"I want to see your leader download" a middle-aged man shouted angrily, "any government, no organization, you still want the party's leadership"

The roaring middle-aged man's name was Bai Jie. He was the mayor of Xuanwu District, Xianghai City before the disaster. After being rescued a few days ago, he was temporarily in the laid-off stage. In his opinion, in his identity, this small refuge should have asked him to take charge of the work, but he did not expect that after two days of rest, everyone was sent to work. He did not engage in manual labor, but The long-term respect and treatment has made him forget the taste of labor, and he is more used to being a starter.

"District Governor, you" Lin Tie wanted to stop it, but he didn't dare, but he stepped back a few steps subconsciously, keeping a safe distance, and once I didn't know him.

At the beginning, they also had trouble, and the result was that they were stopped directly. Anyway, everyone was working, and he couldn't make it harder to save his energy.

"What's going on?" An **** came over and asked, seeing Bai Jie again, he was a bit bored in his heart. According to their idea, he was going to be sent directly to the refugee camp, but the refugee camp said, The organizational system inside has been re-divided long ago. Several district governors like him live in tertiary districts as unemployed homeless people. When they come, they will only increase the food burden. Simply put, they will not accept them, so they have to let them in Here is engaged in the work of transforming the earth.

"I am a government leader, and I demand treatment that corresponds to my identity," Bai Jieli said straightly.

"We are privately owned here, and not under the jurisdiction of your white district chief. We are also not a prisoner of war camp. It doesn't matter that you are not equal to your status. However, if you eat and sleep here, you have to do the corresponding work, and you don't raise idlers here. If you can’t stand it. Please go to the refugee camp set up by the Xianghai City Government. We can draw you an orientation map so that you can’t find it.” The guards said with a grin.


Bai Jie gritted his teeth and pointed at him several times before angrily said: "Then trouble you to send someone to **** me to the refugee camp"


The guards laughed as if they heard a joke: "You let us **** you. Why don't you know that now there are zombies and monsters everywhere. We don't know who will protect our safety. Please do it yourself."

Bai Jie was flushed with rage and grunted in his mouth: "I want to see your captain named Xiao"

The guards were really impatient and shouted: "Don't do the work, don't do the work and don't eat. If you violate the refuge regulations three times in a row. You will be kicked out. This is your second time."

"I just reflect the situation." Bai Jie's body shook slightly. There is a lack of confidence.

"Forget it, the district governor, I'll talk about it later." Lin Tie saw the guards only warned and quickly stepped back to bring Jiejie back. The guards saw them and started working honestly. Only then can I go to other places with satisfaction.

In fact, among the people in the refuge, except for government leaders like Bai Jie. There are many other people who are engaged in white-collar or other fields of leadership. Some of these people do have some abilities, but they are not used now, and they don’t know how to be down-to-earth. The people who were sent away last time are an example, but most of them People already understand the current environment and are not exclusive of such work. And in the refuge. They also recorded their specialties for future use, but one thing is that in the refuge, in addition to the guards can be partly released. Anyone who has the ability to work must participate in the work. Even a doctor, as long as she didn't treat a patient there to save people, she had to pick up a shovel.

"I'm back"

Xiao Yuxin waved his hand in front of the camera.

The courtyard door opened, and a group of mermaids came out. The guards who walked in front were immediately distributed, seizing the terrain that was conducive to observation and monitoring, and other people began to unload the goods on the truck.

Today, ammunition was pulled back from the car. Although there are still a lot of weapons and ammunition in the refuge warehouse, especially the artillery shells, which are almost never used, but in the face of the unknown future, preparations will never be completed. After obtaining a full set of drawings of the bomb shelter in Xianghai City, Xiao Yuxin and others searched for the materials according to the drawings and rushed out the materials while exploring, mainly oil, weapons, ammunition, and grain. Unsurprisingly, all bomb shelters are occupied by monsters, mainly snakes and insects. Among the supplies, except for a part of the food eaten or spoiled by monsters, most of the things are well preserved, because those monsters do not need it, and only Xiao Yuxin and they exit the bomb shelter, and those monsters immediately stopped chasing.

, If the rescued materials are transported into the refuge from the direction of Green Mountain Park, not only the distance will be around, but also the zombies

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

, So they decided to move from the entrance of Yaolu. However, whether it is a zombie or a mutant, the hearing and smell are very amazing. For safety, the convoy is driving in the dark enchantment displayed by Xiao Yuxin. In addition to the fierce war, when she returned to her residence Is exhausted, other work can only be left to others.

After changing the dirty clothes of the disgusting dead person, Xiao Yuxin rinsed his body with hot water again, put on a set of comfortable clothes, and began to practice the Qing Emperor Feng Tianjue. The original tired body gradually recovered, with the energy of the universe The large amount of energy gathered, the energy lost by the body also began to recover.

In the battle just now, Xiao Yuxin exerted all his energy, almost squeezing out every trace of energy in the body. At this time, the body was wrapped in abundant cosmic energy, just like a beggar who had been hungry for three days and suddenly found that there was a The delicious feast on the table, those cosmic energies were quickly swallowed into her body and refined, Xiao Yuxin could even feel the joy of every cell in the body, and what made her more happy was whether it was the absorption of energy The speed of refining, or the amount of energy the body can withstand, has been significantly improved.

"It seems that my judgment is correct, and it stands still. Every time I fight extremes, my ability will be significantly improved, which is faster than the warm water swallowing practice method usually staying in the room. This practice method is not only Increased the absorption of energy, and also greatly improved the quality of the body. It is a pity that the real world killing monsters has no points and experience rewards, which affects the upgrade of personal levels. However, the comprehensive level should be no problem."

Xiao Yuxin murmured to herself and summoned the demon badge to check it. Sure enough, except for the obvious improvement of the goals of life attributes, the level has not changed, and the comprehensive assessment has reached the level of c9.

After practicing the Qing Emperor's Fengtian Jue, Xiao Yuxin began to practice the Sanyuan God Jue. The former is through the tempering of the body, so that the body can not only contain more powerful energy, but also echo the energy in the universe; while the latter is based on the physical strength, tempering the spiritual power to make it more pure, More powerful.

"I don't know when the demon trial system will be reactivated, or when those monsters will attack." Xiao Yuxin's consciousness of worry is very strong. Until now, her comprehensive assessment is only c9, 3s away. The level is far away. In the face of the coming disaster, she does not know whether she can protect herself and the safety of her loved ones.

Like Xiao Yuxin, her companions and those who have just become awakening fighters have the same consciousness of worry, and they go out to fight near the limit every day. They will display their skills in battle. Then return to the refuge and experience the fighting experience.

The effect of this training method is very obvious. In just one month, everyone's strength has been greatly improved, and Xiao Yuxin also found that in terms of cultivation, the awakening of soldiers is far slower than the gods.

咻, 咻

Two reddish rainbow lights shouted around Xiao Yuxin's body, but the tables and chairs close by were not affected at all. UU reading www.uukanshu. com now she has practiced the thirteenth sword of death to the highest level, the sword is introverted, and will not be released without encountering the target. This is also only after her mental strength has reached an extremely high level. control.

Suddenly, the walkie-talkie rang beeping, the knife light was condensed, and Xiao Yuxin returned the knife to the sheath. When he came to the table, he picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the communication button: "I am Xiao Yuxin, what's the situation"

"Sister Xin, it's not a good event, please come and see" Mo Lou's rapid voice came from the intercom.

"Well, I'll pass immediately."

Xiao Yuxin was a little surprised. What Mo Lou cultivated was the Assassin's Way. It is arguably the most outstanding of all people's grasp of emotions. Even if she is like this, what will happen?

Coming to the meeting room, Mo Lou and others were already seated at the conference table. The laptop was connected to the satellite network. With the announcer's story, satellite photos were also broadcast.

"According to reports from satellites, two hours ago, unknown stars of large stars reappeared all over the world, and countless weird creatures sprang out of the luminous bodies. At the same time, a large number of seas and mountains flooded out Monsters and strange variants, they launched a violent attack on human settlements, and now the government is calling on residents to save themselves."

The picture was suddenly interrupted, but the picture that was spread through the satellite just now is quite shocking. There are even skeletons appearing, which is incredible to the extreme, especially those black-pressed creatures that climbed ashore from the sea, let people feel cold for half a year. , How can these forces be resisted by human

"How can there be these creatures in this world, Jialie, do you think Beijing will be okay?" Chen Lirong grabbed Li Jialie's arm, and the latter did not try to get rid of it this time. To be collected and sorted out, the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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