"Manye, long time no see!"

Lin Ze looked at Fengyuan Manye in front of him, with a trace of joy of reunion on his face.

Although he and he had only met once, they had been together for a long time in the game.

It was like old friends who had never met but knew each other well.

After all, Fengyuan Manye was also Lin Ze's first two-life five-star!

So Lin Ze still had a special feeling for Manye.

After all, it was his first five-star that he finally made at the 80th draw after countless days and months of hard work!

So his words to Manye were still a special care...

So looking at Manye in front of him, Lin Ze was in a good mood.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you, Mr. Lin..."

Fengyuan Manye looked at Lin Ze in front of him, squinted his eyes, and there was a hint of smile in his eyes.

It has been a long time since I saw Mr. Lin. Speaking of the last time I saw Mr. Lin,

If I remember correctly, it should be when I was with Xiao Gong...

Such a long time has passed in the blink of an eye, and I still miss it a little.

"Didn't you say that you would leave after the festival is over?"

Lin Ze looked at Fengyuan Manye in front of him, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

He remembered that Manye had said before that he would leave after the festival was over...

He actually said that the purpose of his return this time was simply to commemorate his friend...

I seemed to have invited her to live with him in Kamisato House?

Thinking in his heart, Lin Ze looked at Fengyuan Manye in front of him, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"I'm leaving soon. I've been staying here for the past few days mainly because I have something to do."

"Some things are not finished yet. If they are finished, I will probably leave."

Fengyuan Manye looked at Lin Ze in front of him, nodded and said seriously.

"Is that so?"

After hearing this, Lin Ze also nodded.

So there are things that are not finished yet?

I thought Wan Ye was going to stay here forever...

But this is unlikely, after all, Wan Ye is a traveler who likes to wander around.

He doesn't like to stay in one place all the time, just like me.

I also yearn for freedom, and I also want him to go out and see the outside world.

After all, being able to see more characters and a more exciting and beautiful world is what I want.

So Lin Ze nodded, he could understand Wan Ye's words and psychological state very well.

"If there is another reason, it's probably because I can't bear to leave here..."

Maple Leaf said, and his eyes fell on the noisy streets around him.

There were bustling crowds everywhere around, some of them were men who had just come out of their homes with their children.

Some were women who were busy working on the streets.

Everyone's face was full of joy, although they didn't experience anything worth celebrating, or any special festivals.

Everyone's face was filled with smiles, because they are living a very happy life now.

They all enjoyed it and were very satisfied.

"I can't bear to leave this hometown..."

Manye Fengyuan's eyes gently swept over everything around, and a smile rose on her pretty face.

"So what are your plans next?"

Lin Ze looked at Manye Fengyuan in front of him and asked the deepest doubts in his heart.

He was very curious about what Manye would do next and what his plans were.

"Any plans?"

After hearing this, Manye Fengyuan lowered his head and thought seriously, then raised his head.

"I will probably leave Inazuma and go somewhere else..."

After thinking about it, Manye Fengyuan raised his head and said very seriously.

Although he thought for a while when he spoke, he did not hesitate at all and was very decisive.

It seems that it was not a whim but something that he had considered for a long time.

It should have been a well-thought-out thought.

"Do you want to go out and take a look?"

After hearing this, Lin Ze blinked his eyes with a hint of curiosity.

I didn't expect Wan Ye to go out and take a look?

Although this is also in line with his understanding of Wan Ye...

Although this is indeed a seemingly simple thing, after all, Wan Ye's personality is like this.

Free and unrestrained is the same as the wind god Barbatos in Mondstadt.

NoBeing entangled in anything, he can do whatever he wants. This is very cool.

And this is what Lin Ze likes Manye the most.

"Then Mr. Lin, what are your plans for the future?"

Looking at Lin Ze who was thinking in front of him, Fengyuan Manye smiled and asked.

"Any plans?"

After hearing this, Lin Ze said without thinking:

"I want to leave Inazuma and see the outside world..."

There was a hint of decisiveness in his gentle voice, without the slightest hesitation.

"Is that so?"

After hearing this, Fengyuan Manye also nodded, and a hint of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that Mr. Lin and I have the same idea..."

Maple Yuan Manye smiled and looked very gentle.

"Mr. Lin has already decided which country to go to?"

Then he looked at Lin Ze in front of him and asked.

"Which city to go to?"

After hearing this, Lin Ze shook his head.

"I haven't decided yet. I want to go anywhere..."

Lin Ze was not lying. He really hadn't decided which country to go to.

After all, every country in Teyvat made him curious.

If he really had to pick one out of so many countries.

Then Lin Ze might not be able to pick one. After all, every country has its own charm.

Each country has its own unique and unique characters that are very attractive.

"If you haven't decided yet, why not listen to my advice..."

Manyeye Feng looked at the hesitant Lin Ze in front of him and said with a smile.

"What advice?"

After hearing this, Lin Ze immediately became interested and asked with her beautiful eyes blinking.

"Why not go to a country I've heard of before? It's very beautiful and dreamy."

Speaking of this, Manyeye Feng's gentle face also had a hint of reminiscence.

"Where is it?"

After hearing this, Lin Ze became even more curious.

A smile flashed across Fengyuan Manye's face, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"That's... Liyue~"

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