Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 252 The Mutated Cube: The New Crisis of the Lord of the Rings

Jin Li held the battle axe tightly, but he did not recklessly try to attack. As the son of the dwarf king, he was not stupid enough to try to resist in this case. Polomo held his long sword coldly. Looking at the tip of the arrow in front of him, it seems that he will use his eyes to push it back to the latest chapter.

"Don't the elves of Lothlorian entertain guests with arrows? Seems like this is not true at Rivendell" Xiao Yuxin snorted.

call out

Dozens of rattans sprang out of the ground like lightning, and swept the bows and arrows in the hands of the elves. The elves exclaimed, drawing their long swords from their waists and chopping them down. Retract underground.

"Well, when did the elf also start to plant?" Xiao Yuxin asked in a fuss.

"Put up the sword"

The elf officer looked at Xiao Yuxin and glared at the elves. The elves quickly put away their swords and picked up their bows and arrows, but they were embarrassed to point the arrows at Xiao Yuxin and others.

"Welcome to you, Princess Arwen, Prince Legolas, please forgive the temptation just now, purely because of this dwarf friend." The elf officer said, glancing at Jin Li with discomfort.


Jin Li turned his head: "The dwarves and elves are not friends."

The elf officer was not weak: "Yes, since the dwarf became evil, read the full text."

"That's not the dwarf's mistake." Jin Li's voice was obviously not straightened just now.

Instead of fighting with him, the elven officer said to Gandalf and others: "Gandalf, the gray robe wizard, we have received news from King Elrond. We have been waiting here for a long time. There are also half-orcs outside the Rothlorian Forest. Activities, we must immediately enter the depths of the forest."

The elves of Rothlorian are the elves of light, although they are the same race as the forest elves of Rivendell. But they do not belong to the same elf, and they have different attitudes towards dwarves and humans.

Under the **** of the elf warriors, a group of people quickly moved deep into the forest until the night when they came to the gathering place of the elves of light.

"Please wait."

The elf officer nodded slightly to the crowd and came to say hello under a tree. With a clatter, a rope ladder hung down between the branches and leaves. He turned to the two elves in the line and said, "Arwen, Legolas, please. Go up first. There are some things for my people to learn from you."

Amin and Legolas made a reassuring gesture to the crowd, followed the elf officer and climbed up the rope floor. And the other elf warriors were quickly hidden in darkness.

"What kind of situation is this?" Wu Ziniu asked: "Shouldn't we wait to wait for a while?"

"I'm afraid it is."

Mo Lou smiled and said: "Old Wu, you wouldn't say you have fear of heights"

"What a joke, how can I have acrophobia"

Wu Ziniu glared at her: "I'm afraid of being too heavy, this rope ladder can't bear me."

"Don't worry, our rope ladder is made of special materials. Even hanging a dragon is fine." The voice of the elf officer came from above.

"Hey, do you want us to sleep under the tree?" Pi Ying raised his head.

"Please come up." Elf officer said: "Your friends want to see you"

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---


It is hard to say whether the rope ladder can lift the dragon. But it was really strong. More than a dozen people climbed up the rope ladder, and the slender rope did not show any difficulty. Several hobbits are very nervous. For them, climbing such a high rope ladder is really not an easy task. Fortunately, there is someone to help behind them, and finally climbed to the top of the tree without incident.

The tree house of the light elves is built on a very special kind of tree. The lower branch is straight, almost perpendicular to the main trunk, and at the top, the branch branches off, forming a flat area with many branches. The elves laid a lot of wooden platforms on these branches, which can be used as an observation deck. You can also build a tree house on it.

Amin and Legolas were talking to several elves. After seeing them, Amin came forward and said, "Gandalf, we will rest here tonight, and we will meet the queen tomorrow."

"One night's rest" Gandalf hesitated.

"This is a must. Without the permission of the Empress, we can't cross the Rosslorian Forest." Legolas said: "My fellow races have seen a group of half-orcs heading towards the direction of Moria, presumably we are here Those who met in the mineway may now see the Saruman team outside the forest at any time. We will go on the road immediately after we met the queen yesterday so as not to cause trouble to them."


After groaning strangely in the golden bolt monster, but no longer speaking, an elf glanced at him, and then said to everyone: "My name is Harda, what can you call my name. And you,"

He looked at Xiao Yuxin, and his eyes looked a little soft: "Put your pets away, our soldiers are just negligent, and the injured next time may be your pets." After that, he and several other elves left this platform.

"Amin, these elves are really your compatriots, why is it different from your attitude?" Xiao Yuxin asked.

"After the dark age came, they entered the depths of the forest and had little communication with the outside world, so" Amin glanced at Gandalf but said nothing more.

"These are already history, and now it's useless to discuss, let's rest." Gandalf shook his head and found a place to lie down.

"Sister Xin, what should we do now Gandalf had already fallen into the abyss, but now we have been rescued, will the plot change?" Wen Yuxiu asked.


Xiao Yuxin sighed, and it seems that he still hasn't thought about it. At that time, he paid attention to the benefits at hand, but did not think about the consequences after changing the plot: "It seems that I was wrong. It should be right to let Gandalf fall."

"It can't be said that our entry was a change to the plot itself. If Gandalf really fell into the abyss, he might not be able to survive anymore, so there was no problem with the rescue." Yuxiu said.

"But the problem now is that the Flame Demon is not dead, Gandalf has not advanced, and the Flame Demon is not dead. We changed this plot a lot." Xiao Yuxin now suddenly realizes that she is too talented, and even wipes sweat.

"Perhaps this is the key. The Flame Demon will definitely appear in due course. That's probably the consequence of changing the story world." Wen Yuxiu said.

"But what should we do?" Xiao Yuxin sighed. If the Flame Demon reappeared, she wouldn't be sure she could deal with it. After all, her most powerful skill, Star Avenue Boxing, could only hurt the ancient one. The devil, and the holy elf, she can only stay for ten minutes.

"Sister Xin, I think the key lies here." Wen Yuxiu said.

"You are talking about the spirit of light" Xiao Yuxin's heart moved.

"Not bad. Elf Queen Kellan Trier

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

For those who are not short-sighted, why did it come in the dark age. She will lead the people back into the depths of the forest," Wen Yuxiu asked.

Xiao Yuxin thought for a while, and said, "She is not unwilling to fight side by side with her fellow clan. She must be defending something."

"Yes, I think so too."

Wen Yuxiu said: "In the original movie, when the Lord of the Rings expedition left Rivendell, Elrond had hardly ever delivered anything, but when the expedition came to the Rothian Forest. Kailan Cui Queen Ale speculates about the future for everyone and gives each team member suitable treasures. This shows that they are hidden in the forest, probably to end this dark age, and I believe that Queen Kelendrill will come up with a way."

"Hopefully, I remember that she has a magical artifact, and I hope to have the opportunity to see it tomorrow." Xiao Yuxin said.

The morning sun poured through branches and leaves on the platform. Xiao Yuxin woke up at the earliest, and she stood up to the edge of the platform and looked away. I saw that the river on the outer edge of the forest looked like a narrow belt at this time, radiating golden light in the morning light.

"It's beautiful, but I always think it's not as good as Charme, Xin, do you say we can go back to Chare?" Frodo's voice came from the side. His eyes were full of bewilderment.

"Yes, Frodo. You must also see the beautiful Shire. By that time, darkness will subside from this continent, and there will be no war in Middle-earth." Xiao Yuxin said softly.

"Will you?" Frodo lowered his gaze.

"Most definitely"

Xiao Yuxin put his hand on the shoulders of the Hobbit: "I believe in myself and believe in the confidence and trust of my peers as a prerequisite for victory."

"Thank you Xin, I will stick to the end" Frodo looked up gratefully at Xiao Yuxin~www.readwn.com~The elves were obviously not prepared to come up with a diet to entertain these uninvited guests, and waited for Xiao Yuxin to finish breakfast Afterwards, the elf named Harda came to take them on the road.

They walked a long way along the river, and Harda seemed to be taking them in circles.

"Sister Xin, have you noticed that the elf seems to be taking us around intentionally." Mo Lou said.

"Satisfy him, who makes us want people now? Didn't you see that Gandalf is about to get water lily grass?" Xiao Yuxin pointed to Gandalf, whose eyes were half-closed. The old wizard is now moving subconsciously subconsciously, anyway. The path has been taken several times.

In the afternoon, Harda probably felt almost the same, took them across a river, and continued to advance into the forest.

"Halda, although you live in the depths of the forest, you have not isolated the news from the outside world. Do you know what is going on outside now?" Legolas wanted to break the silence of this journey.

Hurda was silent for a while before frowning and replied: "Very bad. The outer periphery of the forest is no longer safe. The shadow is moving northward, encircling us, the mountains in the west are invaded by evil spirits, and the earth is in the east. Barren, covered with Sauron's minions, it is said that we can't even pass Rohan safely now, and that country is said to have been controlled by Saruman."


Polomo yelled, "This is impossible. I only passed by before going to Rivendell. How could it be controlled by Saruman"

"This is the case." Harda replied calmly.

Polomo's face suddenly looked hard: "It's unbelievable that if Luohan was controlled by Saruman, then Gondor would be in danger."

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