Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 249 The Cube of Variation: The Ancient Demon of the Lord of the Rings

Although the Orc's Arrow Rain caused a lot of trouble to everyone and the speed had to be reduced, the most terrifying thing was the inexplicable presence behind him. As the hot temperature rose, everyone seemed to have seen the death Lift the latest chapter of the black sickle to them.

"Gandalf, what is that thing behind?" Aragorn asked loudly.

"The flame demon, a demon from ancient times," Gandalf replied in a heavy voice. Obviously, the old wizard who had always been confident a hundred times had already calmed down.

"What about the demons from ancient times"

Xiao Yuxin, however, looks as if she is so energetic: "Our Lord of the Rings Expedition is responsible for the sacred mission of saving the Middle-Earth World. God will kill God, and Devil will kill the Devil.

The voice fell, a whistle or a roar came out from Xiao Yuxin's mouth, everyone had a feeling of witnessing the beauty becoming a beast, because this voice was not directed at them, so everyone could endure, only Gandalf changed Her face didn't wait for her to say that the half-orcs with cold arrows around them had made a panic sound, the arrow rain suddenly thinned out, and the pressing pressure behind him suddenly weakened, and the speed of everyone's running suddenly accelerated.

"How can you make the sound of the dragon race?" Gandalf's face was full of puzzlement.

"Sports skills" Xiao Yuxin is light and authentic.

If it wasn’t for the escape, Gandalf would have been so powerful that Long Yin would fall on the ground.

At this time, the Flame Demon in the back is getting faster and faster, it seems that he has found that the front is bluffing, and those half-orcs don’t know why, the arrows shot are weak, and I don’t know if they were shocked by the Dragon Yin Internal injuries.


There was a roar from the flame demon behind him. A heat wave suddenly rushed from behind, Xiao Yuxin felt that the clothes were going to catch fire. Her previous clothes had already suffered once. This is a windbreaker just pulled out, and she also wore a set of python leather armor. If you dress up and go to the street and keep the saliva on the ground, Xiao Yuxin is still very confident in her own conditions, but this does not mean that she is willing to let the fire grill again. Just when she was using thick armor to protect her coat, Gandalf shot, and a powerful magic shield enveloped him. Completely block the fire catching up behind.

"The Caesar Durham Bridge is in front, you're going to cross it," Gandalf shouted. He pulled out a sword around his waist, and Xiao Yuxin remembered that in the original book, the wizard was holding an excalibur, holding a climbing stick in one hand and a sword in the other. If you put on a nice set of armor again, you will be like an old Zhao Yun in front of Chang Banpo.

"Xing quickly leave here" a thunderous roar sounded in Xiao Yuxin's ear. The old wizard stared at her with a human-like look: "I am the oldest person in the team, and I am responsible for the safety of each of you."

"You go first"

Xiao Yuxin ordered Mo Lou and others to flash through the chain of his soul, and said to Gandalf: "Gandalf, as a mercenary, my task is to protect the safety of the employer."

Gandalf sighed, the flames rolling in front, he could not make Xiao Yuxin change his mind in a short time. He whispered: "We just need to stop it"

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---



A roar in front of him shook Xiao Yuxin's face, and when he raised his hand, more than ten ice cones shot into the flame in front.

Although it is said to be mutually exclusive, it is not absolute. Xiao Yuxin subconsciously wanted to test the strength of the ancient demon with this sharp magic attack.

The flame suddenly shrank violently, and then it looked like the same flower. Wrap those ice cones completely and then disappear without a sound.

"Red Lotus Demon Fire"

Gandalf's voice was low. He clenched the wand in his hand. "It can cast an offensive magic into defensive magic. This flaming demon is really powerful."

In the blazing fire, a tall figure walked over step by step. The true form of this flame demon cannot be seen even by Xiao Yuxin, who has the pupil of an elf. It is like a black monster with two curved heads. Horns, a slippery mane hangs from the back of the head to the waist, and there is a flame around it. Every time it takes a step, there is a flame splashing under its feet. Its left hand is a piece or a puff that changes from time to time. The flame in the shape of a soldier's blade, but the right hand is a nine-tailed whip composed entirely of flame.

At this time, Frodo had come to the Caesar Durham Bridge under the protection of Legolas, Aragorn, and others. Those half-orc archers were no longer able to fight the expedition under the attack of the gryphon and the bird body witch The team members pose a threat, and the most terrifying thing at the moment is the flame demon that is getting closer and closer.

The hoarse voice sounded in the dark, with a strange magic power that made everyone who heard it tremble. This was a terrible spell, so that Gandalf's body was trembling slightly, and he suddenly pushed the wand forward. In one fell swoop, thick lightning flashed at the flame demon in the flames.


A huge fireball suddenly appeared on the top of the mine tunnel, and immediately fell on Xiao Yuxin and Gandalf. The magic shield under Gandalf's protection groaned and shattered after resisting for a while.

"Holy Light"

Xiao Yuxin released her strongest defensive magic almost at the same time, and then fist to the flame demon to go to the star road

The flame demons' strength is definitely not what they can resist at present. Just like the spirit of the ring, the spirit of the ring is powerful, not only because of their strength, but also because of their immortal life. At the time of Sauron’s strongest strength, these ring spirits would be resurrected as soon as they died, but after Sauron lost the Supreme Ring, it would be difficult to resurrect them. After the ethnic split, almost no one can control. Therefore, these bosses must not be underestimated.

Since it won’t kill, then we have to find a way to suppress it, so Xiao Yuxin does not hesitate to exert the strongest punch power comparable to a meteor impact. Xiao Yuxin really is very good at the power of that blow, it is best to put it The head flame demon killed.


Shi Potian's fist, a big hole appeared on the ground, the flame demon was smashed straight into the pit by this fist, and the flame demon roared with pain.

"Gandalf, let's go"

Xiao Yuxin secretly shocked that this flame demon was too uncooperative, at least he had to pretend to have a pitiful appearance, such a powerful punch did not cause much harm to it, she was wrong. The reason why the flame demon was angry was that Because it is injured, and it is still very serious. If it is not super strong, I am afraid that it is dead at this time. Except for some injuries on the bones, the wounds on the surface of the body are rapidly

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Healing quickly, the dripping blood turned into a burning flame.

Gandalf was a cunning wizard, but also a relatively honest elder. He intentionally fell behind Xiao Yuxin and called her arrows from time to time for Orc, while Frodo and others were already approaching Caesar Governor. Mu bridge is on the other side.

The two had just boarded the bridge, and behind them came a roar, a sense of crisis suddenly poured into Xiao Yuxin's heart, she shouted: "Fallen"

In fact, it was enough for her to bend over, but Gandalf was tall and really had to make a big bow. He only heard a sound, and a fire wave passed over the heads of the two. Xiao Yuxin felt that her hair had a strange smell. The tail whip flew over the heads of the two.

A feeling of passing shoulder to shoulder with death was born spontaneously. Xiao Yuxin knew what Gandalf absolutely did, but she did not see it. When the nine-tailed whip swept over just now, Xiao Yuxin felt that her energy armor was all It seemed to be burning, the air seemed to be cracked by this whip, very terrifying, but when passing over her head, this feeling did not seem so strong, obviously there was a reason only Gandalf could do it .

Just as the two of them rushed to about one third of the bridge, the flame demon wrapped in a group of flames and suddenly rushed to the bridge deck. If it was chased by the bridge, it is estimated that the Lord of the Rings Expedition was not enough for a group fight. It was hit with one hand, so Gandalf quickly recited a spell, and suddenly put a witch on the bridge to resemble the original play world. The thick stone bridge was not broken by a piece of wood, but was magic. Under the effect of breaking.


The Flame Devil probably didn't expect Gandalf to be so determined. The huge body involuntarily fell with the gravel to the abyss below. Frodo and others who had reached the opposite side suddenly gave a cheer~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Yuxin watched nervously, she knew that the cunning flame demon would use the nine-tailed whip to pull Gandalf together into the abyss, but she didn't want to let this plot happen to save the old wizard a life, and would always give herself a little. As for whether it affected Gandalf's promotion, she ignored it directly.

Sure enough, just when Gandalf was distracted and relieved, a whiplash rolled from below, pulling him down the broken bridge. Gandalf was caught off guard. Although he hugged the broken bridge, his body was pulled down. go with.

To solve the problem to find the root cause, Xiao Yuxin was not interested in wrestling with an ancient demon. Just as Gandalf's body fell, she began to transform. Her long hair slowly changed from black to silver, and her fair complexion also changed. It became a healthy wheat color, and the upper parts of the two ears were pointed, more similar to the elves. The most surprising thing is that a pair of huge black light wings spread behind her, covered with silver magic patterns and Symbol, a very delicate set of elf armor emerged on the surface of the body, a silver sheathed long sword was worn around the waist, and the top of the hilt was inlaid with a black gem the size of a dove egg.

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while. She jumps into the sea and kills herself, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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