This thought just appeared in my mind.

After a while, this thought became more and more intense.

So that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's mind was full of this thought.

No, no, how can I think about these things.

I am Xiao Ganyu's master, how can I think about these things.

If I occupy Lin Ze, what will happen to Ganyu?

Just thinking about it in my heart, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun couldn't help but nodded.

After all, I am still the master and I must give way to the apprentice.........

Although it is basically impossible for Xiao Ganyu to compete with me.

Thinking in my heart, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun also subconsciously pushed his glasses.

But at this time, she suddenly remembered that she was in the form of a crane.

There was no glasses for her to push, but the action still looked a little weird.

But from the perspective of Lin Ze on the opposite side, it felt very strange.

After all, although it is now in the form of a crane, a divine beast.

But Lin Ze didn't know if he saw it wrong or if it was his illusion.

He always felt that he could see the expression on the face of Master Liuyun Jiefeng, which looked like a smile.

But he probably saw it wrong, after all, how could a crane have an expression.........

"Ahem, since you are a guest invited by Xiao Ganyu."

"Then you are a guest of my Aozang Mountain."

"Just treat this place as your home, we will all entertain you."

"Just live like before, there will be no problem..."

Master Liuyun Jiefeng coughed and then raised his head and glanced at Lin Ze with clear eyes and said softly.


"Indeed, I will stay here for a while."

Lin Ze nodded and followed her words.

After all, according to his plan, he will probably live here until he finds a suitable place to live.

Generally speaking, he should live here for a long time.

But in this case, it is better to remind him first.

"Do you really want to stay here?"

After hearing Lin Ze's words, Master Liuyunjiefeng was slightly stunned, and then her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

She just wanted to be polite.

After all, in her opinion, Lin Ze was just here to find friends.

It was just to play with friends for a while, but unexpectedly, he really needed to stay here.

This made Master Liuyunjiefeng's eyes light up slightly.

Although Master Liuyunjiefeng was in a state of mind, he looked much better.

"It will be troublesome during this period."

Lin Ze nodded, and after seeing Master Liuyunjiefeng's expression, he couldn't help but nodded.

At the beginning, he was worried that Master Liuyunjiefeng would refuse.

After all, he was just an outsider, and in his memory, Master Liuyunjiefeng had always been in a very serious and solemn look.

He was a little worried at the beginning, but now it seems that his worry is actually not very meaningful.

But this also made him feel relieved, which at least meant that he could stay here.

"Have you found a place to live?"

Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun glanced at Lin Ze with his beautiful eyes, and then asked casually.

"Found it~"

Lin Ze nodded, he had found a place to live in the past few days.


"Which room on this mountain?"

Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun blinked his beautiful eyes, with a hint of curiosity in his beautiful eyes.

"If it's just these two days, I should live in Gan Yu's room"

Lin Ze nodded and said what he wanted to say.

After all, according to Gan Yu's statement, it seems that the past few days have not been cleaned up. Try sitting in Gan Yu's room again.

"Live in Gan Yu's room?"

Originally, when she heard that Lin Ze was going to stay, Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun's eyes lit up slightly, and she looked very happy.

But after hearing that Lin Ze was going to live in Gan Yu's room, she was slightly stunned again.

Are the two of them already living together?

Has the relationship between the two of them come this far?

Originally, he thought that Lin Ze and Gan Yu were just ordinary friends.

But now it seems that the relationship between the two is a little different from what he thought, and it seems to be a step further."Is that so?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun nodded, and then pushed the glasses in the void again.

When Lin Ze saw this scene, his eyes also lit up slightly.

Sure enough, he was not wrong just now. Sister Liuyun really pushed her glasses...

It seems that she usually maintains her human form more often. After all, her habits are her human form habits.

"In this case, it's getting late, so you should go back first."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun couldn't think of any other reason to keep Lin Ze here for a while.

In the end, he could only nod and said to Lin Ze.

"Okay, then Sister Liuyun, good night~"

Lin Ze nodded, and finally got a way to leave here.

His eyes also lit up slightly and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then after saying good night, he turned around and prepared to leave.

When he left, he couldn't help but speed up. After all, he was afraid that if Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun used any reason to keep him at this time, it would be embarrassing.

After all, his current situation was very embarrassing, and if he said something later, it would probably be even more embarrassing.

Thinking about it, Lin Ze couldn't help but speed up his leg work and walking speed.

"Lin Ze..."

Looking at the fairy-like figure of Lin Ze leaving, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said softly.

She didn't know when she changed into a human form.

And the beautiful white and delicate jade feet gently hovered above the water.

Under the night sky, the bright moonlight sprinkled on this white and beautiful body.

It was like an unemployed fairy or a real fairy.

Just looking at it, people couldn't have the slightest doubt, as if the fairy should be like this.

"Little Ganyu..."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said softly, his beautiful eyes flashing.

"If you just give it up in vain."

"It seems that the master is also feeling bad........."

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