"Some full text reading."

Mo Lou stretched his feet and tried on the ground: "If you fight, it's easy to slip."

"Everyone is following me closely and raising the spirit, don't leave behind or do anything else, now check the equipment." Xiao Yuxin said.

"Check completed"

"Check completed"

After everyone finished the report, Xiao Yuxin gently waved his arm and guided in front. Behind her are Wu Ziniu and Cheng Zichuan and finally Fang Lin and Jin Bo. Although they still have to listen to Fang Lin on the road, Xiao Yuxin will not let him walk in front. In case of emergencies, it is easy to encounter danger.

The front is dark, although Xiao Yuxin has a dark vision and sees clearly, but it does not mean that she likes it here, especially the smell, and it does not disappear because of the death of the zombie. The more you go forward, the stronger the latest chapter. .

"Why do I think my feet are getting thicker and thicker," Wen Yuxiu said softly.

"Yes, you pay attention to the walls on both sides. There is a lot of thick mucus. It is estimated that we are not far from the monster's nest. Be careful. Keep a safe distance when fighting the monster, but,"

She glanced back: "Anyone is not prepared to retreat without permission, and if things are impossible, I will not insist"

During the talk, the crowd continued to move forward. Fortunately, although the liquid under the feet was slippery and sticky, but the acidity was not so strong, but it was more difficult to walk, Xiao Yuxin led the way in front of her, she exuded a trace of mental power Stretching forward suddenly, she stopped and made a gesture to stop behind.

"What's wrong" Wen Yuxiu asked in a low voice.

"I just thought there was a pair of eyes peeping at us." Xiao Yuxin said frowning. She didn't see it, but because she is also practicing spiritual power, she feels more strongly in this regard.

"Is there anyone else here?" Wu Ziniu asked.

"It may not necessarily be a person. Maybe those monsters have any special means."

Wen Yuxiu shook his head: "Sister Xin, how is it now"

"That feeling disappeared, let's go." Xiao Yuxin had some serious thoughts, but she moved forward. It was definitely not an illusion just now. There should be a creature exploring here in the form of a mental scan, but I didn't know that they didn't.

After walking for another four minutes, Xiao Yuxin saw a scene that shocked her.

About two hundred meters away from them, there were five giant spiders entrenched there, and the passage was in the stone chambers on both sides, except for a passing route. There are dense ovals everywhere. Each of these ovals is about the size of a basketball, and its body is grayish white. Many of them have mucus hanging on them.

She immediately transmitted the pictures she saw to Wen Yuxiu, Mo Lou, Shen Ruolan, and Wu Ziniu, and the four immediately stopped in shock.

"What happened?" Liang Mengkun and others stopped.

"There are a lot of spider eggs in front, and there are four adult spiders guarding, two hundred meters away." Xiao Yuxin told the others softly.

"Do we have a way to move forward without disturbing the other party?" Cheng Zichuan asked.


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

sp; "No."

Xiao Yuxin shook his head affirmatively. Although the absolute shield of listening has evolved, time is still limited. And it may not be able to cover so many people.

"Then we will report the situation to the refuge and let them report the situation to the relevant departments. As for how much we can eliminate," Wen Yuxiu said.

"Okay. You contact the refuge immediately. Everyone will check the equipment again. If the hot weapon can't break through the shells of those adult spiders, it depends on their respective methods." Xiao Yuxin ordered.

Here, everyone checked the equipment, and Mo Lou quickly contacted Chen Ke and others in the shelter.

"Sister Xin, just say this. Lack of intuition, Chen Ke let us take some pictures with a digital camera and then pass them on." Mo Lou said after contacting.

"Digital Camera" Xiao Yuxin found that he was really not a qualified organizer, even he did not even know how to bring a digital camera.

"I have a dv machine here, which can be recorded. It is more convincing than a digital camera." Wen Yuxiu said, holding a small dv machine.

"Oh, great." Xiao Yuxin waved her hand. The crowd continued to advance shallowly and shallowly. When everyone unknowingly, Xiao Yuxin exhibited the dark enchantment while blessing them with dark vision.

The endless darkness stretched in the cave, and even the light of the flashlight could not penetrate. Several new members of the team felt abnormal. Cheng Zichuan and Liang Mengkun glanced at each other, and there was a trace of surprise in their eyes, but no one asked questions. Instead, put away the flashlights.

The appearance of the enchantment made the adult spiders feel uneasy. They found that their surroundings seemed to be even darker, and the visible distance was inexplicably weakened.


When approaching a distance of only tens of meters, Xiao Yuxin calmly gave orders to shoot.


Da da da

Bloody flowers splashed on the body of the spider, and the four spiders almost lost their sight in the dark enchantment. They could only rush through the feeling, and many spider eggs were crushed by their heavy bodies. .

Xiao Yuxin's preparation is undoubtedly correct. In front of the powerful heavy firepower, the solid shell of the spider is hit like a screen, and in a blink of an eye, they fall to the ground.

"Fang Lin, take out the magic crystals in the brain of the spider monster, and carefully check if they are dead, and others will wipe out the spider eggs separately." Xiao Yuxin began to fire while commanding, and those spider eggs that had not yet hatched were all rushed. A burst of smelly liquid splashed around, and even Xiao Yuxin felt a vomit.

"Bah this tastes really powerful"

Wu Ziniu wiped a splash of liquid on his face and gritted his teeth. It was estimated that a lot of liquid had entered his mouth. Xiao Yuxin was lucky. Her mask blocked the liquid that was blasting around for her.

"Sister Xin, here you are." Fang Lin ran to her and handed over four pale green magic crystals.

"You collect it first, wait until you go back, and distribute it evenly." Xiao Yuxin didn't pick it up, and commanded while shooting. This made the nearby Cheng Zichuan and Liang Mengkun relieved. Of course they also knew the importance of Mojing, but now the staff ratio is there. They dare not rob them, and Xiao Yuxin's attitude just relaxed their mood.

Nearly 10,000 spider eggs were destroyed by them, and the smell that filled the air was more intense. Fortunately, everyone had become accustomed to it, and did not show much discomfort.

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-


A group of people walked through this egg-drenched area, just preparing to take a rest in a slightly clean stone room next to them, and a sizzling sound suddenly came in front of them, followed by a rustling sound like a tide.

"It's a large group of spider monsters," Xiao Yuxin reminded immediately.

Before the blink of an eye, there were already dense spider monsters in front of them, but these spider monsters were not as big as the four spider monsters that had just been killed.

Suddenly, a weird voice rang, and Xiao Yuxin felt that the piece of white in front of her suddenly turned out to be the spiders squirting silk.

Although these spider silks may not hurt her, but if they are entangled, it is extremely troublesome. She raised her hand and split the empty palm to shake the oncoming spider silk. Suddenly, she only felt that the legs were tight, and then A violent force pulled her down and dragged her forward quickly.

"Sister Xin"

"Be careful"

The sound of gunshots and shouts was chaotic. Xiao Yuxin wanted to find something to grip on the ground, but the bomb shelter was originally a concrete floor. At this time, it was covered with a thick layer of mucus, where to start.

How to do

At this time, the layer of viscous liquid on the ground seemed to be like a skateboard. Something on the waist seemed to sag a bit. Xiao Yuxin suddenly sounded the broken jade dagger control do not stay on the waist before departure

There was a movement in her heart, and suddenly an invisible force swept the broken jade dagger across the leg, and suddenly the sense of tugging in the leg disappeared, and the person who was sliding forward also stopped, and Xiao Yuxin slammed The carp stood up quite hard, catching the jade jade with one hand~www.readwn.com~ started shooting with the anti-aircraft machine gun on the other arm.

At this time, she was less than ten meters away from the spider monsters. She shot back and slowly backed away. The spider monsters screamed and rushed towards her. The fangs in her mouth were terrible under this close look. Fortunately, they are not mature bodies. The body is not so tough. When the last few spiders were killed, the entire ground of the shelter was covered with a thick layer of blood and other body fluids of those spiders.

"Sister Xin, I'm running out of ammo." Wu Ziniu said.

"mine too."

Shen Ruolan and others also reported missing ammunition. Although they have storage space to store a large amount of ammunition, they did not install all the space with ammunition. No one expected that they would encounter so many spider monsters and ammunition storage. Naturally it is not enough.

Xiao Yuxin pondered for a while and asked, "Are you injured?"

At this station just now, Xiao Yuxin, Wu Ziniu, Mo Lou and Wen Yuxiu were not injured. Others were more or less injured. Shen Ruolan originally had knight armor to protect her body, but she intended to exercise her body style and Swordsmanship, two minor injuries to the back.

After taking out Jinchuang medicine and spraying them, Xiao Yuxin blamed: "It is obvious that injuries can be avoided. Why should this brave courage be carried out in case spider spiders carry zombie virus in their claws"

"Yes, I was wrong." Shen Ruolan blushed and whispered.

"Be careful later."

Xiao Yuxin watched her whispering to admit her mistakes, and that's all. However, the fighting power of Cheng Zichuan and Liang Mengkun shocked him quite a bit. The former used a mountain knife and took a pure martial arts route, while the latter was a hard work. A white mark. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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