Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

: 259 The Cube of Variation: Medusa Golden Temple

The latest chapter of danger

As the level increases, Xiao Yuxin's sense of danger seems to be more sensitive. Although he does not have the ability to foresee, he is more accurate and specific in capturing the direction of the danger.

Just when a black streamer was lasing, Xiao Yuxin's body turned at a slight angle, the scimitar rolled up a strange sound, a black crossbow was lifted by the tip of the knife, and the powerful power contained above Shocked, she flew aside, knocking over a few strong orcs who couldn't reach.

However, the crisis has not been lifted. Xiao Yuxin is like a butterfly evading the storm. His body flickers continuously, and every time he evades, a crossbow will appear in his original position.

"It's worthy of being a monster transformed by elves," Xiao Yuxin praised. At the same time, Molou and others could release water.

Just as Gandalf and others escaped into the jungle, the strong orc leader also gave up chasing, and led a large group of strong orcs into the jungle like a tide for a while, and then calmed down in the jungle, Gandalf, etc. People also came out of the jungle.

"Treat everyone immediately"

The strong orcs are terrible, although everyone has improved, but after all, this is the battlefield, the most injured are the two newcomers, even under the protection of the summoned orcs, they have also scored a few ruthless bodies. Because of the excessive blood loss, both people's faces were pale, and only Xiao Yuxin, Gandalf, and Shen Ruolan were not injured.

"Frodo, Sam, are you okay?" Xiao Yuxin asked aloud.

The root of the big tree moved slightly, as if a layer of carpet had been rolled up. Frodo and Sam jumped up. The two of them patted on the mud while looking around.

"Don't watch it, we must leave here now"

Gandalf said. He looked at Polomo: "You are most familiar with the way to Luohan, and now you should lead the way. We must rush to Luohan in time to persuade the prince Qiyu Dun to join the Gondor alliance. Before the demise, stop Mordor and Saruman's army."

Hearing that the expedition was about to rush to Luohan, Polo Mo immediately doubled his courage, "Follow me, we will rush to Luohan as fast as possible, I know there is a shortcut"

Xiao Yuxin's remarks made it clear that it was effective. Aerial reconnaissance proves that all the strong orcs have poured into the Fagun Forest, which creates an excellent opportunity for the expedition to get rid of the pursuit. Under the leadership of Gandalf and Polomo, the group turned from the edge of the forest to the bank of Shumu River, and then came to the edge of Fagon Forest again.

"When will Gandalf, Xin, Piping and Merri come back to join us," Frodo asked.

"Relax. They will be fine." Gandalf looked at the forest. "We are camping here today. See if there is any news from them."

"Relax, absolutely nothing will happen." Xiao Yuxin said confidently: "The elves are the darlings of the forest. Even if they are in danger, neither Amin nor Legolas can run out of them. Familiarity and Aragorn’s experience, there will be no difficulty in getting rid of those stupid strong orcs"

However, when Xiao Yuxin and others camped on the edge of the forest. Aragorn and others are also fighting a group of strong orcs in the forest, but they are not alone. Dozens of treemen are slowly swinging their fists and feet. Those strong orcs have a strong body of more than a dozen

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

The tall treeman in front of him was not much stronger than the scarecrow. Legolas and Awen stood between the branches of the treeman and shot arrows calmly.

"These trees will help us. I knew that this would allow Frodo to walk with us." Merri prowled out among the thick foliage.

"We are not trees, but tree people"

A rumbling voice corrected: "Little Orcs. Your memory is too bad"

"Grandpa Shuren, we are not small orcs, or hobbits." Pi Ying shouted loudly.

"I remember, the little half-orc," replied that voice, he lifted his huge feet, stepped on a strong orc under his feet, and rubbed hard again: "Relax, there is no evil breath in your body. , And our elf friends are your fighting partners, so I will guarantee your safety."

"Uh, thank you." Pi Zin turned his head to look at the large groups of meatloaf-shaped objects behind him, and swallowed a bite of sour water. All the food had been spit out just now, but he couldn't help but want to see it.

The morning fog spread out from the forest. Several alert rabbits stretched their heads from behind in the bushes. After questioning the gray tents that appeared suddenly, they finally decided to stay away from the dangerous things. They just wanted to shrink. Back, suddenly there were several rattan sticks sticking out of the ground, and a few rabbits had no time to kick their legs, and there was no sound.

It didn’t take long before there was a voice in the tent, and Xiao Yuxin and others walked out one after another. Although they didn’t get the most wanted news for this night’s waiting, everyone was fully rested and one by one.

"Everybody will act quickly, we must speed up the way." Poromo took a sip of Lambaz and began to prepare to go on the road.

"I can't walk, the situation is urgent"

Gandalf grunted, and then he raised his head and blew a loud whistle; the sound was clear and loud, which surprised everyone else. It was hard to imagine that this sound would come from the old man. He whistled three times, and from a distant place, the crowd heard the hiss of horses and flew over by the east wind, and they waited for a miracle to happen. Soon after, the sound of horseshoes came, and everyone looked up and saw that more than ten healthy horses were coming, and the front was a beautiful tall white horse.

Polomo showed an envious look on his face and said, "I have never seen such a beautiful horse"

"Of course, you won't have any chance to see such a horse in the future"

Gandalf said proudly: "This is the shadow disease. It is the king of the horses, and even the king of the Luohan Kingdom, Xi Youdun has never seen a better horse than it, it came to me."

During the talk, the horses had already come near, and Yingji ran to Gandalf, lovingly rubbing his robe with his head, and it seemed that Xiao Yuxin was a little jealous, and almost summoned his nightmare.

"Okay. Let's enter the Luohan Kingdom faster, otherwise Saruman will speed up the control of the Luohan Kingdom, and Gondor will be in danger." Gandalf turned his horse and waited for everyone to mount, then he urged him The Youton Palace was flying away, Xiao Yuxin and others also followed the horse, everything in the woods and the valley quickly flashed behind them, and only the rumble of horseshoes always accompanied them to move forward.

For the next few days, they were racing between the grassy plains and the valley. They only dismount and eat and drink water when necessary, and then feed the horses. In the evening, they only took very little time to rest. When the sun rose for the fourth time, they finally saw the magnificent city in the distance.

"Look there

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

It is the city of Idoras and the Golden Temple of Medusa, the royal palace of King Gyudun of the Rohan Kingdom. "Gandalf pointed to the front.

"Ready to fight."

Xiao Yuxin whispered. According to the plot in the movie, Seaton has been controlled by Saruman. But his ministers, princes, and princes all fought against each other, but there was no order from Hilton. They also can't organize effective resistance like scattered sand.

However, the current plot world seems to be a bit wrong. God knows how strong that Saruman has control of Seaton. If she can get it through a **** battle, of course she must be fully prepared.

Gandalf was also clearly aware of the status of Seaton, and he said to everyone in a deep voice: "Everyone must be prepared to fight, but don't take out their weapons. Don't offend each other. We have to exercise restraint and wait until we see Seaton. "

After he finished speaking, he urged the horse to go forward to the city of Idoras, and the people quickly followed up for a short time. Everyone has come to the city, the city gate has not closed. But the whole city seemed silent, and even the guard's face was filled with numb expression.

"Isn't it the place that has been occupied by Saruman?" Wu Ziniu whispered.

"Nonsense, if they were really occupied by Saruman, those soldiers would have rushed up to grab us, but now they seem to be lifeless. It turns out that the Luohan Kingdom has been so bad." Gandalf's face was full of Worried look.

He quickly advanced into the city, and Xiao Yuxin and others protected Frodo from walking behind the team. After walking into the city, he found that the oncoming Luohan Tieqi just looked at them suspiciously and walked away, while more civilians were looking at everyone with a blank eyes~www.readwn.com~ I am afraid that even they themselves do not know what the situation is now.

"How do I feel so lifeless here, even the cemetery is more lively than here." Guo Ziyuan whispered softly.

"Don't talk nonsense"

Xiao Yuxin glared at him. The closer he was to the Golden Temple of Medusa, the more guards there were. Some people had noticed these strange people and went back to report, while others carefully followed behind them. Faintly glorious.

"Everyone pays attention to restraint, they are not our enemies," Gandalf whispered to everyone, and at the same time, he turned over and came down from the horse, and led the horse in the direction of Giudon.

In order to show their respect for King Seaton, the group came down immediately and led the horse to the Golden Temple of Medusa. They loosened the horse reins and allowed the horses to wait on the open ground by themselves. The group led by Gandalf and stepped up the steps.

Just halfway through them, the gate of the palace was suddenly violently opened from the inside. A burly general led by several guards stepped out. He shouted to everyone on the steps: "You want to ask to see my king"

Friends old works, finished

Fox Legend: A business woman who is frustrated by emotions can't think of it for a while, jump into the sea and kill her life, but she magically reborn on a foreign land and became a Fox sacrifice, and her racial abilities have also been awakened. For a new life

Wealthy soldiers of the rich country, founded schools, took the road of saving the country by industry, let the barren land rejuvenate, and let the impoverished Bimon Empire stand on the top of the mainland.

The beautiful peacock girl\strong panda warrior\fantastic magic\bright war song together tells the legendary story of the Fox girl. The collection and collation are to be continued. The copyright belongs to the author or the publisher.

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