After finishing the meal, Lin Ze and Lei Dianying came to the open space again.

But now it is a little different from before...

At this moment, many hills have been flattened around, and many places around have become flat land...

This made Lin Ze's face look a little surprised.

Then Lin Ze was brought to the ground by Lei Dianying...

"Xiao Ze, let you advance today..."

Lei Dianying said to Lin Ze, her beautiful eyes flickering slightly.

Today, I can just bring Xiao Ze to improve my strength so that he can better protect himself...

"Okay, thank you, Sister Ying..."

Lin Ze nodded to Lei Dianying and said, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

What is the way to advance?

"Xiao Ze, come here..."

Lei Dianying nodded to Lin Ze, stretched out his white arm and waved to Lin Ze.

"Do you want me to come over?"

Lin Ze nodded, with a little doubt and curiosity on his face.

It looks so magical...

What kind of advancement method is it? I have to go there by myself...

Thinking in my heart, Lin Ze also thought about Lei Dianying and walked over.

"Sister Ying, how did you advance?"

Lin Ze looked at Lei Dianying in front of him and asked, with a hint of curiosity on his gentle and handsome face.

Lei Dianying didn't say anything, but just stretched out his fair arms, his beautiful eyes flickered slightly.

The next moment, Lin Ze was hugged by Lei Dianying.


Lin Ze looked at the cold and beautiful face in front of him, with a hint of confusion and doubt on his face.

What is going on?

Feeling the warmth and softness around his body, Lin Ze was a little confused.

Was he hugged?

Lin Ze was confused in his heart, and he also looked up at the deep Lei Dianying.

"Sister Ying..."

After thinking about it, Lin Ze asked, with a hint of doubt in his beautiful eyes.

Why did he suddenly hug himself?

Why do I feel weird...

There's an indescribable feeling...

"Today I'll teach Xiaoze how to advance..."

Lei Dianying nodded to Lin Ze and spoke, her beautiful eyes flickering slightly.


Listening to her words, Lin Ze's face still had a hint of doubt.


As he spoke, Lei Dianying took out the Nagisa no Inako from his side and held it in his hand.

"Xiaoze, watch out..."

Then, Lei Dianying held Lin Ze's arm again, and exerted a little force in his arms.

Just like that, the two of them hugged each other tightly.

The distance between the two was very close, so close that Lin Ze could almost smell the faint scent of gardenia on her body.

So close that she could already smell it...

"Sister Ying..."

Lin Ze spoke, with a slight blush on his face.

I can already feel the softness on my back...

Sure enough, the game is not deceiving me...

It's so big, it's really big!

It makes me a little breathless. It's not only big but also soft.

"Xiao Ze, don't move..."

Lei Yingying said softly, her beautiful eyes blinked a few times, and her cold and pretty face was slightly rosy.

When Xiao Ze moved around, I just felt a little itchy, but very comfortable...

"Sister Ying..."

Listening to her words, Lin Ze's ears turned a little red, and I just felt a little itchy on my face.

"Sister Ying, too close..."

Lin Ze thought about it and said, with a rosy face.

The two were so close that I didn't dare to open my eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I could see the big white and soft...

This made me feel an indescribable feeling in my heart...

"Xiao Ze, don't move..."

Lei Yingying gently hugged Lin Ze, with a blush on her face.

"Feel the reaction of the elemental power in my body..."

Listening to the cold voice in his ear, Lin Ze nodded gently.

The next moment, the thunder element emerged in Lei Dianying's hand, and then a world-destroying pressure came quietly.

In Lin Ze's surprised eyes, Lei Dianying held a long knife and slashed it out.

Then, the huge elemental power swept all the surrounding buildings crazily, and everything was directly chopped into pieces.

"Did you see it clearly? Xiaoze.........”

Lei Dianying lowered his head and looked at Lin Ze in his arms, his beautiful eyes flickering slightly.

“See clearly…”

Lin Ze thought for a while and raised his head and said.

Although he was held in his arms before and squeezed by the softness…

But because he was too close, he felt the terrifying elemental power at that time…

“This is the force at that time. If you know, you should understand…”

Lei Dianying nodded to Lin Ze and spoke, with a little appreciation in his beautiful eyes.

Sure enough, it has to be Xiaoze. He understood what he meant as soon as he finished speaking…

Xiaoze’s talent is still the most amazing…

Just thinking about it, Lei Dianying’s beautiful eyes flickered slightly, with a A ray of light.

In this way, it also shows that Xiaoze is different from others...

"Next, Xiaoze will experience it himself..."

Raiden nodded to Linze, with a smile in his beautiful eyes.


Linze nodded and said.

Then he held the Nagging Grass Rice Light in his hand and felt the power on it.

Then, the Thunder God's Eye on his chest flickered slightly and heated up, and power emerged from it.

"No thoughts, no thoughts..."

Linze silently chanted in his heart, and the long sword in his hand swung out with the power of destroying the world.

Then, there was a violent thunder between heaven and earth, and the mountain in front of him was instantly cut in half by a sword.

Only countless dust and dirt were left in the air...

"I did it! "

Lin Ze looked at his palm, his eyes slightly shining.

I didn't expect that I could actually do it, it was unbelievable...

I actually did the Wuxiang Sword...

Even the power was not weaker than that of the Thunder God...

"Xiao Ze, you did a good job..."

Lei Yingying touched Lin Ze's fluffy head with a smile on his face.

I only taught him twice, and Xiao Ze had already understood it completely...

Xiao Ze's talent is really terrifying...

It can almost be described as a demon...

This made Lei Yingying's beautiful eyes also have a strange color.

"Xiao Ze..."

Lei Yingying looked at the warm and handsome face in front of him and said softly.

"Sister Ying, what's wrong?"

Lin Ze turned around with a hint of confusion and curiosity on his face.

"Sister, I like you so much~"

Lei Yingying hugged Lin Ze and held him in his arms, his beautiful eyes flickering slightly.

[Lei Yingying treasure unlock progress: 55%]

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