Jianfeng is very curious. He has seen the great bandits in the past, but he has never seen such an ox before. He boasted such a Haikou in front of his client!

"Well, we'll see." Li Zhichao and Zhao Jianfeng made a comity gesture in advance. Zhao Jianfeng is not polite and returns to Yang Xiaotong.

The gang leader named Li Zhi followed Zhao Jianfeng to Yang Xiaotong and said with a polite smile: "Miss Yang, I'm sorry, didn't scare you last night? However, the smoke is poisonous and will not do any harm to your body. "

Zhao Jianfeng heart said, have hurt not hurt now who knows“ Can you afford to pay for the damage? "

"Brother Zhao looks down on people, doesn't he? Is it because my car is not very impressive? Hehe, we can't be too ostentatious, can we? low-key! low-key! To be honest, Mr. Yang's whole group is not necessarily bigger than ours. "

When Li Zhi spoke, his expression was very mysterious, like he was very proud.

Zhao Jianfeng looked at him in surprise. Is it possible? No matter how powerful you are, you are a thief company? How can it be stronger than a group“ Aren't you thieves? What a boast

"Who said we were petty thieves? We're doing big business. "

"Kidnapping, blackmail, blackmail, right?" Zhao Jianfeng laughs ironically.

"Ha ha, that kind of business can be done occasionally, but it depends on who we are. We are called the gang of righteous thieves, not gangsters!" Li Zhi argued.

"Stealing is not a gangster? Have you become volunteers? "

"Otherwise, how can we call the gang of righteous thieves? We don't steal everything. " Li Zhili's strong and upright way. Today, he is very well dressed, like a big boss who comes to the exhibition. If Zhao Jianfeng had not known his identity for a long time, he would have been regarded as the boss of the enterprise.

At this moment, Zhao Jianfeng no longer felt that Li Zhi, the leader of the gang, was his own enemy, but he was more like a business friend. He just wanted to know how the gang took the documents from him today.

After the separation of the two sides, Zhao Jianfeng has been very vigilant to observe everyone in the hall. Judging from his eyesight, several people have entered his field of vision, but for a long time, they didn't do anything.

At 9:30, Zhao Jianfeng followed Yang Xiaotong to a bidding meeting. He has been sitting next to Yang Xiaotong, holding that file bag in his hand, and he is not relaxed for a moment.

It may be that Li Zhi's big words in front of him made Zhao Jianfeng be extra careful. Several times, he could not help but open the file package to check whether the file was still in it and whether it had been swapped.

There was no bid in the morning, so those documents are still in Zhao Jianfeng's hands.

After the meeting in the morning, Yang Xiaotong walked out of the meeting room and asked Zhao Jianfeng curiously: "what kind of methods do you think they will use to steal our documents?"

"I didn't think of it." Zhao Jianfeng has been thinking about this issue.

"They just gave us a bad impression last night. Today they are going to be serious. However, I believe that person is not bragging, they certainly have the strength. " The purpose of Yang Xiaotong's saying this is to ask Zhao Jianfeng not to belittle the enemy too much. Many times he failed because he belittled the enemy.

"I think so, but is there no one to take care of these people? Will the government let them do so? " Zhao Jianfeng thinks these people are too rampant. Someone should take charge of them.

"Oh, what's the matter? As the saying goes, the way is too high and the devil is too high. Their tactics are too hidden and it is difficult to obtain evidence. Many times, even if you clearly know that they did it, you can't provide evidence. Even if one or two criminals are caught occasionally, they can only convict those criminals, but they have now formed a huge network. Maybe the gang is just a branch. " In fact, Yang Xiaotong doesn't know much about these theft groups, and some things are just hearsay“ The best way is not to let them. As long as they're after you, it's hard for you to escape. "

After a morning tour of the exhibition hall, nothing happened. Zhao Jianfeng can't help it.

"Sister Xiaotong, we have to learn a lesson today. Last night, it was we who participated in the rescue of Rongrong that let them get away from the mountain. So no matter what happened to Nie's family today, we don't care! Anyway, they won't really be in trouble! "

Yang Xiaotong just smile, her heart said, what do you say to me? Is it not all your own responsibility to manage and ignore?

In fact, as soon as Yang Xiaotong heard that Nie Rongrong had disappeared yesterday, she thought that it might be the other party's plan to turn the tiger away from the mountain. But at that time, if Yang Xiaotong came forward to stop Zhao Jianfeng, Zhao Jianfeng would not accept it. She might even think that Yang Xiaotong was too cold-blooded. Therefore, she can only let Zhao Jianfeng go to rescue. On her side, she had to think of her own way.

It's a pity that she is a woman after all. After such an emergency, she can't even protect herself.

"Sister Xiaotong, I'm telling you the truth. I was blamed last night. Later, I realized that they were taking advantage of my naive and simple weakness."

Zhao Jianfeng began to blame himself after Yang Xiaotong's accident. Now he admits his mistake to Yang Xiaotong. However, Yang Xiaotong doesn't think that Zhao Jianfeng will be able to do it after saying this. If Nie Rongrong has an accident again, Zhao Jianfeng may not be able to calm down.

For the first time, Yang Xiaotong doesn't intend to argue with him, but if he continues to do so, it means that Zhao Jianfeng is really hopeless. In Yang Xiaotong's view, a person can be forgiven for making a mistake once, but if he makes a continuous mistake on the same issue, it will be unforgivable.

While they were talking, Nie Rongrong came over: "sister Xiaotong, brother Jianfeng, at noon today, shall we have dinner together?"

Nie Rongrong is very smart. After contacting with Yang Xiaotong and Zhao Jianfeng for such a short time, she quickly finds out the psychology of these two people. If she says she wants to invite them to dinner, either Yang Xiaotong or Zhao Jianfeng will definitely refuse, and if she puts forward the request to have dinner together, it will be different.

At least after hearing this, Zhao Jianfeng didn't turn her down immediately.

Yang Xiaotong did not immediately respond, but turned to see Zhao Jianfeng.

"What are you looking at me for? I'm not the boss. I can't make the decision. " Zhao Jianfeng immediately turned his face to one side.

"No, I want to eat and go back to the hotel to have a sleep. I didn't have a good rest last night. Why don't you two go to eat?" Yang Xiaotong sees Zhao Jianfeng say so, then smile to Nie Rongrong way.

Nie Rongrong is not the kind of girl who cares too much about etiquette. In fact, she has heard from Yang Xiaotong that Yang Xiaotong is not willing to go. But she immediately turned the target to Zhao Jianfeng, took Zhao Jianfeng's arm and said, "brother Jianfeng, sister Xiaotong, if you don't go, you can go, OK?"

"I'm kidding. I'm her bodyguard. I have to be where she is! What's wrong with her? Are you responsible? " This time, Zhao Jianfeng's principle was very strong, and he immediately expressed his attitude.

Yang Xiaotong was very happy. Although he spoke a little directly, it was not too choking, and it showed that Zhao Jianfeng could still grasp himself at the critical moment.

"Sister Xiaotong is a living person. What will happen in broad daylight? Besides, don't you have this document? If you don't relax for a moment, will they be able to grab it? " Nie Rongrong heart said, as long as the file can not be lost, then today even if the gang is defeated, it will not cause Yang Xiaotong any loss. Now she wants to talk to Zhao Jianfeng about her in private.

"No way." Zhao Jianfeng rejected her directly. Because of saving her last night, Yang Xiaotong almost had a big accident. Zhao Jianfeng still regrets it. Now, even if Nie Rong says it's time to go, he won't eat with Nie Rongrong.

"Then you must eat? I'll eat wherever you go. " Nie Rongrong never gives up.

Zhao Jianfeng frowned and said, "I've seen some naughty people, but I've never seen any more.".

Yang Xiaotong knows that with Nie Rongrong, she can't be quiet. She doesn't know what will happen. But people don't ask for anything else. They just want to have dinner together. Yang Xiaotong wanted to discuss things with Zhao Jianfeng to refuse her, but in that case, people can get rid of her, but at the same time, the relationship gets stiff. In Yang Xiaotong's eyes, Nie Rongrong is still a child, so he didn't refuse her.

In order to be safe, at lunch, Yang Xiaotong chose the hotel temporarily. After three people got into the car, Yang Xiaotong asked the taxi driver, "master, are there any special snacks nearby?"

"There's a wonton noodle shop over there. It's very famous." The driver replied casually.

"Well, we'll have wonton noodles at noon today." Yang Xiaotong decided.

Sitting in the car, Yang Xiaotong said that yesterday I had a meal in the hotel restaurant where I stayed, and I won the Dragon sect's trick. Today I'll choose a place to eat. I'll see how you do it? As long as we avoid the point of eating, it's better to be on guard at other times.

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