Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 242 The Mutated Cube: Battle of the Sky of the Lord of the Rings (Part 1)

On the evening of the end of the meeting, a topic about the Lord of the Rings expedition was being downloaded in the tree house where the Hobbit lived.

"Frodo, since Sam can go there, I think you need a smarter player in your team, and I, Meili, and I can provide you with this service." Pi Hien knew when Sam sneaked into the venue. This is not the same as the plot because of injustice. At that time, the two of Meili also sneaked into the venue.

"This is not a good suggestion. In fact, when I fell asleep yesterday, I had a dream and was excited to finally get rid of the ring." Frodo said.

"We used to come to Rivendell together, aren't we partners? You have to abandon your partner," Pi Ying asked.

"Of course, we are partners to download." Frodo smiled.

"Everyone seems to have made a choice." Gandalf's voice came from the outside. "I originally wanted to come over and ask for advice, but now it seems that I can't use it."

The day of departure has finally arrived. Judging from the situation gathered from all sides, the situation is getting worse and worse. The dark forces belonging to Sauron and Saruman and their allies go out frequently, and people who do not want to submit to them all go to the west Fleeing, this makes the situation of Gondor who has been fighting Mordor more and more bad. Poromo has repeatedly asked the Lord of the Rings expedition to destroy the Lord of the Rings one day, which will make Gondor's blood shed less.

The pale colors in the sky and the bleak north wind howling in the woods like ghosts made the elves uncomfortable. At the east gate of Rivendell, the Lord of the Rings expedition was ready to go.

Xiao Yuxin glanced at the short sword under Frodo, probably the sword spike that Bilbo gave him. It is said that there was a mail armor made entirely of Mithril. Noting Xiao Yuxin's eyes, Frodo turned back and smiled. The trust and kindness in her eyes made her a little embarrassed. Just now she was calculating the two treasures.

"Aragorn, the holy sword has been recast. I hope you can use it to bring your people back to the glory of Ylandil." King Elrond gave the re-emerged sword to Aragorn.

Aragorn took over the sword of the king, clang pulled the blade out, a flash of cold light suddenly lit up, the sword was engraved with red sun and silver moon, and the pattern between the sun and the moon was on the sword. There are seven stars in the room, and there are many runes with mysterious power.

"Andorra, from today, it will accompany me to fight the darkness." Aragorn gave the new holy sword a name, but his expression was a bit sad, because he saw that there was no Yawen.

King Elrond reminded everyone: "You must be careful of Mordor's spies. Whether in the air, in the forest, or in the water, they are everywhere. You must change your route from time to time. If the road ahead is already blocked, then don't Take the risk, the Lord of the Rings must not fall into the hands of Sauron or Saruman, you can come back. You must know. The farther you leave, the more dangerous you will be when you return. The only news that can reassure you is that someone once The traces of the Ring Spirit have been found in Rohan and Gondor, and they may have acted separately."

"Should we go left or right"

Frodo stood outside the gate and looked up at Gandalf.

"Left." Gandalf said blankly.

Outside the city is a path created by the elves. A group of people walked along the path, further and further away from Rivendell, when Rivendell’s city head merged with the horizon. Pi Ying sighed for a long time: "I will miss Rui Wen

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Dell’s will also miss the beautiful Princess Amin, I wish I could see her again"

"If it's just this wish, it's not difficult to satisfy." A soft voice came from the side, and Amin, dressed in an elf warrior outfit, came out of the trees with a green short bow on his back. Her black hair was ponytailed and flicked behind her head, her eyes bright as stars in the dark.

"I hope to be fortunate to join the Lord of the Rings Expedition. Since no one of you refuses, then I think I agree." Ya Min's face showed a sweet smile.

"Princess Awen, in fact you didn't give us a chance to speak at all" Pi Pi said.

"Forget it, even if you say it, there will be no change in the result." Wu Ziniu's big hand rubbed his head twice, rubbing the little hobbit's hair messy, and his protests were direct. Was drowned in the laughter of everyone.

The appearance of Amin apparently does not conform to the original plot, but everyone has become accustomed to constant changes, and the group of people continue to move forward and walk out of a huge mountain range.

"We have to travel forty miles west of the Misty Mountains. If we are lucky, we can reach the Luohan Pass, and then go east from there to Mordor." Gandalf stood on the top of the mountain and pointed forward, Frodo looked at it blankly. The direction of Gandalf's finger, for him, is a carrier of the ring to send the ring into the magic and into the doomsday volcano.

"Come down and rest, lunch will be ready." Sam squatted by the campfire, and the rich smell of rice soon filled the top of the mountain.

"If Gandalf's words are okay, I mean, if we really follow the route he said, we can avoid the dangerous place in Moria. Should we push for it and hide it now so as not to be discovered by those crows?" Guo Ziyuan asked.

"Handsome pot, begging for wealth and danger, there are probably dwarves' treasures in Moria, and there are many orcs, for us, they are points and experience. If you arrive at Mordor without fear, even you Fortunately completed the task, will this lucky follow you all the time to kill more orc soldiers at this time, you can get a lot of experience and points, only the benefits are not harmful." Mo Lou patted Guo Ziyuan on the shoulder, calling his Foreigner.

"I am a handsome guy, not a handsome pot." Guo Ziyuan glared at Mo Lou with his teeth. This nickname was Mo Lou shouting first, and now everyone calls it that way.

"Almost I think it suits you very well." Mo Lou blinked innocently. Guo Ziyuan could only stare, who could not beat Mo Lou.

Xiao Yuxin stood up and looked out into the distance. She remembered that the crows from Denland were coming, but there was no movement.

"Xin, can you tell me about the outside world?" Ya Min asked behind Xiao Yuxin.

"outside world"

Xiao Yuxin began to describe to her the scenes before and after the catastrophe.

"Don't there be an eternal pure land in this world," Amin murmured.

"For us, the Pure Land is here forever."

Xiao Yuxin pointed to the position of the heart: "No matter how bad the environment is outside. No matter how sinister the human heart is, here we always keep a piece of pure land, it is the goal we want to protect, even if one day our life will end, But it always exists"

"Guarding the Pure Land" Amin murmured to himself, looking away from Aragorn, who seemed to feel her gaze. Aragorn turned around and smiled at her, the official who fell in love. He immediately turned red and became shy.


---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-


Suddenly, Legolas shouted. Then there was a sound of arrows breaking through the sky, and Xiao Yuxin looked up. I saw a humanoid with wings falling from the air, and a black shadow blasted towards the sky, slamming like a firework in the air.

"Is that an angel?" Guo Ziyuan asked the dwarf Jin Li next to him.

"Damn it is the wing man" Jin Li heavily grounded the ground with an axe handle, and then ran over with the battle axe, Guo Ziyuan and others quickly followed.

At this time, Xiao Yuxin, Gandalf, and Aragorn had come to the place where the wing man fell. Legolas had a good arrow. An arrow hit the chest and fell from the air to the bare rocky ground. Many bones of the corpse had broken. A weird v-shape was placed on the ground, like something hinting.

"It's really not an angel," Guo Ziyuan asked softly.

"He is a wing man, you can also call him a wing demon, don't look at his white wings, but it is a real dark race, it has nothing to do with goodness, and what you say is an angel," Jin Li asked. .

"The angel is the messenger who fell from the sky" Guo Ziyuan wiped sweat. For a long time, not everyone who uses magic knows what an angel is.

The winged man in front of him does not have any similarities with the angel except for a pair of snow-white wings. Although his torso is similar to humans, his face is somewhat like the legendary Leigong face, which is extremely ugly. There is no holy brilliance on his body~www.readwn.com~A pair of hands resembles bird claws.

"I'm afraid the news brought by this messenger is not good news. We will leave here soon. Unexpectedly, Saruman was able to get in touch with the Wing Man. This must be sent to him by Sauron," Gandalf shouted.

"Where are we going?" Polomo asked.

"Go to Carranras," Gandalf said loudly.

As Gandalf said, the crowd had just arrived in the hilly area, and a white cloud in the sky quickly flew towards this side.

"I thought there would be a group of crows, but a group of birds came unexpectedly," Mo Lou mumbled.

"Sister Xin, maybe we can hide it." Chen Ke said.

Xiao Yuxin knew that she was talking about absolutely blocking this skill and shook her head: "It's useless. Since they have confirmed that we are in this area, absolute blocking can only be applied for half an hour now, and it won't be able to hide for long."

"Then what should we do?" Pi Ying asked nervously.

"Fight, or hide, you have a choice." Jin Li said buzzingly.

"You have to be careful not to be shot by the wingman's arrows, they are highly toxic on the arrow clusters, very troublesome," Legolas reminded.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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