After entering the room, it was still pitch black and I couldn't see anything clearly.

"Miss Miyuki, can you open the window? It's a bit dark."

Lin Ze looked at the pitch-black darkness in front of him and said with some concern.

"Okay, please wait a moment. Our store just opened and I haven't had time to..."

Miss Miyuki's gentle voice came from the darkness.


As he was talking, Lin Ze heard the sound of the window being opened.

Then a ray of light came out from inside...

The sunlight shone through the window and instantly dispelled all the darkness, and everything around was instantly illuminated.

Then everything in the room appeared in his sight.

The room was very tidy and beautifully decorated, with many small boxes and bottles piled around.

Although I don't know what's in it and what it's used for, it looks very interesting.

"You can choose..."

Miss Miyuki waved her hand with a gentle smile on her face.

The unintentional smiles and frowns were so charming and memorable.


Lin Ze looked at the various boxes and jars in the cabinet with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

He had never seen anything like this before, and everything here made him extremely curious.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I saw a beauty like Mr. Lin..."

Miss Miyuki looked at Lin Ze with curiosity on her face and chuckled.

Her beautiful eyes moved, as if she was thinking about something.

"Miss Miyuki, you're flattering..."

Lin Ze blinked his eyes, and he was already accustomed to the other party's compliments.

He also gradually realized that his existence in this world was extremely special.

It can almost be said to be rare, and his existence is also fatally attractive to women.

These are the conclusions drawn by Lin Ze after contacting all the women before.


Seeing this scene, Kamisato Ayaka couldn't help but snort, and a trace of displeasure flashed across her delicate and lovely face.

It seems that the rumors outside are true, and this Miss Miyuki is indeed that kind of woman.

In her opinion, this woman did not hide her inner desire to eat Ozawa at all.

And it's okay that it's just like that, and she said it so nicely, and it happened to be the truth.

So it seems that this woman is definitely not a simple woman, which also makes Kamisato Ayaka more vigilant.

"No, no, no, in my opinion, Mr. Lin's beauty is rare even in the entire Teyvat continent."

Miss Miyuki blinked her eyes with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Is Mr. Lin from another island?"

Miss Miyuki continued, her words full of curiosity.

"I'm not a local of Inazuma City, I'm an outsider from somewhere else..."

Lin Ze nodded and said softly.

Strictly speaking, he doesn't belong to this world, and he is not a local of Teyvat.

"I see, no wonder I've never seen a beauty like Mr. Lin before..."

Miss Miyuki gently lifted her chin with her white fingers, and a trace of thought flashed in her beautiful eyes.

If she wasn't a local, then...

"Ozawa, it's getting late. I think we should buy things first and leave, so as not to delay Boss Miyuki's business..."

Kamiri Ayaka pinched Lin Ze's shoulder and kept urging him, with a trace of caution on her face.

She couldn't bear to watch the conversation between the two. This Miss Miyuki was obviously a very dangerous woman.

If she didn't pay attention, Ozawa would probably be led away by the other party.

So for safety reasons, it's better to leave here as soon as possible...

"Miss Ayaka, we also have things specially prepared for women here, do you want to take a look?"

Miss Miyuki felt the other party's vigilance, but she didn't feel unhappy at all, and still had a gentle smile.

But compared to Lin Ze, she was still less gentle and kind.

"Female items, no need..."

Kamiri Ayaka glanced at them and said casually.

In her eyes, these things were not even one ten-thousandth of what Ozawa had.

So compared to these things, what she had to consider more now was whether Ozawa would be abducted by the other party.

"Really? Are there any female items?"

However, when Xiao Gong heard this, her big eyes flickered slightly, and her eyes were full of expectation.

"Although we mainly customize for men, we also have female items..."Miss Miyuki nodded with a gentle smile on her face.

However, a glimmer of success flashed in her beautiful eyes, as if she was planning something.

"Wow, what is this!"

Xiao Gong held a black box in her hand, her beautiful eyes full of curiosity.

"This is the rouge we customized for women. Miss Xiao Gong is so beautiful that it will definitely look good on her!"

"And if Miss Xiao Gong wants it, I can give it to you for free!"

Miss Miyuki blinked her eyes with a gentle smile on her face.

If she can trick one first, then her advantage will be great...


Hearing this, Xiao Gong looked at the box in her hand, her eyes also glowed slightly.

For this kind of thing that she has never seen before, she is always as curious as a baby.

"That must be true..."

Listening to Miss Miyuki's gentle voice, Xiao Gong's eyes also glowed slightly.

Unconsciously, her favorability towards Miss Miyuki has also increased a lot.

"Damn it, Xiao Gong, how could you give up just for a little benefit!"

Ayaka Kamisato looked at Xiao Gong, who was almost defeated, and a trace of helplessness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

This Miss Miyuki is indeed a master, and a great master!

As expected of a woman who circulates between men of all kinds, she is amazing.

And now Xiao Gong has unknowingly stood in the opposite camp, and now it seems that she can only rely on herself!

Ayaka Kamisato secretly clenched her fists, and began to have ideas in her mind.

I must take Xiao Ze out of here safely, and I can't let this woman's plan succeed!

Thinking of this, Ayaka Kamisato felt that her task was even more arduous.

But it was precisely because of this that she had to protect Xiao Ze well.

After all, she was Xiao Ze's only support!


PS: Recently, I have a headache with Kawen Ka. I am not satisfied with what I wrote. I write ten words and delete six words.

I will adjust my state these days and try to write the plots of Shadow and Traveler better. I hope you can continue to support me by sending me some milk tea and small blades.

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