"It's all because of Xiaoze, I slept very well~"

After thinking about it, Xiaogong said to the peerless boy in front of him.

This is indeed the truth. I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time.

No, strictly speaking, I have never slept so comfortably.........

Because even if Xiaogong has nothing to do and sleeps every day, she has never slept so relaxed.

After all, she just sleeps normally.

But today, with Xiaoze by my side, I slept particularly peacefully and comfortably...

This feeling is indescribable, only my heart feels very comfortable...

With Xiaoze by my side, the feeling of emptiness is much less, and it can basically be said that it is gone.

"That's good..."

After hearing this, Lin Ze nodded and the smile on his face became stronger.

Originally, I was afraid that I had disturbed Xiaogong's sister's sleep last night.

And I woke her up again this morning...

That's really not good.

If the other party said that he slept until he woke up naturally and slept very comfortably, then there should be no problem...

"Xiao Ze..."

Xiao Gong looked at Lin Ze in front of him and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

She was a little hesitant now and didn't know what to say.

To be honest, he didn't know what kind of mentality he should have when facing Xiao Ze...

After all, he did that last night.

Even if Xiao Ze was willing, he did that...

So just thinking about it, Xiao Gong was a little hesitant.

I don't know what kind of mentality I should have when facing it...

Only his eyes moved and fell on the bright red on the beach.

His thoughts seemed to have returned to last night, to that moment last night.

That beautiful and unforgettable moment.

Thinking in his heart, a hint of blush flashed across Xiao Gong's face again.

I remember that Xiaoze fell asleep not long after the beginning...

I guess he fainted. After all, this seemed to be Xiaoze's first time experiencing such a thing...

I guess Xiaoze was particularly nervous because he had no experience...

Xiaogong could only think of this possibility for a while.

And no matter what, I made Xiaozhe faint.

To put it casually, Xiaoze should not be too satisfied...

After all, although I was satisfied last night, I didn't know if Xiaoze was the same...

Thinking in my heart, a trace of loss flashed across Xiaogong's delicate and cute face.

What should I do if Xiaoze hates me just because of what happened today...

It will be very difficult to deal with it then, and Xiaoze will probably leave at that time.

Although Xiaoze was going to leave Inazuma anyway.

But it would be bad if he left with resentment towards me...

Thinking in my heart, Xiaogong's beautiful eyes also fell on Lin Ze.

"What's wrong, Sister Xiaogong?"

Lin Ze looked at Xiaogong in front of him, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Why did she look at him like this from just now.........

It felt strange, it was the first time he felt such a look...

This was a little different from the usually lively and cheerful Xiaogong...

He always felt that he looked very lost now...

"Xiaoze, do you hate me?"

Xiaogong looked at Lin Ze in front of him and blinked her beautiful eyes.

Maybe she wouldn't say such words on weekdays, maybe she would never say such words...

After all, with her carefree, lively, cute and carefree personality, she shouldn't think about these things.

Now she was facing Xiaoze, and she had to think about such a question...

"Why do you ask that?"

Lin Ze looked at Xiaogong in front of him, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

I don't know why the other party asked that, why is there such doubt?

It feels a bit weird...

Because Sister Xiaogong would never ask these questions on weekdays...

She would only say let's go fishing, let's go eat, or go to sleep...

"Because I did that to Xiaoze yesterday..."

Xiaogong blinked her beautiful eyes,Looking at Lin Ze in front of him, he said.

"Things like that?"

After hearing this, Lin Ze finally realized what the other party was talking about.

Only then did he realize that Sister Xiao Gong seemed to be talking about what happened last night...

Thinking in his heart, Lin Ze also blinked his beautiful eyes.

"Hate it?"

Xiao Gong looked at Lin Ze in front of him, with a hint of expectation in her beautiful eyes.

She was looking forward to the other party saying the three words "not hate"...

This means that her behavior yesterday was not completely hated by the other party.

This also means that he still has a chance...

At least he will not let Xiao Zha leave him so sadly...

Thinking in his heart, Xiao Gong's beautiful eyes also had a hint of expectation.

"Not hate..."

After thinking about it, Lin Ze said very seriously.

He thought for a long time but couldn't think of a reason to discuss Sister Xiaogong...

He couldn't think of a reason to hate her...

She gave me gifts, liked to take me out to play, liked to make jokes, and had a good personality, cute and pretty...

I couldn't think of a reason to hate her...

And if I talk about what happened last night.

I don't think I hate her that much...

After all, if I really want to talk about it, Lin Ze is actually used to this feeling.

Because I have experienced it many times, I am used to this feeling...

And Lin Ze doesn't hate this feeling.

It's not a feeling that makes me hate it...

"Don't you hate it?"

After hearing this, Xiaogong's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of joy.

This feeling really makes me very happy...

This feeling is simply great...

Just thinking about it, Xiaogong's face also flashed a hint of satisfaction.

After all, Xiaoze didn't hate her, which made her feel relieved...

Her delicate and cute face was once again covered with a lively and happy smile.

"Then Xiaoze, do you like Sister Xiaogong?"

After she recovered, Xiaogong looked at Lin Ze in front of her and blinked her beautiful eyes.

If Xiaoze said that he didn't hate this feeling and liked it very much...

Then she really had no regrets at all...

At least she was full of joy and pleasure now...

But this also showed that Xiaoze liked her in her heart...

Everything she had guessed before was not wishful thinking...

Thinking in her heart, Xiaogong also looked at the peerless handsome boy in front of her with expectation.


Thinking in her heart, Lin Ze also blinked his eyes, his eyes full of seriousness.

"I like Sister Xiaogong the most~"

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