"Sister Linghua, please wait a moment. I'll go cook first..."

After returning home, Lin Ze walked into the kitchen with the newly bought ingredients.

When he came to the kitchen, he first boiled water and then picked up a kitchen knife. Although this was his first time using it, he was extremely skilled.

Lin Ze held the kitchen knife in his hand, and the sound of the knife was swishing.

In the blink of an eye, the meat he just bought was chopped into meat sauce.

Add some vegetables to the pot and stir-fry, and the fragrance instantly escaped.

Lin Ze put the shredded meat into a plate and put it aside.

There is another dish to be cooked next. He took out butter, fish, milk and small lamp grass.

He put it in the pot and cooked it, and the aroma of the fish drifted in the air.

The fragrance also spread to the outside world along the air, and Shenli Linghua outside the door couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

This time the taste is a hundred times stronger than before. If the previous one was just tempting, then now it is tempting.

After a while, the kitchen door was opened, and Lin Ze came out with two plates.

"Sister, it's ready, come and eat!"

Lin Ze washed his hands and spoke to the person behind him.

The moment the dishes were put on the table, a colorful beam of light emerged from inside, which was even a little dazzling.

Kamisato Ayaka skillfully covered her eyes. Although she didn't know it in advance, she had guessed that there would definitely be dazzling holy light.


Lin Ze looked at the dazzling light column and couldn't help but take a breath.

The delicious dishes made carefully are indeed different from ordinary egg noodles. The most intuitive manifestation is the size of the light column.

This time the size of the light column is basically several times that of the last time. Even in the dark, it is estimated that the sky can be illuminated.

"Legendary cooking skills, it's really terrifying~"

This colorful holy light also made Lin Ze sigh.

Before this, he always thought that the holy lights in the anime were made of special effects, but now it seems that it may not be the case!

"Xiao Ze, did you really make all these by yourself?"

After the golden light faded, Shen Li Ling Hua looked at the rich delicacies on the table and was slightly surprised.

Although she had experienced Lin Ze's cooking skills beforehand, she was still a little surprised this time.

In addition to the colorful holy light floating around, the dishes also looked quite good.

Color, fragrance, taste, everything is complete, it looks quite delicious!

Such dishes are probably only qualified to be tasted by gods!

"Sister, eat quickly, it will not taste good if it gets cold."

Seeing that Shen Li Ling Hua did not move for a long time, Lin Ze urged.


Shen Li Ling Hua picked up a piece of fish meat and put it in her mouth, chewing it carefully.

At the moment of eating, her beautiful pupils trembled slightly, and an expression of enjoyment appeared on her face.

The fish meat is delicious, melts in the mouth, tender and soft with the aroma of butter, it tastes quite delicious.

Kamisato Ayaka's pretty face was full of intoxication, and her eyes were a little distracted.

She felt as if she had flown to heaven, as if she had unloaded all the burdens on her body.

"Sister Ayaka, is it delicious?"

Lin Ze asked curiously, judging from her expression, it should taste good.

"Delicious, so delicious!"

Kamisato Ayaka's eyes flashed, and she nodded with enjoyment on her face. This was the most delicious butter fried fish she had ever eaten since she was a child.

The taste was simply amazing, and the moment she ate it, she felt an indescribable wonderful feeling in her heart.

It seemed to have transcended the scope of gourmet food and turned into fairy food.

"Is it really that delicious?"

Lin Ze picked up a small piece of fish with chopsticks, his face full of curiosity.

I didn't make mushrooms myself, could it really be so delicious that I had hallucinations?

So after thinking about it, Lin Ze decided to experience it himself to see if it was really that delicious.


He took a bite of the fish lightly, and the fragrance spread in his mouth as he chewed.

It tasted really good, really delicious...

But Lin Ze ate several bites in a row, and only felt that it was delicious.

There was no hallucination, nor did he feel intoxicated, he just thought it tasted good.

"Could it be that the food I made myself is not effective for me?"

After thinking about it, Lin Ze only thought of this possibility in his mind.

Otherwise, why can't he have any hallucinations?

Although this is unscientific, Lin Ze felt a little regretful in his heart, and he also wanted to feel what hallucinations taste like.

But this gave Lin Ze a new inspiration, this dish seems to have a different use.

If he can trigger hallucinations by giving it to people when he meets them, then wouldn't he be able to become an illusionist?

"Delicious, delicious, so delicious..."

Just as heWhile thinking, Kamisato Ayaka was eating the fish in the plate in small bites.

Although it was delicious and tempting, she still maintained a ladylike eating posture and looked very elegant.

"Eat more if it tastes good!"

Lin Ze looked at her expression and felt very happy.

After all, it is a wonderful thing that the dishes you cook can make others feel delicious.

Although I can't experience it myself, I can tell from the expression on her face that she must be very happy.


Kamiri Ayaka ate the fish in small bites, and her beautiful face was full of enjoyment.

The hot air was in the air, and a little sweat appeared on her forehead, which made her subconsciously take off her outer clothes.


Lin Ze took a breath of cold air, his cheeks turned slightly red and he turned his head.

I saw that the clothes under Kamisato Ayaka were also wet with sweat, and her thin collarbone was looming and slightly transparent.

However, Kamisato Ayaka, who was concentrating on eating, did not notice these.

On the contrary, she would raise her sleeves from time to time to fan herself to cool down.

This made the already vague appearance even more obvious, which made Lin Ze look away a little embarrassed.

"It's so delicious~"

Kamiri Ayaka picked up the last piece of fish and put it in her mouth, her face full of enjoyment.

"Xiao Ze, thank you for your hospitality today~"

Because the food was so delicious, Kamisato Ayaka, who usually maintained her figure, also ate a few more mouthfuls of rice.

This also made her a little worried about whether she would gain weight and become chubby.

"Sister, you should take a rest for a while and take a shower or something. I'll go wash the dishes first!"

Lin Ze nodded, got up, picked up the dishes and walked into the kitchen.

"Take a shower?"

Kamiri Ayaka raised her sleeves and smelled it. She had been out for a whole day today, and because the weather was a bit hot, she was sweating all over.

No, she had to take a shower, otherwise Xiao Ze would dislike her!

Thinking of this, she immediately picked up the bath towel and walked into the bathroom. After a while, there was a rustling sound of changing clothes.

After a while.

In the kitchen, Lin Ze was concentrating on dealing with the dishes in his hands.

Suddenly, a burst of hot air mixed with a faint fragrance drifted from behind.

"Is it Sister Linghua?"

Lin Ze turned his head, with some confusion on his face.

Behind him, Shenli Linghua had just come out of the bath, with water dripping on her beautiful face and long white hair draped over her shoulders.

She was wearing a bath towel, and it slipped down to her shoulders, revealing her white collarbone, looking like a beauty coming out of the bath.

"Now that we're done eating, it's time to eat you, Xiaoze?"

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