Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 331 The mutated cube: Princess of the Lord of the Rings

The latest chapter of dark enchantment

A dark curtain completely covered a thousand kilometers of woods. Outside this black enchantment, the angry roar of the ring spirits and the low roar of them sitting on the war horse came.

In the dark, it wasn't the sound of rustling sounds. Even with the power of darkness, those ring spirits were still cautious in the enchantment. Their pupils and the war horse's pupils shone with the development of red light, and the pupils shrank to the tip of the needle. Size.

About a quarter of an hour, the enchantment disappeared, and the eight ring spirits stood on a hill, looking at the empty surroundings for a while, before they were reluctant to ran towards the avenue to read the full text.

Soon after their figures disappeared, six figures emerged from behind a hill. It was not long ago that they ambushed Xiao Yuxin and others, but they lost two veteran candidates such as Michael and others.


Michael looked at the disappearing back of the Ring Spirit and squeezed his fists. He had intended to use the power of the Ring Spirit to destroy the opponent's magician, but he was unexpectedly cast a magical enchantment and walked away.

"Michael, the other's mage is very strong," Rhone said in a low voice. After losing two senior partners, he was no longer reckless.

"What should we do now" asked a Western woman in a green robe.

"Of course I continue to chase, can it still allow them to escape to Rivendell," said the only black man in the team, his name was Dock, and his steel skin was stronger than the tank, and the woman who had just spoken was called Ze Li, she is a Druid Elemental Master.

"Actually we are all wrong."

Another senior veteran Simon said, watching everyone's eyes turned to him, Simon continued: "We all put our hopes on the Ring Spirit, in fact this is wishful thinking. First, the strength of the Ring Spirit varies. Only Only when the Nine Rings are united can they finally show their power. Secondly, the Ring Spirit only listens to the orders of the Dark Demon Sauron, we have no way to obtain their full cooperation, it is better to count on Saruman's Orcs Army."

"You mean that we will wait for Saruman to conquer the Orcish army before destroying these people" Michael asked.

"of course."

Simon's eyes shone with viper-like eyes: "They won't always stay in Rivendell. Only the lava in the Mordor Volcano can be destroyed. I believe that Kaluman will want this ring more than Sauron."


Michael pondered for a moment and whistled. Several healthy horses came out of the hills. Six people turned their horses. Suddenly went in the other direction.

Just as their figure disappeared on the horizon, more than a dozen people suddenly appeared in the shade of a tree about a hundred meters away from them. It was Xiao Yuxin and others.

"Sister Xin, why don't we take the opportunity to kill them Laofeng and Laoliang, they died so badly" Guo Ziyuan asked in a puzzled way.

Xiao Yuxin didn't answer, and Mo Lou next to him frowned and said: "You and them are easy to solve. If you don't hit it, those ring spirits will soon feel that fighting is happening here, once they return. We have no confidence in victory. "

"Mo Lou is right, Xiao Guo. There will be opportunities in the future." Min Qingshan patted Guo Ziyuan on the shoulder.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

"It seems that Saruman really formed an alliance with Sauron, which is a great blow to Middle-earth. Gandalf may be really dangerous." Aragorn couldn't help but worry about the safety of his old friend.

"Aragorn, don’t worry. Gandalf will definitely find a way to solve his problem. The real problem is now in front of us. Those spirituals can’t find us in front of you. You will definitely find it later. You are familiar with here. Do you have any good suggestions for the terrain," Xiao Yuxin asked.

"Let me think about it." Aragorn began to ponder.

After a moment, he raised his head: "We walked deep into the forest and along the direction of the river. If the spirits were smart enough, they knew we had to cross the river to reach Rivendell."

"You mean they will wait for us by the river," Xiao Yuxin asked.

"They will wait there. But it won't be long. The elves hate those dark creatures and won't let them wander there for too long. So they must still search us." Aragorn said.

"You mean, as long as we find a way to take the transitional step by step and cross the river, we don't have to worry about the attack of the Spirit of the Ring."

"Yes, Rivendell has a magic enchantment under the elves, which is dedicated to resisting evil creatures. Unless Mordor dispatches an army, it is impossible to break through the enchantment under the elves, even the ring spirit."

A group of people followed Aragorn along the path to the depths of the forest. This path is everywhere in the forest. Some are left by large beasts, but more are left by hunters and adventurers. This kind of footprint can't be checked with a little means. However, Aragorn prudently asked several hobbits to wrap their feet in cloth and walk. He was not worried that the hobbits would hurt their feet, but because the characteristics of their feet could easily guide the spirits.

In the evening, they approached the road again. Suddenly, Xiao Yuxin stopped and waited.

Aragorn walking in front stopped and looked at her suspiciously.

"Someone came here, as if he was a horse-riding elf." Xiao Yuxin whispered.

She has been attacked successively by the ring spirit and the gods of the hostile camp. She is now a lot more clever. Although the griffin is alert in the air, she still exerts magical tactics from time to time, scanning the surrounding scenes with her mental strength, and she found her own The scanning range has been expanded again, and the radius range is already two kilometers.

Hearing Xiao Yuxin's reminder, Aragorn hesitated a bit, but for safety's sake, he took everyone to hide behind a clump of bushes on the hills.

Sure enough, after a while, a brisk sound of horseshoes sounded. Although everyone believed what Xiao Yuxin said, but now the situation is special, no one knows what will happen next, especially the few hobbits, they have arrived The grass and trees were all soldiers, only Aragorn's eyes showed a smile.

The sky is getting darker and darker, the sound of horseshoes getting closer and closer, and a moment later, a white horse gallops like a meteor in front of everyone, in the twilight. This white horse and the knight on it are like elves in the night, they are already elves.

As soon as the knight appeared, Aragorn's face flashed with surprise. He jumped out of the bush and yelled to the side of the road: "Amin, it's me, We are here"

Sure enough, this is Amin who has unusual ambiguity with Aragorn. After hearing the movements on the hills, her bow and arrows are ready. She can launch a string at any time, but she sees that it is when Aragorn came down from the hill. A look of surprise immediately appeared on his face, and a series of elven language was spoken in his mouth.


---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

; "Awen, why are you here?" Aragorn asked strangely.

"Gandalf sent a letter to the father, saying that you may face dangers, so we must take those few Hobbits back to Rivendell." Ya Min replied.

this is. Xiao Yuxin and others took Frodo and others to run down from the hills. Xiao Yuxin glanced at her two ears, which are sharper than humans, and they were really elves. It's just that the ears look quite beautiful, and I don't know how the guys did it later. Some even described it as a rabbit, no wonder they couldn't find it.

After Frodo heard Arwen's words, he asked anxiously, "Will Gandalf be in Rivendell?"

"Hello Frodo, I am Arwen, and King Elrond is my father. I was on my way out. Gandalf just passed the news, and the father has already figured out a way to rescue him. It is estimated that when we go back I can see him."

"Arwen, how is the situation now?" Aragorn asked.

"No, there are servants sent by Sauron everywhere. The white robe wizard Saruman has publicly surrendered to Sauron. They summoned a large number of orcs and strong orcs. They formed a powerful army and the war will start at any time. "There was a look of fear and worry on Ya Min's face: "My companion has a news pot, saying that Sauron's nine ring spirits have been dispatched. Some people have seen a few on the ferry."

The more troublesome situation is that Sauron and Saruman are more powerful. According to Yamin, as United Ruman openly turned to Mordor, many grey robe wizards chose to follow Saruman. Some people claim to be neutral, and only a handful of people have clearly stated that they want to fight Mordor in the end; and what is more gratifying is that Frodo is not hurt by the magic sword like those in the movie, don't worry about him becoming Similar to the existence of the Ring Spirit, naturally there is no need to fight against him to rescue him~www.readwn.com~ However, time is still very urgent for Xiao Yuxin and others, and the army of Mordor is obviously convening a lot, and is not sure When a full-scale attack can be launched, that time is the end of Middle-earth, the Supreme Lord of the Rings must be destroyed before that time, otherwise even if the Supreme Lord of the Rings is not in Sauron’s hands, it will only prevent him from going in and out at will Mordor only, war is still inevitable.

"The main danger still comes from the Ring Spirit, and we can only return to Rivendell as soon as we get rid of them," Aragorn said.

"Then let's go, I know there is a mountain road, as long as it goes out, it is not far from the big river, we can cross the river calmly." Ya Min said.

She obviously had to be familiar with the situation here, although the sky was already dark, but she led the crowd into the darkness, as if the road was under her feet until dawn, and Amin stopped the crowd. In the footsteps, Frodo and others are going to sleep while walking, but Xiao Yuxin and others are also feeling exhausted. The Hobbit quickly found a nice place to rest under a big tree, and soon Snoring sounded.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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